Can I File For Unemployment???

Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Originally Posted by kicksfiend

There are people out there who are losing unemployment (because it expires eventually) who actually NEED it.

You dont know me. How are you to base the warrant of my need without knowing a damn thing about me or my situation?

There are people out there who lost their job and need unemployment to continue providing for their families. However, they're losing the unemployment because the benefits expire after a certain point and the average duration for unemployment through this recession is longer than usual. Unemployment benefits run out because there are too many people claiming and too little money for everyone. People who don't NEED unemployment but claim it anyway negatively affect those who actually need it.

OP, you're a college student who just quit his summer job because you're going back to school (which means tuition is paid whether by financial aid, loans or mom and dad). I don't care about your family situation, unemployment is supposed to be for those who actually need it. You didn't get fired and you're a full time student (which means you're not trying to be employed full time). Unemployment benefits should be for individuals who LOST their jobs, not something you run to because you don't want a part time job during the semester
Again son u come off sounding like an idiot because you know nothing about me other than that I'm a full time student.

You say you don't care about my family situation... which you happen to know not a damn thing about and then proceed to attempt to lecture me on whounemployment is for.

$+!# outa here, i don't know who you think you are but I'll let you ride your high horse and make judgments about my fam.

And again, since comprehension isn't your forte, I didn't quit my job.
Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

So I'm a college student and this summer I was making 600 a week working for the city of Oakland. I had to stop working on the 21st of August. I wasn't fired or laid off being as I'll still have my job next summer but one of the bruhs was telling me I can still file for unemployment and that he was gonna do that.

Anybody else get unemployment checks? Im gonna try/am trying to get a job down at school but you know how that goes and having any source of income in the meantime wouldn't be bad.

PS yes I'm looking for a handout.
You greek or something?
Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Again son u come off sounding like an idiot because you know nothing about me other than that I'm a full time student.

You say you don't care about my family situation... which you happen to know not a damn thing about and then proceed to attempt to lecture me on who unemployment is for.

+*+* outa here, i don't know who you think you are but I'll let you ride your high horse and make judgments about my fam.

And again, since comprehension isn't your forte, I didn't quit my job.
I wasn't even trying to be on a high horse. I was just pointing out whatunemployment benefits are meant for.

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

I wasn't fired or laid off being as I'll still have my job next summer but one of the bruhs was telling me I can still file for unemployment and that he was gonna do that.

So you working somewhere... and then stopped working there because of your own reason (not because they fired you or closed down or something). Sorry OP butthat kinda means you quit. My reading comprehension is fine.

Again, it doesn't matter what your financial situation looks like. We're talking about unemployment not welfare or any other program related to yourfinancial standing. I don't know what state you're from but this is from the New York State Department of Labor:

Originally Posted by New York State Department of Labor

Q: Under what circumstances may I file a claim

A: The unemployment insurance program provides benefits to individuals who have sufficient employment to establish a claim, have lost employment through no fault of their own, are ready, willing and able to work and are actively seeking work. If you have worked in New York State within the last eighteen months, you have the right to file a claim for benefits.

Nowhere does it mention anything about financial situation. All it says is individuals can receive unemployment if you lost employment "through NO FAULTOF THEIR OWN". I don't think that it means you can claim if you left a job because you went back to school.

That's all I was trying to say.
Well all I was trying to say is don't make assumptions because you really don't know what's up. I was forced to stop working because the sector myposition was under closed down for the rest of this calender year due to budget cuts. I didn't stop working by "choice."

I basically lost my job because the city of Oakland is on the verge of being the largest city in the history of this country to go bankrupt.
sounds like your job has an end date which would be part of the terms of your employment. i don't have an idefinite answer for you because mysemi-comparison was that i got laid off, off, but from a STAFFING AGENCY ASSIGNMENT. that being said, your position was almost like a contract. my work wascontract and w/ it ending due to a slow workload, i got the UI. it may come down to the reasoning of why you need the UI. slow workload vs a job having an enddate, you never know. you can always apply though. all they can say is no.
Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Well all I was trying to say is don't make assumptions because you really don't know what's up. I was forced to stop working because the sector my position was under closed down for the rest of this calender year due to budget cuts. I didn't stop working by "choice."

Maybe we'd know what's up if you had put all that down in the initial post. You just left out a big factor concerning your unemployment. Before, itsounded like you quit a summer job to go back to school.
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