Calling all Greeks (Frat/Soror) x Christians. vol: You've got some 'splaining to do...

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

DwyaneWadeOG wrote:

the whole frat thing is stupid.
you must really hate partying and hooking up with girls

not to mention we get better grades than the kids who are not in frats.

As if being a fraternity has anything to do with those things?

Greek Life = No friends in H.S. + desire to fit in.

I'll admit that i've met some cool dudes in black frats and white/Jewish frats, but the Asian frats are
. All the Asian frats got on their knees to try and recruit me and my boys. These herbs (Lambdas especially) stalked me for a bit, coming to my dorm unannounced, following me to the mall/Wegmans/library. They left me and my friends alone after they found out we got into a brawl with some of their guys at UMich and Binghamton. Even today, all these guy add me on Facebook. Ignore, ignore, ignore...

ima have to disagree....maybe some people do but not all.....

at my school a certain frat got suspended the spring semester before i came in during the was the only frat i wanted to be apart of....well i knowsome people who wanted to join that frat but since they got suspended they joined other frats, now those people i would consider as the ones who do it to fitin and etc........luckily the frat is coming back next yeaaa
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

i got a couple fam members that are apart of a certain NPHC and from them and from current research of what they're about, do trust they aren't worshiping greek gods
laugh.gif can't even speak on it because you dont even know anything about these organizations and what they stand for....

This seems to be where the misconception lies. Just because the people that YOU know do not worship greek gods, this does not change the fact that the Greekfraternity that they are part of, whenever it was founded it was fundamentally based on worshipping greek gods, rituals, etc. Thats where the blasphemy aspectof it lies.

No matter how much an organization evolves, it can never change its early origins and its fundamental roots. The fact is that when these frats were founded,everything it was based on in its origins is against Christian beliefs. People today not worshipping greek gods, will never change the original beliefs ofthose who started it, their legacy continues to live.
Originally Posted by ICUP

I'm sayin, its AFRICAN tradition. For black people to be disowning African traditions is almost a slap in the face to themselves.

The Europeans raped Africa for its knowledge and technology and yall want to act like nothing happened. Most of your philosophers are thieves.

i'm lost...

the gist of the thread is "people in frats do you realize your frats are inherently unchristian". now you're making arguments about europeansraping africans and i have no idea what you're trying to say. i'm not even sure you do.

African traditions are pagan. Frats rooted in African Traditions be they Nigerian, Egyptian, whatever, are following Pagan ideals and therefore un-christian.

the o.p. is asking how membership in these frats is justifiable by "christians"
Originally Posted by sneekerluvr

I, like phaze1123, am a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. When I watched the video I came to the realization that the man in the video did what most people who aren't greek do, and made a lot of speculations and false "connections" if you will. I speak only on the organization that I am part of because that is what I know. As stated previously in this thread, the foundation of my fraternity is built upon very deep rooted Christian values and the bible could very weell be the history book. It's really hard to fully know about something when you're on the outside looking in, especially when the members strive to keep things just that way. For the secrets of the organization to stay exactly that, secrets. If you want to know more about any organization I highly suggest going to the national website and reading everything that you can.

Enlighten me--what are these false connections and how are they speculative because from what I saw, the connections are very substantial.

It's cool that you speak only for the organization that you are part of--but you must also realize that your individual chapter, is connected to the samesource, just as all the other chapters are connected to the same source. If this source, as has been shown, derives from pagan/Egyptian/Phoenician/and/orBabylonian occult beliefs, then ask yourself--just how Christian is my chapter.

As previously stated, there are perceptions and there are realities. The perception seems to be that, these particular individual organizations are deeplyrooted in Christian beliefs and values and this may in fact be the truth. But if there are clear ties between the occult and the original parent organization,of which your chapter stems from, then how righteous can your chapter be...especially when all of these Greek organizations pride themselves onTRADITION--meaning all the successive generations establish their identity and purpose based on what the previous generation did and professed. So once again,if the original parent organizations show an association with the pagan/egyptian gods and rituals, how can the derived chapter organizations profess to haveroots in Christianity--

You also brought up "secrets of the organization". A secret is something that is not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others. Ifthese organizations are that benign in their beliefs and practices, what's the point of having "secrets". What's there to hide from thegeneral, uninitiated public...

is it really that serious??

Actually I'd like to think that it is--especially when you realize that thousands of people are joining for the what seems to be the wrong reason(popularity, girls/guys, parties) and have no real idea as to what they're pledging to "serve".

