CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLIDER (04/04/14) - BluRay 09/09/14

It's started off as shield (good team) .shield had defeated hydra and thought hydra was gone.BUT hydra had hidden people shield didn't know about and slowly made its way into the shield organization.gaining top ranks and the trust of everyone.think of it as the devils minions taking over heaven and nobody realizing they were actually worshipping the devil instead of god
It's started off as shield (good team) .shield had defeated hydra and thought hydra was gone.BUT hydra had hidden people shield didn't know about and slowly made its way into the shield organization.gaining top ranks and the trust of everyone.think of it as the devils minions taking over heaven and nobody realizing they were actually worshipping the devil instead of god

I get it. Good looks
Nah, they no longer have to stretch out the returning Avengers getting along, Stark will simply have snark remarks and couple of small quibbles here and there but they all get along well now. 3/4 of Avengers felt like it dealt with their interactions and how they got along, there will be none of that in A2 and no point in summarizing what they have been doing, people already saw the prior films. Thor is already on Earth with Jane, IM has no more arc in his chest and Cap is searching for Bucky. It's easy to just call these guys together or have them all be involved together.

I wouldn't say they all get along. They were pretty much forced to band together. One of the best things in the first film was them bickering.
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movie was dope.  Just wondering why, if all this takes place in the same universe as the rest of the Avengers, if SHIELD was gonna kills millions of people in an instant, more heroes weren't involved.  

And Stark didn't pick up all that information when he hacked the helicarrier in the first Avengers?
I would figure by this moment, people will just assume that they got other things going on.
Anyone who's familiar with Joss Whedon 's writing knows that the quarrels in house is not going to stop with Avengers 1. He loves tension between heroes. It's a trademark of his.

Fury's part in the sequel is going to be downsized from the original. No one is going to be reporting to Fury. With Shield gone, I think it's going to be more about the Avengers assembling themselves.

It really shouldn't take too long to establish Ultron as the villain in A2. I just don't know how they're going to juggle hydra and the two mutants and Ultron at the same time. Definitely a lot of variables in the sequel.

**** better be three hours long.
People are just going to have to get over heroes not chipping in the climax of each other's movies. The climax of every solo film would be disgustingly short and it wouldn't be as awesome when they do get together for the ensemble films.
I wouldn't say they all get along. They were pretty much forced to band together. One of the best things in the first film was them bickering.

That is why I said they all get along well NOW as in after the film. They were certainly on the same wavelength pretty much after Coulson died and that ending certainly gave you an impression they all respected each other.
Anyone who's familiar with Joss Whedon 's writing knows that the quarrels in house is not going to stop with Avengers 1. He loves tension between heroes. It's a trademark of his.

Fury's part in the sequel is going to be downsized from the original. No one is going to be reporting to Fury. With Shield gone, I think it's going to be more about the Avengers assembling themselves.

It really shouldn't take too long to establish Ultron as the villain in A2. I just don't know how they're going to juggle hydra and the two mutants and Ultron at the same time. Definitely a lot of variables in the sequel.

**** better be three hours long.

Nah, Whedon doesn't have to worry about "juggling" Hydra and QS/SW, for all we know QS/SW are involved with Hydra. Hydra is already fleshed out in Cap2, no need to fully commit to explaining any of their motive further outside of a new plan. Hydra is just a villain organization at this point and that's pretty they just have to be, no depth needed there.

Ultron is and should be the main focus, adding two new heroes and explaining where Barton and Hulk should be simple enough and getting together.

It should be easy enough to get everyone together, as Fury said they'll come when needed even if they are realms apart. Whedon or Feige already said we'll find out why each heroes didn't come to help the others in their own films so we going to just have to wait and see.

I think it'll get more complicated when A3 comes along and they try to put all the heroes (new and old) into the same film, I do think some heroes will be gone or excluded for 3rd film though.
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I wouldn't say they all get along. They were pretty much forced to band together. One of the best things in the first film was them bickering.

That is why I said they all get along well NOW as in after the film. They were certainly on the same wavelength pretty much after Coulson died and that ending certainly gave you an impression they all respected each other.
wait so as someone who doesnt watch the show did he really die or no???
explain what REALLY happened to dude
He did died but to be honest, it isn't really clear yet what they did to him. All we know is...

dude came back to life because of Fury by injecting him blood of some alien (supposedly Kree) and then they tried to erase or change his memory.

