The typeface (font) is difficult to read. Try a slab serif like Museo 500 or something like that. It's very contemporary, yet traditional. Museo 500 slab and Museo 500 Italic are free on right now, although the entire set is about $100. Slab-serif faces are very "in" right now, as is the color yellow, which I see you've chosen. If you don't want to have to redesign next year (neon orange is next, by the way) then go with Helvetica Neue (any face, really) and use a teal color. Your brand identity isn't really clear. I see that it's a marketing firm, but really see nothing else. Make your homepage very simple, and make the click-throughs Flash so it's ultra fast. Your mission statement and portfolio need their own page, ideally. The video is great, by the way. Definitely makes clientele feel welcome and comfortable, yet still shows a professional set-up.