::Yawwwwn:: Here we go again. Alpha is NOT the head of my life, GOD is. I cant speak for all of my brothers ,or the rest of the NPHC for that matter, but I assume that majority feel like me.

Oh yea, cant leave without one of these............ 1 1 1 1 9

Alpha is NOT the head of your life and yet you have it's representative god as your avy, and lets not forget the fact that "you [couldn't] leavewithout one of these.......1 1 1 1 9"...which i assume has some organizational meaning..

I was waiting for you to chime in, lol... thread is laughable.

I am on the outside looking in, but to say the least, I've done enough research and have enough family members to know enough. vid is def reaching.

I mean if there is an issue with all these things, then what exactly are you saying about MLK jr., Ralph Abernathy, Rev. Jessie Jackson, Rev. Marvin Sapp (who JUST became a member of Kappa Alpha Psi this year) who are all or at one time were members of the greek organizations mentioned in this video. Do all of them worship pagan gods as well?

Or maybe, just maybe, they joined their respective organizations for the actual purposein which the organizations weere founded: To better the community, to be upstanding members of their community, to actually make great changes that affect all people, regardless of color, culture or creed (Not baggin females and partying like someone ignorantly mentioned).

MLK and all these other men did great things, there's no doubt about that, but they are men, just like you and I, capable of being decieved and screwingup. Just because they were part of these organizations, am I, and are you, now suppose to automatically disregard the origins of said organizations. Whichbrings up another point--which is motive behind people joining.

You state that MLK and these other individuals joined because they wanted to "better the community, to be upstanding members of their community, toactually make great changes that affect all people, regardless of color, culture or creed...". But these are all things that can be done and accomplishedby individual without the assistance of the organization. So in this respect, you cannot say they joined because their ability to do good was dependent ontheir acceptance into the various greek organizations.

So then why did they join--popularity, girls, family (legacy), friends (peer pressure). Back then, when racism was prevalent, I'd like to think thatbrothas and sistas joined these organizations for the sake of "brotherhood" and "sistahood". I doubt our generation joins for the samereasons though--word to the aforementioned "benefits" like popularity girls/guys...etc

Because YUKU is doing what it does best, I had to make a separate post for these videos in reference to MLK and all these other prominent men joining these organizations (Video 4) and to address the whole "rooted in christianity" hypothesis Video 3...
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

::Yawwwwn:: Here we go again. Alpha is NOT the head of my life, GOD is. I cant speak for all of my brothers ,or the rest of the NPHC for that matter, but I assume that majority feel like me.

Oh yea, cant leave without one of these............ 1 1 1 1 9

Alpha is NOT the head of your life and yet you have it's representative god as your avy, and lets not forget the fact that "you [couldn't] leave without one of these.......1 1 1 1 9"...which i assume has some organizational meaning..


African traditions are pagan. Frats rooted in African Traditions be they Nigerian, Egyptian, whatever, are following Pagan ideals and therefore un-christian.
Are you serious??? So anything from African tradition is un-christian because African traditions are pagan? Please dont make that argument.
Alpha is NOT the head of your life and yet you have it's representative god as your avy, and lets not forget the fact that "you [couldn't] leave without one of these.......1 1 1 1 9"...which i assume has some organizational meaning...

Since when did the Sphinx become the representative God for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Please enlighten me. This is a whole bunch ofgibberish and accusations. The seven founders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. did not worship the Sphinx. Next you going to come in here telling meDeltas worship Elephants and stuff.

As previously stated, there are perceptions and there are realities. The perception seems to be that, these particular individual organizations are deeply rooted in Christian beliefs and values and this may in fact be the truth. But if there are clear ties between the occult and the original parent organization, of which your chapter stems from, then how righteous can your chapter be...especially when all of these Greek organizations pride themselves on TRADITION--meaning all the successive generations establish their identity and purpose based on what the previous generation did and professed. So once again, if the original parent organizations show an association with the pagan/egyptian gods and rituals, how can the derived chapter organizations profess to have roots in Christianity--

You also brought up "secrets of the organization". A secret is something that is not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others. If these organizations are that benign in their beliefs and practices, what's the point of having "secrets". What's there to hide from the general, uninitiated public...
Well the founders of Alpha Phi Alpha did not worship Egyptian gods and in fact were Christian. So unless you can tell me something about thefounders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. how can you make an accusation that they believed in Pagan traditions.

