Charlize Theron dressing her black adopted son in a blonde wig and dress...Vol...fam..

Don't play your game with me, bro.:lol:

You know what I meant. Not quite sure where I made you seem like devil's. My point is I wouldn't immediately say no...and I'd also like to think that I would buy it for him. I'm just being realistic in that I don't have children and I can't say and be 100% positive until I'm in the moment.
Nobody is playing a game. Don't use that cop out.

You came in the thread GETTING ON FOLKS for how they said they would handle it and then you turn around and basically say you would do the same thing. And then you MAKE UP this idea of US saying we would SHUN the dude, when nobody even said that.

I am sure any man on here that has a a boy would EXPLAIN to his boy why it isn't cool for him to walk around in girls clothes (The same thing you said you would do).

So I am just wondering how your stance is/was any different than anything anyone else had already stated.

Yet you are convincing yourself you are taking a different stance
I came in getting on people?

Agree to disagree.
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to stop dressing her child in dresses

to come out publicly and say blacklivesmatter

to donate 100% of her accumulated movie revenue to the naacp

-It is her ******* kid, she can dress him how she wants.

-That would be nice, but that is not mandated of her and any white person to say. Especially since it is a hallow political statement really. Supporting social justice policies is much more concrete.

-The NAACP is not the best choice to give your money too, and now she has to give all her money away, why? Because she happens to be white?

These demands are ridiculous, especially when ole girl has done nothing really but lived her life.

-And like I said, go back and look at how you moved the goal post.
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You say this like black parents can better make sense of something as hateful and senseless as racism and police corruption.
No, I say it as if a black child can actually FEEL as one more naturally than they would with a white parent in an era where white cops are blowing little black boys' brains out.
You say this based off experience as a child of a white parent and black parent or conjecture?

The children will get the best available. If there aint no older black ppl around then the kid is gonna have to deal alone (if he also doesn't have black friends).

You went from what will a white parent say to make sense of the situation - I explain how and you push the goal posts back - to how will the child feel as one naturally :lol:

Well they won't because their parents are not black obviously. So the kid won't get that "natural feel as one" from them.

The Charlizes and Sandras of the world will just have to ask Will Smith or Don Cheadle to come over and give their black sons that talk. Those dudes are more than capable.

I honestly can't say how I'd react, but I'd like to think that I wouldn't shun my child the way you all expect someone to.
THIS is getting on people. You made this up out of thin air because NOBODY said that should be done to a child. 
C'mon girl, you imply this every time you ask who wants a gay son. This is just a different variation of that.
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I honestly can't say how I'd react, but I'd like to think that I wouldn't shun my child the way you all expect someone to.
THIS is getting on people. You made this up out of thin air because NOBODY said that should be done to a child. 
This is your proof of me 'getting on' people?

Aight bro. I'll edit the post and replace 'shun' with something more palatable for you.

Like I said, agree to disagree.
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If you can't talk like an adult and DISCUSS, don't address me. Stop taking shots and discuss the actual TOPIC

Yea, because we didn't HEAR about it means it doesn't exist?

How should something like that even be reported? Tell me?
Took a shot? Boy, where? :lol:

I mean, if you're saying that such a thing exist, why haven't we ever heard anything like it?

You just can't say unicorns are black and not expect someone not to fact check you. Then hide behind the 'well just because the data doesn't exist doesn't make it not true' excuse.

Stand up to what you say bruh. Or don't make outlandish statements.
What's done is done. My point is you purposely made up an opposing point that NOBODY even presented to make yourself look good. Or for whatever reason you did it.
Again, what does the word FORCE even mean when talking about parenting?

Parents "force" things on their kids every day.
In this case, "force" to me would mean that she is picking out dresses for the kid to wear and the kid just goes along with it, as opposed to the kid making his own decision and saying he wants to wear a dress and she buys it for him.
[thread="652769"] [/thread]

shes from south africa im sure shes familiar with their history of apartheid

and im sure shes benefitted from that in some way

her hands arent any cleaner than any descendants of slave masters here in america

So she personally has to pay some sort of reparations because she happens to be white.

