Can't be broke or busy... Vol. misleading title?

Why is it clueless? Because you don't agree with it?

You don't have to treat women like trash, but you don't have to overvalue them either. You have people out here who don't warrant respect (male orfemale) so why should you respect them and their actions. People earn respect and trust In my book.

Relationships are a business. You invest time, emotions and money into a person you're feeling the same way you do into your quality of work. Thus, theirassets (for me: ambition, work ethic, attractiveness, self confidence) should match up to what you look for if you're looking for. It makes no sense tocontinue to spend any of those things on people who do not match up with your agenda.

So you don't get turned off when guys try to trick on you and buy your affection. Do you feel that that devalues women? I say not to commit to a womanuntil she shows that she's thoro because men have more to lose from dating the wrong type of woman than women do the wrong type of man.

I have female friends going through pre relationship stages with the men in their lives nd they're so ridiculously confused. Men aint wired like ya'llare.

Women have their cake and eat it too but just don't wanna seem out there. Dating is about finding the best person for you...and if that person isn't anoption at one point or another I dunno what they are. Every single man should have 2 on deck. Its cliche but you should be honest.

Having options keeps you honest and gives flexibility. Females have options so don't get mad. They're usually called male friends.


I'm not trying to mask nothing. I've been through sme stuff and that's just my opinion. Sue me. If you don't like what was said, you can alwaysput me on ignore.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Why is it clueless? Because you don't agree with it?

You don't have to treat women like trash, but you don't have to overvalue them either. You have people out here who don't warrant respect (male or female) so why should you respect them and their actions. People earn respect and trust In my book.

Relationships are a business. You invest time, emotions and money into a person you're feeling the same way you do into your quality of work. Thus, their assets (for me: ambition, work ethic, attractiveness, self confidence) should match up to what you look for if you're looking for. It makes no sense to continue to spend any of those things on people who do not match up with your agenda.

So you don't get turned off when guys try to trick on you and buy your affection. Do you feel that that devalues women? I say not to commit to a woman until she shows that she's thoro because men have more to lose from dating the wrong type of woman than women do the wrong type of man.

I have female friends going through pre relationship stages with the men in their lives nd they're so ridiculously confused. Men aint wired like ya'll are.

Women have their cake and eat it too but just don't wanna seem out there. Dating is about finding the best person for you...and if that person isn't an option at one point or another I dunno what they are. Every single man should have 2 on deck. Its cliche but you should be honest.

Having options keeps you honest and gives flexibility. Females have options so don't get mad. They're usually called male friends.


I'm not trying to mask nothing. I've been through sme stuff and that's just my opinion. Sue me. If you don't like what was said, you can always put me on ignore.
Now, why would I put you on ignore?
Come on, I'm not on that... I'm just saying. What you said at first was like... wut? lol Now,your second reply is a bit more tolerable. lol

I mean, you were coming off clueless. "Females seek a challenge" A challenge how? Most women that are seeking relationships aren't out theredoing it for sport. Granted, just like men...they don't appear to be going about it in the right way most times. Of course, nobody male or female is tryingto pick up some bum that isn't doing anything with their life. You kept talking about assets and being broke, to me it read as if you're thinking abouta particular type of women and basing all of your ideas about women on THOSE types.

And yes, I'm going to say it... all women are not out for the money in your pocket. There was a thread on THAT the other night and a few female NTerschimed in and supported that fact...for what an NT thread is worth.

So you don't get turned off when guys try to trick on you and buy your affection. Do you feel that that devalues women? I say not to commit to a woman until she shows that she's thoro because men have more to lose from dating the wrong type of woman than women do the wrong type of man.

My affections are not for sale.
You can smell that type of guy from a mile away. Usually the flashy types that are trying to spend money let you knowfrom the jump. I have no interest in being tangled up in any type of situation like that. Men can protect themselves from that in the same way because womenALSO generally let you know from the jump that's what there about. Use your judgment. Men have more to lose with that kind of woman if they allowthemselves to BE with that type of woman. ALL WOMEN ARE NOT LIKE THAT.

Like I said, you sound wary and guarded just as a few other people have but it's not because of women. You might have your reasons (and you've evengiven some) for being that way, and it's fine... but don't put that on women in general because in whatever position you're in with your professionyou have a lot of sleazebag money hungry chicks around you. I've seen you in a few other threads, blackmagnus and this whole money thing seems to be amajor button with you. Make your money and do your thing...but you know that a lot of the time the types of women a man attracts are due to what he puts outthere. That's all I'm saying.
At the end of the day you have to lay it right, cause if not shel'l be looking at the pool guy, but really the only reason women say they want your time isbecause the want sex. Then of course are the other things that you have for yourself that matters like a job, assets, etc.. These things make you less of aleech towards her, which will up your value. Personally, an ambitious girl who's cool is a dudes best bet nowdays cause shel'l be revolving her lifearound that, not love like most birds want.
I'm just a little thrown by your use of the world 'challenge'. Challenge suggests some sort of competition or game where there's either awinner or a loser. Neither of those suggestions sound appealing to me in any way. If you mean that women don't want some guy that is always there where hislife revolves around his woman... no, I don't want some guy with nothing going on in his life. I like an interesting man with goals and ambition but Idon't view those things as a 'challenge'. That's just having a life outside of me. Is that what you meant? (I think it is...but again, it'sthe 'challenge' thing)

I'm not a clingy woman anyway. Some women are and they like to be up under their man at every free moment. That's just not me.

