Can someone tell me the cons of marijuana usage?

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

^^ good looks on those "facts" 

I would say most 99% of those are completely false. 

I've realized they are very biased and without any real scientific backing. Something that govt agencies would make up to justify the prohibition policy. 

 Marijuana has been linked with teen violence, suicide, crime, and unsafe sex-HIV transmission.
 cmon now. 

Marijuana can be a gateway drug, which means it can lead to the use of many other harmful drugs--Children ages 12-17 are 85 times more likely to use cocaine

people still believe this? 

Marijuana may produce a mild physical dependence that causes minor withdrawal symptoms when discontinued, including nausea, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety.

only one that might be somewhat true. 

I'm not going to read this thread but in case it hasn't been pointed out:
Link to crime: well, its illegal to smoke marijuana so that looks like a strong connection. But maybe that's just me.

Violence: buying/selling is always sketchy b/c you can't go tell the cops someone stole your inventory.

Suicide & gateway drug: stupid assumptions that ignore the probability that these individuals would have had similar experiences w/o marijuana. That's like saying 64mph is a gateway speed and eventually you'll drive 65mph. If I planned on driving 65 to begin with, the fact that I was driving 64 @one time has nothing to do w/my speed later.

STDs: I would lump this in w/the suicide and gateway drug arguments. People who are more inclined to engage in taboo behavior in one manifestation are probably more likely to engage in other taboos.

Dependence: your body is going to adapt to anything you do to it on a regular basis. Drinking water will increase the likelihood of urination. Whoa is me. That being said, I'm fairly dependent on water, just as smokers are dependent on marijuana, to varying degrees.

Short-term memory: true.

Brain damage: don't know the extent of the damage being done, but I don't know many "smart" potheads. I know socially aware potheads, I know potheads who taught themselves multi-variable calculus but I don't know any potheads who have been able to combine these two aspects of intelligence. And none of them have maintained their personality, social awareness, book smarts and street smarts over time.
Originally Posted by TacC4

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

^^ good looks on those "facts" 

I would say most 99% of those are completely false. 

I've realized they are very biased and without any real scientific backing. Something that govt agencies would make up to justify the prohibition policy. 

 Marijuana has been linked with teen violence, suicide, crime, and unsafe sex-HIV transmission.
 cmon now. 

Marijuana can be a gateway drug, which means it can lead to the use of many other harmful drugs--Children ages 12-17 are 85 times more likely to use cocaine
people still believe this? 

Marijuana may produce a mild physical dependence that causes minor withdrawal symptoms when discontinued, including nausea, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety.

only one that might be somewhat true. 

I'm not going to read this thread but in case it hasn't been pointed out:
Link to crime: well, its illegal to smoke marijuana so that looks like a strong connection. But maybe that's just me.

Violence: buying/selling is always sketchy b/c you can't go tell the cops someone stole your inventory.

Suicide & gateway drug: stupid assumptions that ignore the probability that these individuals would have had similar experiences w/o marijuana. That's like saying 64mph is a gateway speed and eventually you'll drive 65mph. If I planned on driving 65 to begin with, the fact that I was driving 64 @one time has nothing to do w/my speed later.

STDs: I would lump this in w/the suicide and gateway drug arguments. People who are more inclined to engage in taboo behavior in one manifestation are probably more likely to engage in other taboos.

Dependence: your body is going to adapt to anything you do to it on a regular basis. Drinking water will increase the likelihood of urination. Whoa is me. That being said, I'm fairly dependent on water, just as smokers are dependent on marijuana, to varying degrees.

Short-term memory: true.

Brain damage: don't know the extent of the damage being done, but I don't know many "smart" potheads. I know socially aware potheads, I know potheads who taught themselves multi-variable calculus but I don't know any potheads who have been able to combine these two aspects of intelligence. And none of them have maintained their personality, social awareness, book smarts and street smarts over time.

ur not understanding the crime/violence argument. Marijuana can be made legal and thus that link would be gone. However, they are claiming that using  marijuana causes people to become violent and go out and commit crime like robbing, raping, pillaging 
, which is why i was laughing. 
You are right to see that there is no direct correlation between marijuana and std's, unprotected sex, suicide because all of these could occur independently. 

