Calling all dog experts

Nov 25, 2005
Yo, I just adopted a dog, it's a mini shnauzer and it's all black, about 8 weeks old. Going to get it's shots tomorrow as well. Anyone have anytips for training? It barks when he's alone in a room and he also doesn't respond to his name yet and *#%*% everywhere.
get used to the barking and start reading up on crate training. once the dog understands that nobody will responds to his bark, it will eventually stop. thiswill last for about a week or two, depends on how stubborn the doggy wants to be. like someone mentioned earlier, be consistent about things and firm. goodluck!
yep, consistency, don't yield an inch. my sister's dog jumps all over her but it actually listens to what I say because I stick to myrewards/punishment system
oh man i was going to make a topic but imma just post here, my 2 month old ****zu was choking on a piece of bone shaking and gagging, couldnt breath, everyonein my house was so scared, including me he grew on to me a lot, thanks god my pops just digged in his mouth and took it out, now my lil man is scared andlaying down, knocked out for an hour and he good, taking his shots this week, but what can i feed him besides puppy chow? Times i hard
Originally Posted by eastnewyork80

oh man i was going to make a topic but imma just post here, my 2 month old ****zu was choking on a piece of bone shaking and gagging, couldnt breath, everyone in my house was so scared, including me he grew on to me a lot, thanks god my pops just digged in his mouth and took it out, now my lil man is scared and laying down, knocked out for an hour and he good, taking his shots this week, but what can i feed him besides puppy chow? Times i hard

ever try going to a mom and pops pets store? they sell organic pet food and i'm positive they carry puppy food that is feasible.
Originally Posted by eastnewyork80

oh man i was going to make a topic but imma just post here, my 2 month old ****zu was choking on a piece of bone shaking and gagging, couldnt breath, everyone in my house was so scared, including me he grew on to me a lot, thanks god my pops just digged in his mouth and took it out, now my lil man is scared and laying down, knocked out for an hour and he good, taking his shots this week, but what can i feed him besides puppy chow? Times i hard
Just dog food that's the only healthy food
why did i think the title read....calling all hot dog experts?

i was like what qualifies one as a hot dog expert.
Use calm assertave anargy. Be the back leadur. Don't use too much affection but exerhise discipline.
learn to predict when they are gonna piss or crap and put them outside before they do it. before you know it they will be standing at the door asking to goout on their own.
All puppies pee everywhere, just have newspaper in the corners. Then slowly start talking him out to pee. The little pup will get it soon.
Dog food is healthiest.

Try to stay away from human food especially fried/sugary/salty food.

Fresh veggies and some fruits are fine. My dog loves them.
I would definitely begin crate training...I've done it so far with 2 dogs and it works very well.
And go get some wee-wee pads...for some reason, they know to go right on it, and gradually transition him to going outside. If the wee-wee pads get toexpensive, newspaper...and if he makes a mistake, you have to correct him and show him, that going on the floor is a no-no...takes time and patience, but hewill eventually get it.
Also, my dog likes trying to bite me. Is this because he is a young dog still or because he hasn't learned bite inhibition yet?
You need to get some kind of reward for him every time he makes his pee outside. Like you give him a little piece of boiled chicken everytime he does somethingwell, so he knows its what you expect. When you see him peeing on the carpet you just get him outside, so he finishes there and then give him the reward.Puupies usually pee after eating, after they wake up and after playtime. So when you expect him to pee you just take him outside and reward him when he makeshis stuff there.

Also you reward him for coming to you when you call his name. As soon as the puppy realises he gets something positive for listening to you he will try to doit.

I got a boxer and its stubborn as hell, heard shnauzers are like that too, so good luck.
I'm having trouble training my dog. It runs away from me, it doesn't listen at all. Also when I try to teach it not to bite it still tries to biteand growls at me. Any suggestions?
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