Its not that Greek Fraternity and Sororities have something to hide, its that we are an exclusive organization and therefore only the people who are in thefraternity or sorority have the privilege to know its secrets.
As a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity is ridiculous. I've seen the videos before I read this post and it is ridiculousthat people of nongreek affiliation think they know exactly what goes on within an org. Beyond the community service, food drives and things of that nature, weare a Christian organization. We do not worship "other gods". No one ever told me that we had to give "all of our love" to Omega and noneelse. You can't listen to one person talk about this and that and believe that he's right. Nongreeks, you will never know the true gems of these orgs.Sorry, even if some cats who denounced their letters and spilled all the info, you still will never know...think what you want to think but dont believeeverything you hear lol

Phaze!!! Roo team!
Originally Posted by ICUP

African traditions are pagan. Frats rooted in African Traditions be they Nigerian, Egyptian, whatever, are following Pagan ideals and therefore un-christian.
Are you serious??? So anything from African tradition is un-christian because African traditions are pagan? Please dont make that argument.

actually, he has a perfectly valid point.

*double post*
African traditions are, ofcourse, "unchristian", because they're...african...traditions...
I'm sorry, I didn't make the connection between paganism and African Traditions, I really dont associate African traditional religion with "true" Paganism(in the anglo-saxon sense).
Originally Posted by ICUP

African traditions are pagan. Frats rooted in African Traditions be they Nigerian, Egyptian, whatever, are following Pagan ideals and therefore un-christian.
Are you serious??? So anything from African tradition is un-christian because African traditions are pagan? Please dont make that argument.

actually, he has a perfectly valid point.
Originally Posted by ICUP

African traditions are pagan. Frats rooted in African Traditions be they Nigerian, Egyptian, whatever, are following Pagan ideals and therefore un-christian.
Are you serious??? So anything from African tradition is un-christian because African traditions are pagan? Please dont make that argument.
Originally Posted by ICUP

Since when did the Sphinx become the representative God for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Please enlighten me. This is a whole bunch of gibberish and accusations. The seven founders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. did not worship the Sphinx. Next you going to come in here telling me Deltas worship Elephants and stuff.

Well the founders of Alpha Phi Alpha did not worship Egyptian gods and in fact were Christian. So unless you can tell me something about the founders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. how can you make an accusation that they believed in Pagan traditions.

Its not that Greek Fraternity and Sororities have something to hide, its that we are an exclusive organization and therefore only the people who are in the fraternity or sorority have the privilege to know its secrets.

If I am not mistaken--this is the emblem of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity--

Notice how there are the 3 Sphinx on the Crest.... Also it states, via quick facts, that the official symbol for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity is the Sphinx. TheSphinx, as is known in the western world, is representative of the minor egyptian god-- HU. So right here and there, we have our association.

Now I think your misunderstanding revolves around the term "worship". An individual doesn't have to pray to a certain deity or bow and/orprostrate before said deity in order to worship them. The simple fact that this egyptian god (HU/the Sphinx) is symbol, the official symbol, of this particularorganization is evidence, in of itself, of worship.

Worship = honoring or given someone or something recognition. Worship = feeling or expressing reverence and adoration for some figure, deity, or principle. TheSphinx being part of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity crest/emblem is a form of worship because members of the aforementioned organization clearly pay theirrespect and are unknowing, or knowingly, idolizing some quality about this egyptian god.

This same idea applies to all the other greek organizations that pay homage to these gods by having them on their crest--an object meant to represent a body ofpeople.

Deltas may not overtly worship Athena/Minerva/Isis but do believe they pay homage to her by having her on their crest. Which begs the question at the hand ofthis thread, which is whether "a Christian who has promised to give his or her life to God, and worship God and God alone, be involved with theseorganizations...

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Much better Pic of the Alpha Phi Alpha Crest showing the Sphinx/Hu[/color]


Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

^ lol, y were u waiting 4 me?
I saw the title, I was like "Yep, first two pages Cobra Kai will be chiming in" that and I've only heard prophytes discuss thesubject, and never neos...
If anything, I see them as giving respect to their African background, If a black christian can't realize this....
Originally Posted by sn00pee

If anything, I see them as giving respect to their African background, If a black christian can't realize this....

Ohh stop it...

So a black CHRISTIAN should pay homage to Egyptian/Roman/Greek/Phoenician/ and Babylonian deities...