That sounds ******* ridiculous.

And I am a supporter of reparations
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How is it OUTLANDISH, tk say it is MORE beneficial for a black child to be lead by someone thst doesn't look like his oppressors? (Barring financials)
What's done is done. My point is you purposely made up an opposing point that NOBODY even presented to make yourself look good. Or for whatever reason you did it.
To make myself look good? How?:lol:

And where did I say that I wouldn't buy the dress?

All I did was temper my response with the reality that I don't have kids and I can't say right now how I'd react to something like that. When I do have a son if I were posed with that question I may react differently than I do reading a thread on NT.
You come up with some pretty lame excuses every time don't you.

How come Obama didn't have those issues? How come we never heard anything in the news about black men raised by other races being messed up psychologically?
If you can't talk like an adult and DISCUSS, don't address me. Stop taking shots and discuss the actual TOPIC

Yea, because we didn't HEAR about it means it doesn't exist?

How should something like that even be reported? Tell me?
Exactly how prevalent is it exactly?

How many young black men with white parents on average are suffering from the not feeling naturally as one talk about racism and police brutality?

How far up your *** will you reach?
What's done is done. My point is you purposely made up an opposing point that NOBODY even presented to make yourself look good. Or for whatever reason you did it.
To act as if he is "progressive".
For what? To show off for you guys? I honestly don't get what I had to gain by coming on here the way you two seem to think I did swinging my **** around and judging everyone.

I apologize if that's how I came off. I wouldn't want to condescend because there is no right answer to this question. it's a discussion...that would explain the grey in my response and probably why DC thinks I was just trying to gain some PC brownie points or something.

So I stand by my words, but I apologize if I was offensive.
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How is it OUTLANDISH, tk say it is MORE beneficial for a black child to be lead by someone thst doesn't look like his oppressors? (Barring financials)
It's a rather black and white statement, no pun intended. All depends on the parents and their awareness of the social issues minorities go through.


Let's use Ninjahood here as a hypothetical example. He flat out denies the existence of systemic racism and comes off as dismissive of racism in general. If you had to pick between the two, would it not be more beneficial for a minority child in that case to be raised by a white family who is more educated on (systemic) racism and how it affects minorities? Despite them having the appearance of the oppressor.
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No, I say it as if a black child can actually FEEL as one more naturally than they would with a white parent in an era where white cops are blowing little black boys' brains out.

Being able to relate is VERY important in these times.

If the person I look to and trust looks like the same system that hates my people, IT WILL have a psychological effect.

Whether it is conscious or subconscious
This is what outlandish is.
to stop dressing her child in dresses

to come out publicly and say blacklivesmatter

to donate 100% of her accumulated movie revenue to the naacp
Damn brah 100%

She adopted 2 African children, she's an activist  and start and organization to help african youth and the fight against HIV/AIDS....and now she should give all of her money to the naacp? Aight man 
For what? To show off for you guys? I honestly don't get what I had to gain by coming on here the way you two seem to think I did swinging my **** around and judging everyone.

I apologize if that's how I came off. I wouldn't want to condescend because there is no right answer to this question. it's a discussion...that would explain the grey in my response and probably why DC thinks I was just trying to gain some PC brownie points or something.

So I stand by my words, but I apologize if I was offensive.
I see being fake progressive is the new thing around here

This. Cats come in endorsing all sorts of foolishness not to ruffle any feathers. These the same cats who see unjust behavior going down and rather than speaking up, they sit aside going along with it hoping not to ruffle any feathers .
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No, I say it as if a black child can actually FEEL as one more naturally than they would with a white parent in an era where white cops are blowing little black boys' brains out.

Being able to relate is VERY important in these times.

If the person I look to and trust looks like the same system that hates my people, IT WILL have a psychological effect.

Whether it is conscious or subconscious
This is what outlandish is.
DC about to reveal that doctorate in psychology focusing on children and adolescence he just got.

Post that dissertation b. Just the thesis statement to start us off.
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The scrutiny is on 1000 trillion.

Like the next thing she'd have to do is join the BPP :lol:
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