Brain damage: marijuana is actually given to medical patients with Epilepsy and is proven to stabilize the brain and nervous system more effectively than synthetic drugs. Other (short-term) studies that were done did not find any significant negative effects on the brain.  There are even claims that hemp oil can cure cancer (see: vid posted before in this thread). 

Of course, long-term UNBIASED research needs to be conducted using ORGANIC cannabis on patients to map any possible effects or correlations.

But judging from people's experiences, the limited study data, and general information that i have dug up on marijuana.....smoking marijuana (and esp. vaporizing) is probably safer than eating a cheeseburger in regards to ur health. IMO. 

Spoiler [+]
at the end of the day its ur choice and u can live a happy comfortable life w/o any of this
Legalize it, tax it. The lemmings will continue to fall off, but at least the money will be pumped into our own economy.
legalize it and tax the sh|t outta it.

its not as bad as booze on a number of levels, and i love my liquor

also not nearly as bad as a lot of prescription drugs readily available to highschool kids via their parents or a scrip

only real drawback i can think of is total awesomeness...j/k

yellow teeth? maybe a little lung damage? lack of motivation...none of this matters if you take care of yourself (brush teeth and cardio) and do your occupation....
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

my only con is that the high doesnt officially wear off till mid next day, so if you have to do something early you will feel real haziness and hard to concentrate, but its temporary

I guess it beats a hangover where your stomach is in knots
This is a bi product of smoking marijuana, rather than vaporizing.

If you want a real objective look at marijuana:

The Science of Marijuana by Leslie Iversen


Info on the author:

Shoot me a PM for more info...
cliffnotes on the book's main arguments plz? 
 @ that vid posted. 

yea i would def rather apply hemp oil and spark it up than get chemo 
The book was written in 2000, so a lot of the research in cancer hadn't been established yet.

He goes through all the misconceptions, all the false studies, and he talks about his own research in how it works.  He doesn't make any outlandish accusations though, this guy is an Oxford Professor.  He just states that "all studies done to confirm the initial findings have proven otherwise". 

He spends a good deal of time talking about pharmacology.  He also talks about CBD, the cannabinol which is just now taking the lime light 10 years after his book.

He doesn't make any strong conclusions.  He says it does have medicinal value which is why there is such a desperate need for more research.  He also says that science has been abused by both sides of the argument on this issue, which is why you shouldn't just keep watching documentary after documentary. 

But because now we know that marijuana reduces head and neck cancer by 50%, I would think his conclusions would be a little more daring.
If you or someone in your family have mental illness issues I wouldn't smoke it. It has a tendency to make it worse in most cases and make the effects and symptoms come out more during extended use.

I mean honestly, unlike what everyone says here, using anything for a period of time is bad for you. Taking too many vitamins can hurt you, drinking too much water can kill you. Smoking weed often will negatively affect you somehow.
Originally Posted by cincybcats22

Besides the fact that you're a lame laid back, and smell like weed doritos all the time?

Why do you have to smoke?
its a personal choice. im guessing people do it for relaxation, to chill, to reduce stress, for social interaction, and for medical purposes.
Originally Posted by AG 47

SunDOOBIE said:
There are tons of negatives.

1. Obesity
2. Bronchitis. Sinus/Allergy issues.
3. Laziness
4. Wasting money
5. Social outcast, looked down upon
6. Long term memory problems
7. Hinders your decision making abilities. Impairs your cognitive skills to drive, read, concentrate, etc.
8. The smoke yellows your teeth. Gum disease.
9. Lowers your inhibition. Examples: Sex and/or usage of other recreational drugs.
10. and last but not least, ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION!

1). I hit the gym faded.