But even so, if they were given a free "pass" to give respect to deities of African Ancestry--what then happens to the roman, Greek, Phoenician, andBabylonian deities that also play a prominent role in these fraternal organizations. You can't dissect these things and categorize one as a lesser"evil". They all fall under the same umbrella...

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I was waiting for you to chime in, lol... thread is laughable.

I am on the outside looking in, but to say the least, I've done enough research and have enough family members to know enough. vid is def reaching.

I mean if there is an issue with all these things, then what exactly are you saying about MLK jr., Ralph Abernathy, Rev. Jessie Jackson, Rev. Marvin Sapp (who JUST became a member of Kappa Alpha Psi this year) who are all or at one time were members of the greek organizations mentioned in this video. Do all of them worship pagan gods as well?

Or maybe, just maybe, they joined their respective organizations for the actual purposein which the organizations weere founded: To better the community, to be upstanding members of their community, to actually make great changes that affect all people, regardless of color, culture or creed (Not baggin females and partying like someone ignorantly mentioned).

MLK and all these other men did great things, there's no doubt about that, but they are men, just like you and I, capable of being decieved and screwing up. Just because they were part of these organizations, am I, and are you, now suppose to automatically disregard the origins of said organizations. Which brings up another point--which is motive behind people joining.

You state that MLK and these other individuals joined because they wanted to "better the community, to be upstanding members of their community, to actually make great changes that affect all people, regardless of color, culture or creed...". But these are all things that can be done and accomplished by individual without the assistance of the organization. So in this respect, you cannot say they joined because their ability to do good was dependent on their acceptance into the various greek organizations.

So then why did they join--popularity, girls, family (legacy), friends (peer pressure). Back then, when racism was prevalent, I'd like to think that brothas and sistas joined these organizations for the sake of "brotherhood" and "sistahood". I doubt our generation joins for the same reasons though--word to the aforementioned "benefits" like popularity girls/guys...etc


You did not catch the significant of the names I said. All of those men are or were reknowned preachers. I pointed out Marvin Sapp because assomeone who is currently preaching, for him to join a greek fraternity that "worships pagan gods" as these examples you've been giving says,then what exactly are you getting at?

With that said, a couple of points I want to make clear: ALL Religions at one point or another were considered a cult by definition.

And 2, I guess this is a viable topic, but at the end of the day, who are any of the people chiming in saying this is negative to judge. From my understandingas a Christian (who makes mistakes, I am nowhere near close to a perfect Christian) Christian know that there is only ONE entity with the right to judge, andthe last I checked, he doesn't have a Niketalk Screen name.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by sn00pee

If anything, I see them as giving respect to their African background, If a black christian can't realize this....

Ohh stop it...

So a black CHRISTIAN should pay homage to Egyptian/Roman/Greek/Phoenician/ and Babylonian deities...


But even so, if they were given a free "pass" to give respect to deities of African Ancestry--what then happens to the roman, Greek, Phoenician, and Babylonian deities that also play a prominent role in these fraternal organizations. You can't dissect these things and categorize one as a lesser "evil". They all fall under the same umbrella...

you're essentially overreaching. It's just not that serious. Just like our (if your black) ancestors took christianity and shaped it toAfrican traditions (look at any black church) the same thing has been done to fraternities. Are you gonna stop singing and dancing at your church now becausedoing that would be "paying homage" to African traditional religions. You're trying to nitpick something, and basically you're whole argumentwill fall apart because Christianity in the African American culture is HEAVILY based on African traditions. These black Christians putting down fraternatiesneed to take a real hard look in the mirror and study the foundation of Christianity in the African-American culture.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by sn00pee

If anything, I see them as giving respect to their African background, If a black christian can't realize this....

Ohh stop it...

So a black CHRISTIAN should pay homage to Egyptian/Roman/Greek/Phoenician/ and Babylonian deities...


But even so, if they were given a free "pass" to give respect to deities of African Ancestry--what then happens to the roman, Greek, Phoenician, and Babylonian deities that also play a prominent role in these fraternal organizations. You can't dissect these things and categorize one as a lesser "evil". They all fall under the same umbrella...

you're essentially overreaching. It's just not that serious. Just like our (if your black) ancestors took christianity and shaped it toAfrican traditions (look at any black church) the same thing has been done to fraternities. Are you gonna stop singing and dancing at your church now becausedoing that would be "paying homage" to African traditional religions. You're trying to nitpick something, and basically you're whole argumentwill fall apart because Christianity in the African American culture is HEAVILY based on African traditions. These black Christians putting down fraternatiesneed to take a real hard look in the mirror and study the foundation of Christianity in the African-American culture.

