Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (November 4, 2014)

These damn exo suits have taken running away to another level. Shoot a guy in the back and watch them start speed boosting around corners. It's hilarious. Terrace map is piff.
These damn exo suits have taken running away to another level. Shoot a guy in the back and watch them start speed boosting around corners. It's hilarious. Terrace map is piff.
That's one of my least fav maps actually. I didn't cop the DLC yet tho, I am waiting to see how much time Halo takes up.

Is there a NT Xbox Clan?
These damn exo suits have taken running away to another level. Shoot a guy in the back and watch them start speed boosting around corners. It's hilarious. Terrace map is piff.


I can't hate on that tho

Gotta keep that kdr in check
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These damn exo suits have taken running away to another level. Shoot a guy in the back and watch them start speed boosting around corners. It's hilarious. Terrace map is piff.

I can't hate on that tho

Gotta keep that kdr in check
Just got to find the right game type to drive it up. I ran HC KC then HC Dom yesterday went from 1.2 to almost 1.4 now. My W/L stinks presently tho.
Hope someone here can help

I just fired up my X1 to play COD AW - and it wouldn't connect to XBL and then when I went to start up the game I get the following message

"We couldn't get your latest saved data"

Try again or use game or app offline.

What is going on? It was fine yesterday.

U are correct

I haven't even done anything but HC TDM

Gonna get on some different matches tho
Hope someone here can help

I just fired up my X1 to play COD AW - and it wouldn't connect to XBL and then when I went to start up the game I get the following message

"We couldn't get your latest saved data"

Try again or use game or app offline.

What is going on? It was fine yesterday.
Try restarting the game or your box. It acts funny but comes around usally after a try or 2 for me to get on.

U are correct

I haven't even done anything but HC TDM

Gonna get on some different matches tho
I went into a hardpoint on Monday, it was a massacre, almost made me cry lol HC TDM usually to slow for me. KC might be my K/D booster.
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Try restarting the game or your box. It acts funny but comes around usally after a try or 2 for me to get on.

I hard reset the system 3 times, nothing is working. It won't let me sign into XBL even though I'm conencted and checked the settings and connections
This exo suit **** shoulda been a bonus playlist ..that ain't COD.

Getting the hang of the game now tho. Killstreaks still trash ..Wat is the point of the Vulcan Lol
The firing range is a dope addition. The HBR ( i think thats the name is my fav gun behind the AK) recorded a couple solid triple and quads last night on XBL.
I've only been into playing online multiplayer in COD games. Is this one worth copping?
So after playing for a full 2 days, the only problems in my opinion are:

- Pings are atrocious pretty much 90% of the time for almost a good portion of the entire match. I'm sure this will get resolved with a patch soon enough

- 50pts for a kill! Really!? So just a regular UAV I have to kill 8 people! Assuming, I don't get assist points or any other random points along the way without dying. And then the other higher scorestreaks if you obtain them without dying from every direction is pretty underwhelming. I finally get a warbird to see only one person lit up and I get to kill him like 1 or 2 times before its gone. Yah, please fix that.

- There is no real big distinct difference between the rest of the assault rifles. Mostly everyone is running around some form of the Bal-27 or the AK12. All the others are pretty much meh. I mean my favorite back in the other CODs was the single shot ARs like the MK14 because it took 2 shots to kill. This one takes like 3 sometimes more.

Those are my minor complaints, other than people jumping all over the places which overtime tends to get annoying but its something different.

/rant over

So after playing for a full 2 days, the only problems in my opinion are:

- Pings are atrocious pretty much 90% of the time for almost a good portion of the entire match. I'm sure this will get resolved with a patch soon enough

- 50pts for a kill! Really!? So just a regular UAV I have to kill 8 people! Assuming, I don't get assist points or any other random points along the way without dying. And then the other higher scorestreaks if you obtain them without dying from every direction is pretty underwhelming. I finally get a warbird to see only one person lit up and I get to kill him like 1 or 2 times before its gone. Yah, please fix that.

- There is no real big distinct difference between the rest of the assault rifles. Mostly everyone is running around some form of the Bal-27 or the AK12. All the others are pretty much meh. I mean my favorite back in the other CODs was the single shot ARs like the MK14 because it took 2 shots to kill. This one takes like 3 sometimes more.

Those are my minor complaints, other than people jumping all over the places which overtime tends to get annoying but its something different.

/rant over


I like your comments here. Imma reply to some

Totally agree w/ u on the ping... my ping constantly goes from 1 bar to full in the blink of an eye. I play hard wired with a "decent" ping and ~100down and ~30up... I feel like the ping markers are inaccurate because i RARELY experience any lag and have only been disconnected once.

50pts for a kill should be higher in TDM. 50pts per kill in OBJ gametypes is fine w/ me. It incentives players to PTFO..

AR's do seem pretty muddy. BAL / AK are the more common. HBRa3 is a KILLER at range, but suffers against the versatility of the BAL. I feel like the Bal and AK are going to get nerfed. Probably going to get more kick and a sway.

ARX is my favorite AR right now. I enjoy burt fire guns so thats strictly a preference.

SMGs are pretty much trash unless you're playing hardpoint and you're playing the objective and you're not fighting against a shotgun


Here are some of my complaints:

- The HUUUGE names that come up when someone is talking... SERIOUSLY???? this is more distracting than the system hack score streak... Jesus...

- There is not a quick and easy way to view stats of other people

- Clan integration is completely broken right now

- I dont like unlocking loadout items by level. Blackops 2 and ghosts had it right by giving you a form of currency to unlock what you wanted as you get more currency

- Supply drops dont really make sense

- Supply drop loot is random and not based on guns you're using. For example, I use the ARX... why do i get a supply drop for a sniper I dont even have unlocked? You should be able to grind a challenge to receive a reward you want. You should be reward according to your play style, not at random.

- Spawning is kinda crazy on OBJ game modes like uplink. This is understandable due to the chaotic nature of the exo boosting and what not.
I agree about the grenades. My friend was saying you can denoate grenades launched at will, is that true. maybe its a certain one but I had no luck. He said u double tap X.

Maybe he was trolling me.
I agree about the grenades. My friend was saying you can denoate grenades launched at will, is that true. maybe its a certain one but I had no luck. He said u double tap X.

Maybe he was trolling me.

Certain ones.

Threat grenade, emp, etc.

Frags you can cook

Semtex are timed
Only thing I don't like about the game is grenades are useless

I agree with you! Although, I do have good use with symtex for some reason paired with (I hate that its even there) danger close.

djyoung08 djyoung08 I 100% agree with everything you said. Obj modes like kill confirmed I can see 50pts a kill is good since you pick up dog tags left and right for points. I really hope they do fix the assault rifle class. Can't really speak on the other classes as I don't mess with them much.

did alright sniping in DOM last night. rarely use the exo perks (i have shield on all of my classes). It seems like only direct hits work for grenades.
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