Calling all Digital SLR users.HELP.

^ Hah... supposedly one of the most knowledgeable photographers on NT, Yet he offers no help what so ever. Instead, he brags about getting paid to shoot, andenlightens us with what his next purchase will be.

Thanks, Pal.
^OP. PM me if you got a question/want advice. I don't know how many times I have put that out there. Sometimes those questions annoy me but literally Istill answer 99% of them.
"ebay" comes off SALTY if you don't really know him.
I don't see anything wrong with spending ~$400-500 on a camera (like an XS or XTi)to learn on....then selling it for ~80% of how much you paid...and thenupgrading to a higher end cam when you're ready.
do you get your rocks off showing your photography elitism? not doubting your knowledge on the subject, but ive never seen you say one positive thing on aphotography thread/ camera thread.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I don't see anything wrong with spending ~$400-500 on a camera (like an XS or XTi)to learn on....then selling it for ~80% of how much you paid...and then upgrading to a higher end cam when you're ready.
I spent $400 on a XT, sold it for $300 a year later, and got my 40D for $700.

I've also spend almost $500 on glass, too.

There's nothing wrong with getting something like that, but you've gotta LEARN, not let the camera do the work for you.
Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr

There's nothing wrong with getting something like that, but you've gotta LEARN, not let the camera do the work for you.
Well, that's what the Auto mode is for...there are plenty of people who don't wish to learn and use their cameras casually but love theimage quality produced by SLRs. They're missing out for sure, but it doesn't mean they're not allowed to use them.

If anything, the Auto mode could be a good starting point for beginners.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I don't see anything wrong with spending ~$400-500 on a camera (like an XS or XTi)to learn on....then selling it for ~80% of how much you paid...and then upgrading to a higher end cam when you're ready.

Even better give the thing away. You how many young dudes would love to have even lower/older model DSLR.

I love how NT itself does all this charity and $%@% and then people don't even really adapt that into their lifestyle themselves always got make money ofwhat you've already got your money's worth out of it.

(Not trying to brag to those who think that's apparently all I do
) But you know why I don't own any of the 3 35mm SLR's or Range FindersI've had, because I gave them away. $%@% one of the lens and a rangefinder are now owned by other NTers.
then people don't even really adapt that into their lifestyle themselves always got make money of what you've already got your money's worth out of it.
would you give your house away after living in it a few years b/c you've "got your money's worth out of it?"'s an extreme comparison..but the premise is still there.... just b/c you use something for a while....doesn't mean that you've used upthe equity it has.

I'm glad you can afford to give away several cameras... kudos to you...but to many NTers...that's something they just can't afford to do.... justb/c YOU give...doesn't mean you're can judge what anyone else with their money and possessions.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr

There's nothing wrong with getting something like that, but you've gotta LEARN, not let the camera do the work for you.
Well, that's what the Auto mode is for...there are plenty of people who don't wish to learn and use their cameras casually but love the image quality produced by SLRs. They're missing out for sure, but it doesn't mean they're not allowed to use them.

If anything, the Auto mode could be a good starting point for beginners.
You're not getting my point.


Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I don't see anything wrong with spending ~$400-500 on a camera (like an XS or XTi)to learn on....then selling it for ~80% of how much you paid...and then upgrading to a higher end cam when you're ready.

Even better give the thing away. You how many young dudes would love to have even lower/older model DSLR.

I love how NT itself does all this charity and $%@% and then people don't even really adapt that into their lifestyle themselves always got make money of what you've already got your money's worth out of it.

(Not trying to brag to those who think that's apparently all I do
) But you know why I don't own any of the 3 35mm SLR's or Range Finders I've had, because I gave them away. $%@% one of the lens and a rangefinder are now owned by other NTers.
Hook a brotha up!
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

then people don't even really adapt that into their lifestyle themselves always got make money of what you've already got your money's worth out of it.
would you give your house away after living in it a few years b/c you've "got your money's worth out of it?"'s an extreme comparison..but the premise is still there.... just b/c you use something for a while....doesn't mean that you've used up the equity it has.

I'm glad you can afford to give away several cameras... kudos to you...but to many NTers...that's something they just can't afford to do.... just b/c YOU give...doesn't mean you're can judge what anyone else with their money and possessions.

Houses? I've admitted I think on a number of occasions I often use recreational drugs. Own up my dude…

I would question the need to upgrade in the first place with probably the vast majority of these said people, but like you said who am I to judge.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

do you get your rocks off showing your photography elitism? not doubting your knowledge on the subject, but ive never seen you say one positive thing on a
photography thread/ camera thread.

Well my original post was more meant to be over the top tongue & cheek commentary on what's been said in this thread/an overzealous joke. But to answeryour question no. And more to the point I think it's a simple fact I've kicked more knowledge on photography than anyone on NT. (this is a joke just soyou know) I'm like the Ansel Adams/Alfred Stieglitz of NT.
who am I to judge.
you maybe be qualified to give sound advice on cameras....doesn't mean you're in a position to dictate what people should do with their own money andpossessions.

but maybe you're the type of dude who thinks that jordan's should only be worn by basketball players.