*double post*
Man Man Man......OP you are reaching bruh. Since you are not in a fraternity you will not know everything that goes on. Let me speak on behalf of Phi BetaSigma Fraternity Incorporated and the rest of my NPHC folk. Most people are not going to tell you everything about their respective org because if you are sointerested in it you can do the research on your own.....BUT youtube and blogs aint gonna be the places to get info like that. Other greeks correct me if imwrong.

My frat was founded under the principles of brotherhood scholarship and service to unite MEN of color and beyond.

If you take a look at my sheild

It was the quickest picture i had already in photobucket......but you can see that there are no representation of pagan stuff on it....And im sure if you dugDEEP into Alpha you will notice the same things also.

The thing i agree with and thats with EVERYTHING is that if you loose your way with God and put anything wether it be money, fame, frats, school, women....hellthe list goes on and will be lost and it WILL overcome you

And what sn00pee said above me earlier if anything its giving respect to African backgrounds. Imean does it mean that people were bad because they only knew ofpharows before the coming of Jesus??
Now I think your misunderstanding revolves around the term "worship". An individual doesn't have to pray to a certain deity or bow and/or prostrate before said deity in order to worship them. The simple fact that this egyptian god (HU/the Sphinx) is symbol, the official symbol, of this particular organization is evidence, in of itself, of worship.

Worship = honoring or given someone or something recognition. Worship = feeling or expressing reverence and adoration for some figure, deity, or principle. The Sphinx being part of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity crest/emblem is a form of worship because members of the aforementioned organization clearly pay their respect and are unknowing, or knowingly, idolizing some quality about this egyptian god.
Your definition of worship is way too broad. Worship = honoring or given someone or something recognition. That means I was worshiped at myawards ceremony for AMJUR'ing my Torts class.
You my dude areclearly reaching. Does it really mean that the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha worship the Sphinx by having it on our crest? Well if by just having a Sphinx onour crest=worship, then what about the pyramid on the back of a dollar bill? Are Americans worshiping the Egyptians by participating in commerce and spendingdollars? Please.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

If anything, I see them as giving respect to their African background, If a black christian can't realize this....

Ohh stop it...

So a black CHRISTIAN should pay homage to Egyptian/Roman/Greek/Phoenician/ and Babylonian deities...


But even so, if they were given a free "pass" to give respect to deities of African Ancestry--what then happens to the roman, Greek, Phoenician, and Babylonian deities that also play a prominent role in these fraternal organizations. You can't dissect these things and categorize one as a lesser "evil". They all fall under the same umbrella...
No one is paying homage to anything. Nobody is kneeling to any Sphinx and saying prayers. Yall dudes are ignorant to Black Greek Fraternitiesand Sororities. What you guys are essentially saying is that it is improper for a Black Christian to be part of any organization that has Egyptian or ofEgyptian tradition associated with because Egyptian tradition is essentially pagan.
Originally Posted by SlimK4

Man Man Man......OP you are reaching bruh. Since you are not in a fraternity you will not know everything that goes on. Let me speak on behalf of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated and the rest of my NPHC folk. Most people are not going to tell you everything about their respective org because if you are so interested in it you can do the research on your own.....BUT youtube and blogs aint gonna be the places to get info like that. Other greeks correct me if im wrong.

My frat was founded under the principles of brotherhood scholarship and service to unite MEN of color and beyond.

If you take a look at my sheild

It was the quickest picture i had already in photobucket......but you can see that there are no representation of pagan stuff on it....And im sure if you dug DEEP into Alpha you will notice the same things also.

The thing i agree with and thats with EVERYTHING is that if you loose your way with God and put anything wether it be money, fame, frats, school, women....hell the list goes on and will be lost and it WILL overcome you

And what sn00pee said above me earlier if anything its giving respect to African backgrounds. Imean does it mean that people were bad because they only knew of pharows before the coming of Jesus??

fam, almost everything in that is a pagan symbol
books, birds, axes,the ominous hidden triangle. almost EVERYTHING is pagan, circles, crosses, various shapes.
If you believe and put Egyptian gods with God, you are tripping, these members don't worship these idols. They simply use them as logos. I'm not evengreek so I won't sit here and explain, but I have enough common sense to say you are doing what that toothbrush does.
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