But don't get it twisted, obviously if I were to pursue a relationship...I have no use for a guy that NEVER has time for me, that's ALWAYS, on the go.I like my space-- yeah...but within reason.
Thats why women are here to pleasure men and get pregnant and cook. They're wack, all this true love, etc are all bs. Ever wonder why women rarely get anyreal respect through out human history ? because they're wack. Only weak dudes fall for love, sucka for love ftl. Just worry about your money, have sex andbe out.
You talking to me, Vills? Of course women do but I think you guys are overdoing it a bit. I think the competitive edge is just more a result of the traditionalapproach to dating. It's just one of those 'if it ain't broke' kinda things and if you just go about life with a little common sense (male andfemale) at the end of the day, it's just NOT that serious.

You see someone, you like them, get to know each other, if you still like each other [matching values/goals/likes/dislikes/etc.] - make it official...bam.Done. All of that other !*@@ is I just don't like to see men OR women start talking about why the opposite sex fails at life as if none of theirmisfortunes are due to their own behaviors and actions. That's all.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by soltheman

I Drink Your Milkshake wrote:

...I don't know....


For real, though. All of these college/relationship/relationship+college threads are making me second guess me asking this one girl out.
well if you plan on cutting her off then yea.....DONT'

Haha. That's a given.

Nah. It's just like, every thread dudes are like "RELATIONSHIPS NEVER WORK FRESHMAN YEAR" blah blah blah. I met the chick through a summer program with my school. Now I'm wondering if I should.


so what if they don't work freshmen year???
You can still have a fun! If you wanna get in one, get in it. If you wannaleave it, LEAVE IT!!! You 18...who gonna really care? Just don't be a douche about it. I know a couple that are still together to this day---that was bout5-6 years ago
Its all about balance. If you can't effectively create a healthy balance between working and spending time with your significant other there's no wayits going to work; at least not for both individuals. Sometimes there's a mutual understanding but its difficult to be happy in a relationship/situationwhere you're not getting your needs and wants fulfilled. Naturally, you'd be compelled to seek elsewhere in order to feel emotionally, physically orfinancially satisfied.

I have my own so I'd rather be with someone I can enjoy and spend my time with. A relationship is based on companionship/friendship (among other things). Icouldn't be with an unambitious bum though. That's not a good look.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

You guys are looking at it wrong.

In my experience, Females constantly seek a thrill. They want a challenge...they want a dude who aint gonna be there for their every need. They want someone who has a life and want to see where they can fit in. Especially if you're ambitious you're more attractive.

Once a female knows she can have you the thrill is gone.

Here's my latest code. I took some time off to get my head clear. Deleted a few #s and got some more. I aint sleep with all of em(yet) but positive energy is never to be turned down.

Leverage your worth into whatever it is. Get your assets up and then tell them to come holla @ you. If you're trying to get with a chick, she's looking to see what you can/cannot bring to the table. And you better believe being broke won't fly for too long even if you can make them cum.

Options. You're only as good as your best option. When I see threads about "No guy friends" and all this type of %%$, it sounds like its by lames who have no choices. This is why I don't commit to any female, because once you commit, the leverage is in her hands. She controls
How much () you're gonna get, and your whole existence will have to go to pleasing her. If she's thoro, she'll reciprocate but obviously, I like being in control of situations and emotions personally. Commit to yourself first before committing to anyone. And make sure they're totally down. Shoutouts to the German girl I've been polying with.

Diversification...get out the crib and expand. I do so many "industry parties and events" that I rarely go to clubs unless its a friends bday or event. Its boring and I see the same people. I'd rather go to art exhibits or the zoo or something. Never let a female figure you out to that extent. They already know you want () anyway so they wanna see your approach.

Trust me.....get ya weight up....and learn how to keep things to yourself and let people only know what they need too. Never tell a female too much too soon.

Gotta crawl before you walk. Ya'll put $@#* on too high of a pedestal.

And if you're wanting to get $ or a whip or w/e for a female, you're doing it for the wrong reason. Relationships are a business. She has to bring assets to the table that you don't have or that enhance yours to even be considered.
See, I agree with this logic for the most part. But here's my take on it.

