Call of Duty: MW3 -Official Xbox360 Thread-Out Now!- Got 99 Problems but Sales Ain't One..

i dont use that bum @%! perk. its useless.

blind eye and scavenger are WAY stronger perks

slight of hand gets 5 times the use recon does.

maybe im mistaken on what it does...

explosive damage paints the enemy on your radar.

only explosive damage.

so if you have no cant see them?


also, how long do they stay painted? im pretty sure its not their entire life.

hey, if recon helps you keep your ratio around .68, who am i to judge?

Again, you're plain stupid. Recon is the counter to Assasin, anytime you're hit with a concussion, flash, grenade, claymore you are painted on whoever has Recon's minimap until you die. If you get Recon Pro, anytime you're hit with a bullet from a gun or air support, you are painted on that minimap until you die. So everytime you're ducking down with Assasin like a little girl and someone grazes you with a bullet, stuns you, or're exposed.

Sit down.
whys everyone mad @ curb
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

i dont use that bum @%! perk. its useless.

blind eye and scavenger are WAY stronger perks

slight of hand gets 5 times the use recon does.

maybe im mistaken on what it does...

explosive damage paints the enemy on your radar.

only explosive damage.

so if you have no cant see them?


also, how long do they stay painted? im pretty sure its not their entire life.

hey, if recon helps you keep your ratio around .68, who am i to judge?

Again, you're plain stupid. Recon is the counter to Assasin, anytime you're hit with a concussion, flash, grenade, claymore you are painted on whoever has Recon's minimap until you die. If you get Recon Pro, anytime you're hit with a bullet from a gun or air support, you are painted on that minimap until you die. So everytime you're ducking down with Assasin like a little girl and someone grazes you with a bullet, stuns you, or're exposed.

Sit down.

you   missed the part i said "maybe im mistaken"

i dont use the perk, so i stated that i am not sure about all its effects.

its weaker than slight of hand (reload faster, to shoot quicker), scavenger (unlimited ammo) and of course, blind eye.

im not painted when hit with air attacks because im never hit with air attack due to blind eye pro

time triggered explosives never paint me because i use stalker pro

i do get flashbanged and stunned, BUT

even with the explaination, the perk is still weak. why?

well, for one, i dont find too many people with recon pro (for flashbangs etc.)

for two, ive never been painted by anything on a map except a recon drone

you can tell the difference between being painted and not.

you get way more attention and people stalk you from every direction

ducking down with assassin like a girl?


as opposed to sitting in a corner watching my radar for red dots instead of looking infront of me for kills?

keep on reconing your way to a .68 ratio, b.

dont let me change your mind.

(also, i play HC alot, which, if you havent noticed, doesnt provide you a radar unless you UAV....portable radar is WORTHLESS in hardcore. they should have made portable radar track assassins AND give you a pulse UAV of the area it covers, at least. under the same logic, recon is that much more useless in hardcore.)
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

whys everyone mad @ curb

before this question, it was "why is everyone mad @ eNPHAN?"


imma stop trynna drop knowledge in here for yall, tho

keep struggling and not liking the game.

yall know better than me.....


Originally Posted by pootaing

i got killed twice in a row by stun grenades last night. i dont see myself playing again anytime soon.

why would that make you stop playing? LMAO

were you in last stand or something?
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm


you start with three perks

i run

blind eye, assassin, stalker

after 2 kills i get scavenger.

so after 2 kills im operating 4 perks at once.

you said you run hardline

so it would be

blind eye, hardline, stalker

then you get 1 kill and get assassin.

so you start off not immune to UAV until you get a kill (while im immune at all times, regardless)

then when you get a kill, you're back to 3 perks (blind eye, hardline, stalker + assassin)

the same 3 i have you have to get 1 kill to get the three perks i get when i respawn without killing anyone.

now, say, i get my 2 kills, im running 4 perks at once.

you get 2 kills you're still running 3 perks at once (since hardline doesnt really DO anything but make your kills less)

mine is 2, 4, 6

yours is 1, 3, 5

at 2 kills i have 4 perks

at 2 kills you have 3 perks

at 4 kills, i have 5 perks

at 4 kills you have 4 perks

at 6 kills i have 6 perks

at 6 kills you have 5 perks

at 8 kills i have all perks, you get all perks at 7, but operate with one less "useable" perk the entire time until you reach 7


say we both die without getting a kill at all.

i die with the use of 3 perks

you die with the use of 2 perks (plus hardline which doesnt do anything for you, until you get a kill)



good job.

(by the way, i run scavenger, quickdraw, then marksman.....marksman pro allows you to see people's names above their head at any distance...ive shot countless dudes with it on because i see them through trees, doors, shadows, etc.....and i get it on the 6th kill, so it makes 7 and 8 that much easier to get)

you're welcome.

wow this actually made sense 
you   missed the part i said "maybe im mistaken"

i dont use the perk, so i stated that i am not sure about all its effects.

its weaker than slight of hand (reload faster, to shoot quicker), scavenger (unlimited ammo) and of course, blind eye.

im not painted when hit with air attacks because im never hit with air attack due to blind eye pro

time triggered explosives never paint me because i use stalker pro

i do get flashbanged and stunned, BUT

even with the explaination, the perk is still weak. why?

well, for one, i dont find too many people with recon pro (for flashbangs etc.)

for two, ive never been painted by anything on a map except a recon drone

you can tell the difference between being painted and not.

you get way more attention and people stalk you from every direction

ducking down with assassin like a girl?


as opposed to sitting in a corner watching my radar for red dots instead of looking infront of me for kills?

keep on reconing your way to a .68 ratio, b.

dont let me change your mind.

