Cancer vol. I dont have it and I dont want it

Nov 2, 2006
As a kid growing up, I used to think that the cops would most likely be the end of me (watched the news ALOT. My pops fault), but as an adult, I see that there's another "c" that's knocking off folks left and right and changing lives.

Yesterday I read that fluoride is the number one chemical that causes Cancer ( its in your water, and toothpaste). Don't know how true this is, but it seem like everything can cause cancer.

I blend up Kale, Spinnach, blueberries, strawberries, maybe mango, maybe pineapples, with some agavea , add water and drink that every other day. ( I buy the fruits frozen and its comes out like a slushee. Magic Bullet be holding me down yo). I been doin this for over a month cus the Kale and Spinach, and other leafy greens help prevent this Cancer thing, and cus its just great to have those amino acids and vits. Im sure theres a milli factors and types of cancers, but I try to control what I can.

I know at least 29 people personally, through different avenues and networks that have some form of it, died from it, or have defeated it. It bugs me out tho cus it seems like the cancer rate is increasing rapidly. I dunno maybe I just me, maybe its always been like this and Im just becoming aware. But it seem like everybody knows at least 1 person dealin wit it. Am I buggin?
It's a terrible sickness. I hope humanity finds a cure and it'll be a thing of the past like most major illnesses
Seems that no matter what you do, if it comes knocking at your door you better be ready to battle or fold. Lance got cancer...

One of the best ways to not die from cancer is early detection, thats a huge part of the death rate. Metastasis you scary!!!
The number one preventable cause of cancer is smoking tobacco. The second most common contributing factor is obesity I believe. So the biggest way to lesson your lifetime risk is by not smoking and staying fit, with that being said even doing these things doesn't reduce the risk to 0 percent considering carcinogens are all around us.
It's a terrible sickness. I hope humanity finds a cure and it'll be a thing of the past like most major illnesses

Some people claim that there have been potential cures for it but they dont go through with clinical trials because money is in the treatment not the cure. After all, the pharmaceutical industry is a business.
Does it look like the rate is rising to you guys ?
I used to see this commercial that mentioned both sexes and said there was a 1 in 2 chance for one sex and 1 in 3 for the other. Thats just ridiculous.

Here it is 

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Someone once told me we all have cancer, its just not active in everyone.


Eh, we all have mutations that can lead to cancer. Something like 80-90 percent of men have prostate cancer by the time they die but they die of causes unrelated. The point is, if you live long enough everyone gets cancer but dies of something else because it hasn't progressed.
Eh, we all have mutations that can lead to cancer. Something like 80-90 percent of men have prostate cancer by the time they die but they die of causes unrelated. The point is, if you live long enough everyone gets cancer but dies of something else because it hasn't progressed.

my friend got in a car accident and she hit the windshield but didnt exit the car

the same place she got hurt was where she got cancer but she beat it
I'm 27 now, Sept 2006 I found out after a biopsy at the ER (had a huge lump on the side of my neck) that I had thyroid cancer. Almost my entire older generation of family has had/died of some form of cancer. When i found out about mine i kinda was in shock (i was 21) and didn't take it serious till the morning of surgery. ( It was a chance they would have to cut part of my vocal chords out)

The good thing the docs always say is that if i was forced to choose a cancer to have, it would be this one. It is very manageable when caught early like mine.

Had surgery a month later to remove my entire thyroid and had to go through a few radioiodine therapies. I thought I was in the clear. A year later it came back.That's when it hit me, and that day at the doctors office i just busted out crying bruh.

I still have it but its managed.There is a little spot it spread to one of my lungs but Doc said with the med i take everyday that the spot is harmless.
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Though not the cause of my cancer. the terrible thing is that I'm still smoking cigarettes.You would never know if you met me that i had it.

That first day i found out though i told myself that i wouldn't use it as a crutch so that's maybe why i barely think about it or take it serious. I know that's kinda bad, but i figure that when its my time to go then so be it.
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Cancer rates seem to be on the rise because screening methods are getting better, so we catch cancers more often and earlier. However for the same reason, survival rates are getting better.
Does it look like the rate is rising to you guys ?

It is, but that's because they're finding out about more types of cancer every day. They may have always been there, just not recognized. And also because people are fat.

But basically everything gives you cancer dude, a huge (but often overlooked) cause of cancer is stress. All the natural fruits and veggies in the world won't save you if you're stressed the hell out (not saying you are, just giving a example.)

Don't worry yourself to death (literally) about it either, live healthy, but live your life.
It is, but that's because they're finding out about more types of cancer every day. They may have always been there, just not recognized. And also because people are fat.

But basically everything gives you cancer dude, a huge (but often overlooked) cause of cancer is stress. All the natural fruits and veggies in the world won't save you if you're stressed the hell out (not saying you are, just giving a example.)

Don't worry yourself to death (literally) about it either, live healthy, but live your life.

Stress is an overlooked cause of a lot of things, including cardiovascular disease. People attribute the constant stress of racism as one of the contributing factors to blacks being more likely to die of heart attacks. Stress completely effs up your immune system and physiology.
i learned in bio that alot of the mutations start when your in your 20s and develop into cancer later on. Colon cancer for example where you can start developing polyps in your late teens and early twenties. The point is living a healthier lifestyle and quitting smoking isnt something people should put off. The choices you make now literally determine whether or not you get cancer. Middle age folks just dont wake-up one day with cancer. 
I work with patients with cancer. My job can be mutually rewarding and depressing in the same breath.
Smh at the conspiracy theorist saying there is a cure that is being withheld because it is not profitable. Couldn't be father from the truth.
I totally believe that although we can't do anything to avoid getting some types of cancer we can do things to decrease our risks. Cancer has scared the life outta me. I've been eating better and trying to be more active, to decrease my chances.
- I have 2 sets of grandparents. My moms and my dads.
My dads parents have been vegetarians for years but even before they never ate pork. All around just very health conscience people. They are very religious and don't smoke or drink.
My moms parents on the other hand both ate pork, smoked and drank and didn't take very good care of themselves. Pretty much just lived life and partied.
So last year my moms mom gets diagnosed with cancer in march. She had liver cancer that spread to her colon. (She still drinks btw) while caring for her, my granddad gets sick around july. Gets diagnosed with lung cancer that spread to his brain. He had surgury on his brain to remove the cancer. Even while he was in the hospital he was still trying to smoke. His cancer progressed so fast he was dead by Christmas. And my grandmother is still fighting cancer. Chemo every week and still drinks like a fish.
That's when I realized that I needed to try to do what I could so that I could avoid the same fate as my moms parents. Sorry for the long read. But life style is definitely a contributing factory. IMO but I'm no dr. This is just my theory.
Eh, gonna die some day anyways. No point in worry about which way you'll go.


The irony is the more we worry, the more research we do about prolonging life, and the longer we live; yet the more we are preoccupied with death. Modern man lives so long yet its an unsatisfying life for many.

Our ancestors would live 40 years and accomplish more than many of us would in 80 years.

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