Charlize Theron dressing her black adopted son in a blonde wig and dress...Vol...fam..

If men are at most victims of double standards, it shows how much privileged men are in society than women.
Please tell me how much more men are persecuted in society than women. I'd love to hear it.

Who said something about persecution? All I said was double standards exist, we all know this. Not cool for a boy to wear a dress but a girl can wear jeans. Promiscuous women are looked at as **** but a promiscuous guy is a ladies man. A woman can be broke and have a man take care of them it'll be all good, if a man is broke and has a woman take care of him he would be better off dead...and so on and so on...
Who said something about persecution? All I said was double standards exist, we all know this. Not cool for a boy to wear a dress but a girl can wear jeans. Promiscuous women are looked at as **** but a promiscuous guy is a ladies man. A woman can be broke and have a man take care of them it'll be all good, if a man is broke and has a woman take care of him he would be better off dead...and so on and so on...

Not trying to be condescending but what are you getting at?
If the kid wants to wear it let it be more power to the parent for allowing it he may grow up to be like Magic Johnsons son who is a successful designer who knows
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i'd hope my children weren't homosexual because i would like to have grandchildren.

and it's against mother nature.
Trolling :rofl:

Why ppl acting like double standards don't exist though?
Why do ppl act like because they exist they're acceptable?

Not trying to be condescending but what are you getting at?

Dude was just stating the obvious and not making any actual point? :lol:
Dumb dumb ******
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What do you all think about same sex couples who adopt kids? 

A girl from my HS who dated my friend for about a year and a half had two moms who adopted her in her teens. 

After she broke up with him she started dating girls. My friend swore it was her moms who persuaded her/turned her lesbian.

I personally don't know if that was the case, but I do think being in a same sex household would change how you look at that type of relationship :nerd:

Nope. No way. Thats not possible. She had to have been born that way.

I doubt it, I think he's just ignorant.
Nah DC and other dude just went pgs saying we're not ignorant, we never said anything offensive, playing the victim asking us not to interpret what they're implying with their statements and then this dude (who been posting) hops in and just openly posts what we all assumed/knew :lol:

That's the trolling.
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"liek OMG THINK OF ALL THE MEN ACTING LIKE WOMEN! MEN ARE VICTIMS!" - what y'all sounding like

Prove me wrong otherwise.
I just always  assume that Jalepeno is typing in a sarcastic manner
 i always assume you are trolling everyone you love to disagree with everyone. 

i imagine you are drunk when you get on NT
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Nope. No way. Thats not possible. She had to have been born that way.
Wow, one example convinced you of that

What do you all think about same sex couples who adopt kids? 

A girl from my HS who dated my friend for about a year and a half had two moms who adopted her in her teens. 

After she broke up with him she started dating girls. My friend swore it was her moms who persuaded her/turned her lesbian.

I personally don't know if that was the case, but I do think being in a same sex household would change how you look at that type of relationship 
Nope. No way. Thats not possible. She had to have been born that way.
So you're saying she was born lesbian or bisexual and not straight? So you believe someone can't be born straight and then turn lesbian? Most people are conditioned that a relationship is male and female, and not male/male or female/female. But I personally believe her exposure to her female/female parent relationship opened her up to a new idea of what is right vs wrong, or in this case what isn't wrong, which is same sex couples being allowed. I think she developed an appreciation for that female/female relationship which was raising her, so she tried it out, then ultimately decided to go down that path. 
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So you're saying she was born lesbian or bisexual and not straight? So you believe someone can't be born straight and then turn lesbian? Most people are conditioned that a relationship is male and female, and not male/male or female/female. But I personally believe her exposure to her female/female parent relationship opened her up to a new idea of what is right vs wrong, or in this case what isn't wrong, which is same sex couples being allowed. I think she developed an appreciation for that female/female relationship which was raising her, so she tried it out, then ultimately decided to go down that path. 
wrong. you have to be born gay.  you could be born to an all gay family with gay older siblings and that has no bearing on your sexual preference. 

its mother nature...there are gay animals b.
How do you know they are homophobic though ? Y'all just like slapping titles on everything and everyone.

Oh I gotcha buddy:

i'd hope my children weren't homosexual because i would like to have grandchildren. and it's against mother nature.

That was in this thread, btw. All you had to do was dig.

Frank the homophobe:

I said it before and I'll say it again, every person who supports homosexuality does so out of personal bias or politically correct ambivalence. I guess anyone can do anything they want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else in the name of tolerance. Thats unrealistic for any society, especially american society.

I'm sure I can pull some quotes on you too fam.
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