(also, i play HC alot, which, if you havent noticed, doesnt provide you a radar unless you UAV....portable radar is WORTHLESS in hardcore. they should have made portable radar track assassins AND give you a pulse UAV of the area it covers, at least. under the same logic, recon is that much more useless in hardcore.)

Son, what the @#% are you talking about with this .68 crap? You can't multitask glancing at a minimap and running around the map? My bad.

I don't play HC. It's too campy for my liking.

You're only painted on the map for the person using Recon, which means anytime any of the aforementioned happen to you, you're on their map. Regardless of who stuns you, flashes you, random greande, car explosion, anything; the person using Recon can see you. You don't get "Tagged" like you do from the Recon helicopter, so in essence you'll never know until you get killed by the person using Recon if they actually had it when you were flashed, shot, or hit with an explosive.
right and what im telling you is

i never get killed by a person who's recon im painted on.


i could see if 9/10 times i died, the person was using recon....

but, mostly, i die from being flanked or spawning infront of people.

recon doesnt do enough for me.

it does more than i originally thought

but it still doesnt do anything for me.

only time i use it is when i get all perks and, still, marksman pro is 1000000000 times more useful.

seeing a nametag pop up regardless of distance is 100000000 times more useful than someone taking damage being painted for ONE person...

especially when they arent blind eye'd.....

i mean, NT keeps a chopper up...he wont even reach me by the time he's destroyed

im still standing by my statement that its useless.


the .68 is just beautiful delicious slander.

running recon, your ratio cant be that high, b.

and nah, multitasking to look at your radar gets you merked out...unless you check in between reloads...

playing HC i've kinda weened my way off watching the radar and im more in tune to the movements of players instead.
All this talk and no1 is shooting lets set up a match and everyone can see who is the best with what perks end of story. no perk is useless in my eyes its how you use them and what type of player you are.

set up a private match and enough talk
I have Recon on one of my classes and I have a 1.8+ k/d and a 2.2+ W/L so get outta' here with that nonsense.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

I have Recon on one of my classes and I have a 1.8+ k/d and a 2.2+ W/L so get outta' here with that nonsense.

  Can we take that as a NT private match challage invite request?
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

-DeathStreaks (Yes ive died twice to fools with DeadMan's Hand) 
why do people cry about this type of thing?


youve merked dude like 6 times in a row without a kill, merk him a 7th and get blown up by c4 in his hand

why are you crying?

If you think otherwise youre a +$!$%## fool.. Only time its somewhat ok not to run assassin is if you are in a full team or running the Specialist Strike Package. (Cause ud want to use hardline to get ur perks quicker. And eventually get Assassin)   

running hardline with assassin is prolly the biggest noob mistake with the specialist strike package.

its utterly useless.

now, rocking assassin at all times is definitely the only way to play TDM

im upset the portable radar DOESNT work on people with assassin.....i mean, whats the point of having it?

the portable radar and recon drones should be the only counter to assassin, but just recon drones are.

recon, the perk, is !%**!*! useless. they should have made it so any damage/gunfire paints you for the duration of your life (like a recon drone) THEN it would be a useful perk....but now? LMAO

the recon drone is actually pretty underrated, when you consider its the only way to counter a 6-man roster of assassins (as far as seeing them on radar is concerned)

another underrated perk is marksman, im not gonna hip you all to it, tho.....

I believe that portable radars, thermal scope, EMPs, and Counter UAV's should still go against assassin.
ESPECIALLY the thermal 
Originally Posted by Hoy Its Lindsay

Originally Posted by Millzhouse719

Originally Posted by prymone

to much talkin..

lets get 12 for tonite...


1. prym1tk
I am down 2.CheapGrampsJoe
I'm down too.
3. GodBlessTheTrap

My friend let me borrow his mic, too... Yall might hear my voice for once 
at the confusion and debates if your a girl, I don't care personally
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

(i really dont see how you read my last post and disagreed...its numbers...and facts. you're operating 1 less "use" perk than i am at any given you can count 2 assists as a kill....which dont stack up to your specialist if you die....and you lose your assassin when you die)
Its fact? Says who? 
I can live without assassin for a brief moment. Until i do something that is worth a Point to unlock it then unlocking other perks/all the perks one point before you do... 

If i wanted Assassin at all times then ill just switch to an Assassin Class w/ another Strike Package...

You talk to me as if im not capable of gettin ONE kill ...

And yes they do stack... Ive gotten 2 assists coundted as a kill and unlocked a new perk through hardline while using the Specialist Package ,so yeah...

Also, i said i Might as well be starting off w/ 4 perks at the start of a Dom game cause i just gotta shuffle my feet over to my home flag. Spawn.Cap it. Get that point. Have 4 perks. Before i even see aenemy/leave my spawn ...
You're not reading. I've seen you play.

Linds, why in the %$!@ would thermal show assasins? Unless you mean it should be an ability of blind eye instead.

Maybe they shoulda broke some assassin ability into blind eye....

I'm not setting up no private nothing.....

I really don't give a %$!@ if you all listen to me or not.

Y'all can keep running bum @** private matches

While the good nters run 75-12 games every night.....

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