In every relationship, I have to have the upper hand. I have to dominate itlong before and after the pus is given to me. But that's the thing. While we may have dominance in a relationship, it doesn't exactly equivocate tohappiness. I've had girls willing to feed into my every whim/desire/fancy or whatever may have you, but the outcome was always the same. I'd realizehow good good of a person she was being to me, and I'd slowly but surely try to free myself of her... almost on some "It's not you, it'sme" steeze.

And that's why I feel as though I may end up old and alone. Marriage is becoming more and more of a joke to me... were it not for the thought of havingkids outside of wedlock, I'd probably rule it out completely. I mean, let's look at it. To have a woman take to me for the rest of my life wouldentail me trying to keep the upper hand for the rest of my days. There'd never be any options to simply push her away because there'd actually besignificant ties to this... And even if I were to manage to have that one up on her for the rest of our lives together, that still wouldn't mean either ofus would be happy. In her case, it'd be because she's giving herself to a man who hasn't fully given himself to her... In my case because I'dhave the wrong focus in the relationship.

What I'm essentially trying to get at is the notion that power/dominance doesn't equal happiness. So while I may be involved with different women lateron in life, I'd still have a sense of "alone-ness" if I can't ditch my habits now. And to be honest, I really don't see the need in doingso. I'm growing more and more content with the thought every time I hear stories of failed relationships, or think about my own past experiences.
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

Women don't even know what they want. They can say, "I want a man that'll be there for me blah blah blah" but when that dood rolls around, he's unappreciated. They get tired of what they do too for that matter. Some don't tho.............this is a good topic for discussion.

nahh i think they'd rather have a man who puts em n boston crabs and throws em through walls like hulk hogan. haha just playin man thats still one of thefunniest stories i've ever heard
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

You guys are looking at it wrong.

In my experience, Females constantly seek a thrill. They want a challenge...they want a dude who aint gonna be there for their every need. They want someone who has a life and want to see where they can fit in. Especially if you're ambitious you're more attractive.

Once a female knows she can have you the thrill is gone.

Here's my latest code. I took some time off to get my head clear. Deleted a few #s and got some more. I aint sleep with all of em(yet) but positive energy is never to be turned down.

Leverage your worth into whatever it is. Get your assets up and then tell them to come holla @ you. If you're trying to get with a chick, she's looking to see what you can/cannot bring to the table. And you better believe being broke won't fly for too long even if you can make them cum.

Options. You're only as good as your best option. When I see threads about "No guy friends" and all this type of %%$, it sounds like its by lames who have no choices. This is why I don't commit to any female, because once you commit, the leverage is in her hands. She controls
How much () you're gonna get, and your whole existence will have to go to pleasing her. If she's thoro, she'll reciprocate but obviously, I like being in control of situations and emotions personally. Commit to yourself first before committing to anyone. And make sure they're totally down. Shoutouts to the German girl I've been polying with.

Diversification...get out the crib and expand. I do so many "industry parties and events" that I rarely go to clubs unless its a friends bday or event. Its boring and I see the same people. I'd rather go to art exhibits or the zoo or something. Never let a female figure you out to that extent. They already know you want () anyway so they wanna see your approach.

Trust me.....get ya weight up....and learn how to keep things to yourself and let people only know what they need too. Never tell a female too much too soon.

Gotta crawl before you walk. Ya'll put $@#* on too high of a pedestal.

And if you're wanting to get $ or a whip or w/e for a female, you're doing it for the wrong reason. Relationships are a business. She has to bring assets to the table that you don't have or that enhance yours to even be considered.
So while I may be involved with different women later on in life, I'd still have a sense of "alone-ness" if I can't ditch my habits now. And to be honest, I really don't see the need in doing so. I'm growing more and more content with the thought every time I hear stories of failed relationships, or think about my own past experiences.


One of my freinds was with her dude for +1 years and damn near every month it was some sort of problem
and that just gives me that "Am I gonna have to put up with that when im in a relationship" type thought
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Its all about balance. If you can't effectively create a healthy balance between working and spending time with your significant other there's no way its going to work; at least not for both individuals. Sometimes there's a mutual understanding but its difficult to be happy in a relationship/situation where you're not getting your needs and wants fulfilled. Naturally, you'd be compelled to seek elsewhere in order to feel emotionally, physically or financially satisfied.

I have my own so I'd rather be with someone I can enjoy and spend my time with. A relationship is based on companionship/friendship (among other things). I couldn't be with an unambitious bum though. That's not a good look.
+1. No one wants extremes. For the long term, anyways. Situations change and sometimes you're busy and sometimes %@$% happens and you getlaid off and it takes awhile to find a job. Been there, done that. But that's not how it's always going to be but I would be unhappy if he wasperpetually unemployed (due to his own fault) or if he was working 16 hour days 6 days a week.
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