Calling all RICH and WEALTHY members. Let's discuss wealth.

Champs pays dude that much? That's almost the same as some engineers.

I just plan on marrying rich
jk my pride wont let me do that. But idk man, I'm just hoping now that I found a major that I actually enjoy, working wont seem like work and it'll show off in my performance. Then just work my way up the ladder. In an ideal situation that's how it would go. But highly doubt it'll end up that way. Wont stop me for trying though
I'm just gonna get good at poker. Eff all this hard work. Just give me a juicy 2/5 table.
First scratch off ticket I got I won 10 bucks. I'm taking that as a good sign and going to just keep going to the state line and buy them with every paycheck I get.
Let me get this straight, a manager at Champs getting $37.75 per hour? 6K per month? 72K per year?

Dude making more than some people with college degrees.
I've accepted the fact that I will probably never be rich or wealty, but that isn't too important too me. As long as I make enough to take care of my wife and child and I make them happy, then I'm alright not being rich. If somehow my hard work pays off and I do end up with money, that's cool too.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

I'm just gonna get good at poker. Eff all this hard work. Just give me a juicy 2/5 table.

Hate to break it to you, but getting good at poker is hard work.
Originally Posted by DC1323

I haven't posted in a LONG time, but I thought this was worth chiming in.

First, here is what i noticed that seems to be accurate. Sorry if I am quoting you and not giving you credit.

--rich/wealthy is very subjective

--work hard and save money

--find a niche and run w/ it

--hang around rich people

--get out of debt FAST


--take risks

--9-5 will NOT cut it

--It's not how much you make, it's how much you save

-- You will never be wealthy working for the next man. Rich, maybe

If you want to believe anything in this thread, there you go.

Think of being rich as having money. think of being comfortable/wealthy AND being wise with your money.  There is nothing more stupid than someone that wants to be "rich," yet they don't want to work hard. WORK YOUR !%% off... and KNOW it will be worth it down the line. You can't reasonably expect to get somewhere without putting in your time.

Let me first say, I am not "rich," but I sure have almost everything I can want. I work a regular 9-5 (which is really 10-3:30,) full benefits AND I own a business. I have 2 kids, a very comfortable house, me and the kids' mom drive BMWs, etc. and since this is Niketalk, to put my financial situation in "shoe terms," I can afford to buy me and my kids any pair of matching shoes any time they want new shoes. In no way I am bragging, but this is how I got there.

-First, KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. If you want money, there is NOTHING wrong with that. Just make sure you dont' lose that vision.
-Somehow, some way, get a good job at a young age.
-STAY AT HOME WITH YOUR PARENTS. get this "I have money and i want my own spot" mentality out of your head. You need to have as few bills as possible to get in a great financial situation.
-DO NOT BUY AN EXPENSIVE CAR. young kids think its cool to get a job making $12 an hour, live at home, and automatically buy the fastest, coolest can you can afford. You're not going to get where you want to get if you have to pay a $400 car note for a car you're not going to want in 3 years anyway that you still owe money to. Buy something you don't have to make payments on, live with it for a few years, and SAVE MONEY.
-SAVE MONEY.  Since you're at home w/ your parents, making $12/hour, you should be able to save WELL over $1000 a month, if not, more. Lose that gym membership. Ride your bike to work to save on gas and get your exercise like that.  Cut your cell phone bill down. don't go eating out every Friday and Saturday night. Cook your girl food on valentine’s day instead of buying her earrings. THINK of ways to save money. BE CHEAP and be proud of it knowing you have a plan. Because i was being "cheap", I was able to save close to $3000/month for over 2 years. You do the math.
-Invest your money. Do your homework. Whether you invest it with your friends and get returns, some business venture, real estate, SOMETHING. Do something w/ your money to help you make more money.

Now, MOST of what got me to where I am is my attitude. Believe it or not, to get money, sometimes you have to be a jerk. sometimes you have to be greedy. Sometimes you have to be willing to step on other people. Just remember who your friends are and are not. there are going to be people you meet along the way who can better influence your financial position and other that will almost always hinder in. Make sure those people that hinder your money making plans are kept at a far enough distance so they don't influence your goals negatively.

Lastly, have faith. Dont' give up. Surround yourself with people that want to help you move in that direction. When people say work hard, WORK HARD. EVERYONE does a 9-5, but thats why everyone lives in that 'rat race."  Even though this is Niketalk and people have ducktales, there are a few things on here you will always remember. Hopefully, I have help just ONE of you guys get there. Good luck!


This man here knows. My brother does almost everything here. He just worked 84 hours this past week... Oil money is
I see WEALTH= LIQUID ASSETSWhen I see Forbes put out figures like Tiger Woods is worth 600mil or whatever figure, then Tiger proceeds to get a mortgage and not pay cash for a $55million mansion.. Wealthy to me is not ever having to borrow.. Unless it is to make money ie Ford's, Waltons, Rockefellers, Hiltons, etc..
Originally Posted by 2o6

I've accepted the fact that I will probably never be rich or wealty, but that isn't too important too me.

How come?

And great post DC1323
7 pages of poor dudes in a thread asking for rich and wealthy members.

Dipset should bump this thread in 5 years and see where some of yall dudes are at.
Originally Posted by G o D Jewels

Good luck my man.

Rich/wealthy folks are usually pretty secretive about how they get/got their bread.
they really are, i kinda understand though, but at the same time i dont usually ask what they do or anything because it really wont help me/you at all knowing what they do
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