~~~~| Celebrities Rockin Heat (Fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. IV | ~~~~



Daniel leathers in Delancy is a current fav for da NYC rappers.
pardon mio?
im testing... I was able to upload pics of nitty with no panty but it would not let me upload pics of her by herself. Its letting me joe rogan....let me try nitty again......and....

"Something went wrong please.contact administrator"
Nope wont let me post her
Something must have just been wrong with the pics as the MMA otherground general forum wouldn't let me post them either.
They are far more relaxed on the rules around sexiness.
Dominicans do beisbol, not futbol.
Non-Latinos be talkin out their asses just like that other dude who said Latinos will support anything. That is FALSE. I'm Latino and I don't support Banda/Regional music, etc. and there's also Latinos that don't support Reggaeton, they even made their own anti-Reggaeton movement (that ish has gone nowhere lmao). If only Latinos rocked with Reggaeton it wouldn't be as huge as it is, it's huge because different races/ethnicities F with it from all over the world, period. Getting back to the Futbol, yeah Beisbol represents DR but nowadays there's also Dominicans that enjoy watching Futbol.
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