2). Don't know the research on this one so I'll give you that.
3). Not even. I get quite a few things done while on.

4). Not if you got it.

5). Never cared what people thought.

6). Only deletes the bad memories.

7). Not at all. I drive better...10 and 2 all day.

. Same as 2
9). Naw, I don't do drugs.

10). !+$* STAY hard when I'm faded sir.

@ 1, 4, 6, 9, 10.

also, with the growing amount of people burnin plants these days, i really can't see you being a social outcast

most of my friends get baked all the time. and when it comes to cigs :X, ill take some weed over that crap any day
Weed can make you see the light....depending on where you are at in your personal being, that can be a good or bad thing.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

...ya'll are coming dangerously close to getting this locked
  a typo?!

Anyways, no I did not accidentally eat shrooms.  

Live chat..?  hmmmm, I'd rather do this summit thing.
AntBanks81 wrote:
i've smoked since 2000 and I would say the biggest con is the munchies. I love to eat and that just magnifies it.
I still work hard and smart every day, I'm working on my master's and I just had two girls. Don't let all the hype fool you. People that fall off, get lazy or go to other drugs already had those desires before MJ.

You just keep up with your life and you'll be good.
  this....congrats to a good life and getting your masters

laziness and munchies are the main cons

my college buddies and i are successful in their own right and were straight really depends on the person and how you deal with it

a lot people judge MJ as they would to alcohol...people who smoke for the first time assume its like getting drunk and the ones who judge marijuana as a gateway drug havent smoked in their life 
Here is a letter i got from a local dispensary

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Legalize it for adult use and Tax it even more question:

I admit I struggle with my feelings on this topic. However, if cannabis

was outright legalized for everybody over 21, I don't think society would like

the results. Right now, it's socially acceptable - only as a medicine, even

if only for minute personal reasons. Right now, a doctor stands between

that patient and his/her medication and can answer questions and monitor the

patient's well being over time. Take away "medical cannabis" and out goes

all of the education behind cannabis. Right now there are many cannabis

organizations out there who are funded by "people who want it legalized"- these

organizations are currently educating many people on this important

topic. However, once medical cannabis is legalized, all of these educational organizations

and their funding will likely disappear. First the education and information will disappear, followed by the

quality of medicine, as more and more big producers shut out the small cultivators.

Have you been to Amsterdam? Presently, people still, for the most part, smoke in the shadows and respect the

fact that the current Dutch policy towards cannabis regulation and control is a working social experiment.

We don't want to get it wrong when we still have so much further to go.

Why aren't people screaming to legalize hemp? That would make so much more sense.

The Green Cross supports decriminalization, and approves and defends

personal choice for all Californians. In addition, The Green Cross opposes

any legislation, rule or regulation that aims to limit or restrict, in any

way, an individual's right to grow cannabis. Nevertheless, The Green Cross has

been, and continues to be, adamant that cannabis is medicine, and should be

used under a doctor's supervision and with a doctor's recommendation.

Cannabis must be used responsibly, and some in the medical community are

concerned that the recent push for adult-use legalization could adversely

affect patients and demean medical use.

Medical Cannabis Dispensaries are taxed at the state and local level, through sales tax, payroll

or gross receipts tax, and income tax. Levying higher taxes, like those resulting from the Oakland measure,

will result in higher prices for patients. Collectives must be run as non-profits,

so any increase in their taxes requires cuts in patients' services and/or increases in patients' prices.

Proponents say these taxes are a way to help legitimize and justify general adult use. However, such a sin tax only

works to punish patients, the only members of the California adult population who currently are allowed to

purchase cannabis legally.

Punishing patients to gain social acceptance of a rushed unproven experiment involving general adult use is

irresponsible and unfair. The medical community has worked hard to fight for the rights of patients and caretakers.

I still stand by what I have said many times before: "this frantic, 'we need money, legalize now' movement may totally

derail what we have been tirelessly working for during the last thirteen years. Proponents of legalization run the

risk that people may not like what they see, and if the legalization-for-all social experiment fails, it could bring

the medical cannabis movement down with it."

