Career-Wise...How Late Is "Too Late"?

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

networking outweighs everything else.

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*- The best network you can build is in college, unfortunately, some college students haven't figured that out.

I disagree, networking is just part of the equation, BALANCE is the keyNetwork + education + personality + common sense = formula to success IMO
6 got dem handlez how old are you dude? I hope for the life of you, you aren't a day past 17. But honestly there isn't necessarily a age per say where it's "too late". But once someone other than yourself is depending on you everything changes. You can be 30 with no kids and start a new career path, but $$## you can be 22 with a family and them 4 years in school are simply out of the question. Every situation is different, but I think you pretty much know within yourself when it's too late. 
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

networking outweighs everything else.

Spoiler [+]
*- The best network you can build is in college, unfortunately, some college students haven't figured that out.

I disagree, networking is just part of the equation, BALANCE is the keyNetwork + education + personality + common sense = formula to success IMO

P=perfomance 10%

I=Image 60%

Exposure 30%

what professor told me...i hate it but true.
There are folks in their late 30's starting their first year of med school, and you're over here at the ripe age of 24 thinking it's too late. Not sure if serious.
There will always be time to further yourself. Why do you think theyre are people in their 40's in college classes? Because theyre finally ready to better themselves and have a better life. Keep your head up, you will always have time to learn.
"What's the world's greatest lie?... It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate."

Re-reading the alchemist for the first time in years and this little nuglet hit home with me this time around.
My god mother had a good friend that was a succesful corporate attorney for a large financial company & always wanted to be a pediatrician. When she turned 40 she began getting her pre recs done for getting into med school. Once that was out of the way, she went to med school & actually finished early. She's been a pediatrician for the last 7-8 years now & loving it. You can do whatever it is you want to do at whatever given time if you've got the drive & the work ethic to get it. Good luck with whatever it is you wish to do.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

networking outweighs everything else.

Spoiler [+]
*- The best network you can build is in college, unfortunately, some college students haven't figured that out.

I disagree, networking is just part of the equation, BALANCE is the keyNetwork + education + personality + common sense = formula to success IMO

You forgot hard work
I remember in my classes back then, Ive had class with people old enough to be a grandparent. If they can do it, I'm sure you can too. Keep ya head up

6 got dem handlez wrote:

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

I met King James in person, changed my life forever.


dude is talented but unless he gave you a mill or some money tips how he changed your life?  Lebron might of made himself the ball player he is today but for damn sure money made him the man he is today so why worship dude he is just like one of yall if a bomb drops in miami you might be sharing blood with him on the floor
 #%*! Lebron and.....

Originally Posted by ksteezy

im biased....but here goes my advice.

find the cheapest nursing/radiology/respiratory program around your way
enroll in their waitinglist
get the pre reqs out the way in the meantime
if you do everything right, in 3 years minimum (youll be 27 by then) youll be out there with a degree that will most likely guarantee you a job SOMEWHERE.
try your best to get a nightshift
re-analyze your life then and perhaps go back to school if you want to do something'll have the time ( the jobs i mention, most of them are 12 hour shifts, 3 shifts a week), you'll have the money (these jobs depending on your state and which one you chose...youll be in the 50k to 75k a year starting)

i wish my wife would have listened to me when i told her this at arounf that same age, now shes about to be 29 and is FINALLY taking my advice.

People make stuff like this so complicated.  They add too many other variables or are just lazy.  Life isn't eazy but people shouldn't make it harder than it should be. 
Stick with a simple plan like this and be flexible; however, do not stop climbing up this mountain of success... keeping moving forward into the future.

OP, I don't know what you've been doing for the last 24 years of your life.. but I'm guessing you just sucked at life for 24 years. 
You need to learn to become a real man.  Real men try to conquer the world.  Real men don't let the world pass them by.  You need a plan and you need to stick with it and keep going.

Also, if you don't have much passion for many things in life... that's fine... just don't major in English, philosophy, or communication.  You better have a technical skill when you graduate.
And don't get yourself into debt.
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