Can they fire me? Calling NT lawyers?

Sep 25, 2005
So I called into a radio show this morning they were talking about Christmas bonuses what you got last year or might get this year...well I told them aboutwhat we got last year:

There was an envelope attached to our pay check stub and we were excited.... only to find a CD that was burned with Christmas music that was not even popularor by popular artist... I didn't say the company name and I didn't bad mouth them I just thought it was funny people called about getting a few grandand what not and I got a CD...

I didn't think it was a big deal yet there were VPs questioning my boss (even the CEO was involved) because she happens to have the same name and called mein to warn me not to tell people about it just in case (she's cool) so my question is... isn't that wrongful termination if they find out it was methey can't fire me right? and if they do I can sue?
a cd?
i got a cd once, gave my boss a stoneface.. then i saw it was a best buy gift card for 200 dollars (on top of my bonus) but i don't know, myteacher got fired for badmouthing sony when he worked for them.
Is there anything in your employee contract that forbids you from divulging info about your pay or bonuses? I doubt it... A good lawyer MIGHT be able to getyou on slander of the company, but I doubt that too
They can fire you for "(she) underperformed" or " downsizing and cutting your position".
You'll be alright though. If they were that serious you better believe that your boss would have spilled the beans already.
As long as you didn't mention the company name, I'm pretty sure you're safe.

They must have some detectives.

But, be careful. If they do figure out that it's you, your every move will be monitored.
Originally Posted by Ortega03

Well if you get fired, get your Boss fired too for burning CDs

That's what I was gonna say. Passing out music like that is against the law. AKA illegal.
Eh, nothing's gonna happen.

If it does just argue that it was a wrongful retaliatory action. there'd have to be statutes governing that in ur region though...
Originally Posted by Ortega03

Well if you get fired, get your Boss fired too for burning CDs
bahaha I didn't think about that!

yeah a cd!?!? I mean come on you can't tell me they don't think it's lame... well i'm sure the VPs got a nice bonus so they weren't worriedabout it... I mean yeah we have an investigator on staff but not for that reason and we have a few lawyers on staff but also not for those kind of legalissues...

but I didn't think it was that big of a deal otherwise I would have said I was from Canada and that my name was Mildred....
I didn't say anything bad I just told them what my bonus was... the radiohost's had a few choice words though lol.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

They can fire you for "(she) underperformed" or " downsizing and cutting your position".
You'll be alright though. If they were that serious you better believe that your boss would have spilled the beans already.

yeah but they would have to have proof and they don't my calls and email are already monitored and i don't do anything wrong I get to work on time idon't have write ups my main boss and sups love me and like you said my boss would have told she specifically asked me if I had done it (she heard it toolol) but she didn't think it was that serious either!
If you live in an at-will state your employer can fire you for any or no reason.
Originally Posted by aepps20

If you live in an at-will state your employer can fire you for any or no reason.


and even so if that's true I can always take it to the local news stations and back on the radio... I'm not vindictive but that would be soooo wrong Iwouldn't let it go that easily it's not about the money it's about whats right. I can find another job in a heart beat but not before taking themdown I won't step down that easily...
Yeah they could probably just let you go for whatever reason they want. If they don't want you working there, you ain't gonna work there. But overthis? I say no, but if they did, they probably wanted you gone anyways and will use it as an excuse.
I think Texas is an at-will state which means they could fire you basically without reason. I doubt they'll go that far for something so silly. you justdefinitely owe them one now.

I'm just picturing your boss right now with 100+ new CDs in his office all disappointed that he/she can't give them out now
Originally Posted by infamousod

I think Texas is an at-will state which means they could fire you basically without reason. I doubt they'll go that far for something so silly. you just definitely owe them one now.

I'm just picturing your boss right now with 100+ new CDs in his office all disappointed that he/she can't give them out now

yeah she's cool as hell we've been out drinking and stuff before when she was just my supervisor and yeah I can see it too CEO and HRdepartment taking a large CD contribution/ donation to goodwill or something
Originally Posted by infamousod

I think Texas is an at-will state which means they could fire you basically without reason. I doubt they'll go that far for something so silly. you just definitely owe them one now.

I'm just picturing your boss right now with 100+ new CDs in his office all disappointed that he/she can't give them out now
Haha that's awesome...

I don't see why you would care if you got fired from that place...
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

RIP Texas has no rules.
dang it... oh well I will still take it public which will just ensue 100% more drama and bad PR than they thought this did... next post "Helpmeldr get a job... Houston business owners?"
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