Kevin Reed, President

The Green Cross

Medical Cannabis Delivery

t. 415.648.4420 f.415.431.2420

[email protected]

Our Forum:

Our Facebook:

Our Twitter:

Our Myspace:
Originally Posted by Magik ink 23

Legalize it, tax it. The lemmings will continue to fall off, but at least the money will be pumped into our own economy.
I support that to an extent. If the government started distributing Marijuana I think they would tinker with it like they did with cigarettes. Did you know cigarettes have gun powder in them to keep them burning evenly? If it was legalized I would continue to get it from my own sources just to know that there isn't anything added that could harm me. I'd much rather have a blunt rolled up that I know won't kill me (Faster then the tobacco in the sweet anyway).
Only legit con is the excessive talk about how dope your hookup and the %@+ you're smoking is. Similar to alpha male syndrome for people addicted to going to the gym

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

Here is a letter i got from a local dispensary

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Legalize it for adult use and Tax it even more question:

I admit I struggle with my feelings on this topic. However, if cannabis

was outright legalized for everybody over 21, I don't think society would like

the results. Right now, it's socially acceptable - only as a medicine, even

if only for minute personal reasons. Right now, a doctor stands between

that patient and his/her medication and can answer questions and monitor the

patient's well being over time. Take away "medical cannabis" and out goes

all of the education behind cannabis. Right now there are many cannabis

organizations out there who are funded by "people who want it legalized"- these

organizations are currently educating many people on this important

topic. However, once medical cannabis is legalized, all of these educational organizations

and their funding will likely disappear. First the education and information will disappear, followed by the

quality of medicine, as more and more big producers shut out the small cultivators.

Have you been to Amsterdam? Presently, people still, for the most part, smoke in the shadows and respect the

fact that the current Dutch policy towards cannabis regulation and control is a working social experiment.

We don't want to get it wrong when we still have so much further to go.

Why aren't people screaming to legalize hemp? That would make so much more sense.

The Green Cross supports decriminalization, and approves and defends

personal choice for all Californians. In addition, The Green Cross opposes

any legislation, rule or regulation that aims to limit or restrict, in any

way, an individual's right to grow cannabis. Nevertheless, The Green Cross has

been, and continues to be, adamant that cannabis is medicine, and should be

used under a doctor's supervision and with a doctor's recommendation.

Cannabis must be used responsibly, and some in the medical community are

concerned that the recent push for adult-use legalization could adversely

affect patients and demean medical use.

Medical Cannabis Dispensaries are taxed at the state and local level, through sales tax, payroll

or gross receipts tax, and income tax. Levying higher taxes, like those resulting from the Oakland measure,

will result in higher prices for patients. Collectives must be run as non-profits,

so any increase in their taxes requires cuts in patients' services and/or increases in patients' prices.

Proponents say these taxes are a way to help legitimize and justify general adult use. However, such a sin tax only

works to punish patients, the only members of the California adult population who currently are allowed to

purchase cannabis legally.

Punishing patients to gain social acceptance of a rushed unproven experiment involving general adult use is

irresponsible and unfair. The medical community has worked hard to fight for the rights of patients and caretakers.

I still stand by what I have said many times before: "this frantic, 'we need money, legalize now' movement may totally

derail what we have been tirelessly working for during the last thirteen years. Proponents of legalization run the

risk that people may not like what they see, and if the legalization-for-all social experiment fails, it could bring

the medical cannabis movement down with it."

Kevin Reed, President

The Green Cross

Medical Cannabis Delivery

t. 415.648.4420 f.415.431.2420

[email protected]

Our Forum:

Our Facebook:

Our Twitter:

Our Myspace:

some good points here. I agree that if weed is legalized, everything bad is gonna get blamed on step forward, two steps back, so to speak.
first and foremost, people need to get educated on this issue.
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