I mean that is kind of an explanation but it's still all very vague and there are still mysteries on what exactly happened and exactly why they did it.
Yeah most of A2 should focus on Ultron. The twins will play a part of it but they won't be a big deal imo. They're going to have a fairly simple arc.
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so are the twins bad guys or good guys? if they were truly bad guys then hydra wouldnt have them locked up in those rooms

maybe they are trained to be bad but turn good when they finally get to interact with the outside world
As Baron said at the end of this film, they were "volunteers" and were being experimented on. Put "volunteers" into quotes as we don't know if he was being sarcastic.

Rumors are that they'll start out bad and then turn good. We shall see.
He did died but to be honest, it isn't really clear yet what they did to him. All we know is...

dude came back to life because of Fury by injecting him blood of some alien (supposedly Kree) and then they tried to erase or change his memory.

I mean that is kind of an explanation but it's still all very vague and there are still mysteries on what exactly happened and exactly why they did it.
that mad zero sense to me
is that show as bad as people say????
It's gotten better, it was mainly bad because of all the breaks they made to make it coincide with the films (Thor 2 and Cap2).

Pretty much why most believe they'll start of as bad guys. Not to think too far ahead, but they will need Wanda to help defeat Thanos in A3
Maybe that's how Jarvis becomes Ultron? He figures out that Stark is just too stupid so he takes over all his tech.
:lol: Possibly but at some point they'd have to explain when Jarvis became sentient cuz the way I've viewed is it's just an advanced helper program that executes his commands. If it gets his brain patterns though.
movie was dope.  Just wondering why, if all this takes place in the same universe as the rest of the Avengers, if SHIELD was gonna kills millions of people in an instant, more heroes weren't involved.  

And Stark didn't pick up all that information when he hacked the helicarrier in the first Avengers?
From my understanding this movie happened before IM3, hence why nobody came to help Tony during all of that, not even SHIELD (unless Garry Shandling was in IM3 and not in jail, I forget). So nobody comes to stop Hydra cuz Stark destroyed all his suits, Hawkeye is useless, Thor is once again stuck in Asgard, and well Hulk isn't really the guy you want to call in for this.

Stark hacked in to SHIELD to get specific info, he wasn't just randomly searching for anything. Besides that I doubt Hydra would keep their main plans in any of the SHIELD top secret files.
Jarvis has always been ahead of just executing commands tho hasn't he? I coulda swore he's done things prior to Stark telling him, but I could be off on that, or they could be minute details pre programmed I suppose.
I have feeling it'll be made or evolve from HYDRA tech which we used to think were SHIELD tech.

And they really do not have to address Stark tech being stolen, they already planted the seed when they said Stark helped with the Insight helicarriers. They can just go from there and add it to Ultrons monologue as he explains his purpose and birth.

That's what I thought too. /: didnt know this was even a debate.

movie was dope.  Just wondering why, if all this takes place in the same universe as the rest of the Avengers, if SHIELD was gonna kills millions of people in an instant, more heroes weren't involved.  

And Stark didn't pick up all that information when he hacked the helicarrier in the first Avengers?

Cuz they only have like 8 heroes so far. In all honesty out of all the films this was the one where "How come the rest of the avengers didn't show up" won't work. This film felt secluded. While we are on that subject what if no avenger helps the others because they cant get along?
that mad zero sense to me
is that show as bad as people say????

It is the worst. Watched the first 8 episodes. Showed a lot of faith. I want my 8 hours back. I never got to the Deathlok episode but I bet if a cosplayer had access to those same funds their costume would be better.

IDK who these characters are but look at these cosplayers

Now look at this. Granted no one expected Deathlok to look like how he does in the comics but come on
View media item 917345
Starting my Winter Soldier costume now :lol:

I am thinking about going as Miles but IDK tho. I don't like those skin tight costumes. I aint got the body for that ****. Yes I care. It would be the equivalent of a fat chick in a crop top and booty shorts and I aint a hypocrite.

If this winter aint brutal to where it takes work for me to start my car by next year I will have the body for it. I got lazy last winter.
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Also for dude who said A2 needs a minimovie to come out before it, I disagree, but if A3 had an Eternals movie :wow:

modernized and changed a little bit from the source material but still
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Starting my Winter Soldier costume now :lol:

I am thinking about going as Miles but IDK tho. I don't like those skin tight costumes. I aint got the body for that ****. Yes I care. It would be the equivalent of a fat chick in a crop top and booty shorts and I aint a hypocrite.

If this winter aint brutal to where it takes work for me to start my car by next year I will have the body for it. I got lazy last winter.

I ain't really in the best shape neither but if you get a quality costume, it can make take the focus off your body. That sounded mad feminine but w/e, you can see what I mean if you look up the Halloween thread :lol:
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