You're absolutely right - there is zero point in buying a SLR and shooting on auto - often a point and shoot will suit you better if that's allyou're going to do. You get easier options and a longer zoom without having to change lenses or anything.

However, if you want to take the time to learn how to use it and invest some time then a SLR will work well and gives you more flexibility - but it takes somepractice.
choosing between nikon and canon is all preference.

i'm biased to nikon though. haha
Originally Posted by kdwallace


You're absolutely right - there is zero point in buying a SLR and shooting on auto - often a point and shoot will suit you better if that's all you're going to do. You get easier options and a longer zoom without having to change lenses or anything.

However, if you want to take the time to learn how to use it and invest some time then a SLR will work well and gives you more flexibility - but it takes some practice.

Agreed. I'm just sick of the DSLR fad and all of the people trying to come off as photographers.
I'm just sick of the DSLR fad and all of the people trying to come off as photographers.
^wouldn't you be one of them though?...given that you've only taken a class or two?
Wow....just wow. To sit and read into a thread and be pissed and to post about how other peoples suggestions are dumb or inaccurate is unbelievable to me. Imean if photography threads on here rub you the wrong way, why even click on any of the threads? I mean I don't hate dude but I just don't get itsometimes.

And I only say this cause I honestly don't know a god damn thing about photography and just appreciate people's help on here regardless if they areright or wrong.
And I don't think DSLRs are a fad. It's just magnified heavily here on NT and other such forums. I mean there is probably no one thing thatcan't be considered a fad. You'll always have some OG or some no-it-all that'll tell you you don't no jack whether with cameras, shoes,skating, etc. I just say except it and enjoy your own craft.....
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Well my original post was more meant to be over the top tongue & cheek commentary on what's been said in this thread/an overzealous joke. But to answer your question no. And more to the point I think it's a simple fact I've kicked more knowledge on photography than anyone on NT. (this is a joke just so you know) I'm like the Ansel Adams/Alfred Stieglitz of NT.

i'm confused as to how that is a joke

even if it is, i don't understand why someone would say comments like that

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Wow....just wow. To sit and read into a thread and be pissed and to post about how other peoples suggestions are dumb or inaccurate is unbelievable to me. I mean if photography threads on here rub you the wrong way, why even click on any of the threads? I mean I don't hate dude but I just don't get it sometimes.

completely agree with you.

i'll humbly add that doing photography is one of my current jobs (can't make much money right now doing shoots) and although i think i know a greatdeal about random photo trivia, i would never claim my own superiority by putting down others
^yeah....basically what he's saying is that he's entitled to be a jerk b/c he's graced us with his utterly valuable knowledge on here before. least he acknowledges he's a snob.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

Dirty coming through and fighting off the photography bullies

I didn't bully anyone. There are vast contradictions and quite a bit of misinformation in this thread. I was simply making a commentary on that and I foundit humorous, that some people just talk out of their $@+. I know a great deal about cameras and photography I've never said once that licenses me to be a"jerk" to those who don't. But I'm often left dumbfounded by what some people tell others as though they know. I have no problem with anyonehaving any camera or thinking their a photographer. Photography is the democratic art, I say give everyone a $$##$%% camera, a camera/photography is justsimply the vehicle for my ideas. I often find it silly that someone would want a $1,200 camera when they take photographs you could easily take on a camerahalf that price, but people are going to spend their money how they want. My commentary is still valid. I shoot with a medium format film camera because I make24x24 @ 400dpi Digital C-Prints. I think it's silly to have a 5D when the extent of your photography is photographs you could take on a xti that get postedon various web forums. But what do I know…
1. Hit up your local camera store and ask them to explain compare and contrast the Rebel XS and the D60, because the people that know the differences on here clearly aren't going to help you out.

But make sure it's not your local store in the mall - find a reputable camera store where 'photographers' go - the mall places are staffed bypeople who only know what they are told.

That sort of store is dying out.

Other than that just pick one because you like the way it looks better - they're both fine and neither would be a mistake - they book have pros and consbut neither particularly outshines the other.
whoa...i took a nap and all this happened.

I would like to say Thank You to all who posted a reply...even you ebay. Honestly, I just wanted to step my cam game up. And I thought why not ask NT sincepeople get dope w/ their pics in here. At the end of the day I know that I wont be taking pics for a living...doing weddings and all that stuff (in school forNursing) I just wanted to take better pictures and my PNS just dont do it anymore. I find myself wanting it to do more that it can handle. *sidebar* - blondy,my PNS stay on M*...its about that time to upgrade.With that...and taking all that is said in here into consideration along with 5 hours of research. I havemade a decision and will look into getting a - Nikon D60 (on sale too Bestbuy). To those that are doubting whether I will be able to use it in its fullpotential...dont worry I can handle it

Good looks on those websites Cyprus.
Thanks KD, there is a Willoughbys (sp?) in the city that I will go and check out.

...and if getting a DSLR is the new fad. I dont give a ____

Thanks again...Peace!!
How disappointing...

I was interested in coming into this thread to finds some informative, helpful dialogue going on. And instead I walked in on a photography class warfarepissing contest.
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