Californians, how do you feel about Prop 8: Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry?

^How can not believing in gay marriage be absurd if my religion clearly states that marriage is between a man and a woman? So as a Christian my beliefs areabsurd? The bible may not be the constitution but this country was founded on the principle of GOD....if you don't believe me take a look at your currencythe next time you buy something.

With that said they're still humans and have the right to love whoever they choose. I just don't think it should be called marriage, but they shouldhave the same rights as married couples.
marriage is not a religious term as defined by Webster so people need to stop using that argument

the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2): the state ofbeing united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage b: the mutual relation of married persons : wedlock c: theinstitution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage
Marriage is not a religious word. Look it up in the dictionary.

So in your argument, the N word just means an ignorant person, and calling somebody gay means they are happy?

I'll pass on the dictionary dictating my interpretation of a word that originates from the BIBLE

thanks though

The dictionary changes every year. Bible doesn't, and it did ORIGINATE FROM THE BIBLE
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Marriage is not a religious word. Look it up in the dictionary.

So in your argument, the N word just means an ignorant person, and calling somebody gay means they are happy?

I'll pass on the dictionary, thanks though

don't be so thick. what if two NON-religious straight people get married? is that marriage religious?

just because GOD is in the constitution and on the dollar bill, it doesn't make the bible US LAW. that's essentially what someone was arguing. andTHAT, you beautiful people, is absurd.

the point here is that people need to get beyond deciding on their own beliefs, and look at what this law is. Basically, the law asks, "should we preventgay people from getting married?" or, "should i prevent someone I don't know at all from doing something that wont harm me in any way, I probablywont even see that its going on, just because its icky and makes me uncomfortable, or because MY religion doesnt allow it, not theirs?"

"yes, i want to take away the right of a total stranger to marry the person he or she loves because MY religious beliefs dont allow it"

say that to yourself when you vote for prop 8...
I don't support gay people to get marry but I can careless if they get marry so I'll vote no on this nonsense. Everyone deserves to be happy right?
Bottom line

If two gay couples are walking down the street. Both couples have rings on their left ring finger One couple is married, one not. Would you know which coupleis married? Would it bother you that you dont?
don't be so thick. what if two NON-religious straight people get married? is that marriage religious?

I don't get how that is the same?

If you are not of religious belief, no reason to get married.
The definition of Marriage is a Union bound under God's word between woman and man.

Again I am not against gay marriage, but I don't see why they want something so bad that the very thing they base it on states that it is not allowed.

The best, and ONLY argument against same-sex marriage is the argument against ALL marriage IMO

^I can only speak for myself when I say this but I'm not trying to take away their right to love who they love or be with who they be with I just don'tagree that it should be called marriage. I was taught that marriage is between a man and a woman not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. I'm notknocking gay relationships or unions and I'm damn sure not judging anyone here but I just aint with it being called marriage
Originally Posted by CHIARAVANOND

I don't support gay people to get marry but I can careless if they get marry so I'll vote no on this nonsense. Everyone deserves to be happy right?

This is the conclusion that I would expect everyone who gives this issue a moment of thought and a bit of selflessness to come to. Thank you for stating thisso succinctly.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

don't be so thick. what if two NON-religious straight people get married? is that marriage religious?

I don't get how that is the same?

If you are not of religious belief, no reason to get married.
The definition of Marriage is a Union bound under God's word between woman and man.

Again I am not against gay marriage, but I don't see why they want something so bad that the very thing they base it on states that it is not allowed.

The best, and ONLY argument against same-sex marriage is the argument against ALL marriage IMO
just wondering do you have any evidence other than the bible?
I'll be voting against the ban, but that doesn't mean I agree with the gay lifestyle...everyone is entitled to their rights...
Originally Posted by s dubl

Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

This is tough for me. But I don't think I can support gay marriages.

I live in california. I believe in equal rights. But I feel that a marriage should be between a male and female. If two guys want to live together, and have
sex then I don't care. I just oppose them being married.
OK so a straight couple are married, the wife doesnt have health insurance. The husbands job will only provide if they are "married". No problem there. What about a gay couple? They dont deserve the same right?

My answer to that scenario is that there are plenty of other ways to get health insurance. I think it's rediculus for people to get married for insurancereasons.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by kix4kix

don't be so thick. what if two NON-religious straight people get married? is that marriage religious?

I don't get how that is the same?

If you are not of religious belief, no reason to get married.
The definition of Marriage is a Union bound under God's word between woman and man.

Again I am not against gay marriage, but I don't see why they want something so bad that the very thing they base it on states that it is not allowed.

The best, and ONLY argument against same-sex marriage is the argument against ALL marriage IMO
just wondering do you have any evidence other than the bible?

Originally Posted by PaidNHalf

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by kix4kix

don't be so thick. what if two NON-religious straight people get married? is that marriage religious?

I don't get how that is the same?

If you are not of religious belief, no reason to get married.
The definition of Marriage is a Union bound under God's word between woman and man.

Again I am not against gay marriage, but I don't see why they want something so bad that the very thing they base it on states that it is not allowed.

The best, and ONLY argument against same-sex marriage is the argument against ALL marriage IMO
just wondering do you have any evidence other than the bible?

Let me rephrase other than religious doctrines?
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by PaidNHalf

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by kix4kix

don't be so thick. what if two NON-religious straight people get married? is that marriage religious?

I don't get how that is the same?

If you are not of religious belief, no reason to get married.
The definition of Marriage is a Union bound under God's word between woman and man.

Again I am not against gay marriage, but I don't see why they want something so bad that the very thing they base it on states that it is not allowed.

The best, and ONLY argument against same-sex marriage is the argument against ALL marriage IMO
just wondering do you have any evidence other than the bible?

Let me rephrase other than religious doctrines?

Nope as I stated man, It is a religious word
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by PaidNHalf

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by kix4kix

don't be so thick. what if two NON-religious straight people get married? is that marriage religious?

I don't get how that is the same?

If you are not of religious belief, no reason to get married.
The definition of Marriage is a Union bound under God's word between woman and man.

Again I am not against gay marriage, but I don't see why they want something so bad that the very thing they base it on states that it is not allowed.

The best, and ONLY argument against same-sex marriage is the argument against ALL marriage IMO
just wondering do you have any evidence other than the bible?

Let me rephrase other than religious doctrines?

Nope as I stated man, It is a religious word

Not everybody believes what you believe! Remember what we believe in is based on faith and not fact.
I'm pretty conflicted on this issue. I grew up as a Christian and still consider myself one although my social views are vastly more liberal than they werewhen i was younger. I understand that in the Bible it states that marriage is between a man and a woman but in my heart of hearts, I also believe that gaypeople are born gay. Who am I to deny another happiness? To me, anti-gay marriage is the new anti-black vote or the anti-woman's vote. It's a civilright I believe for any two consenting individuals who love each other to be married. Even though I may be heavily conflicted on the issue of homosexuality, Ialso understand that there is a separation of church and state and religion should NEVER play a part when it comes to deciding law. That is why I will bevoting no on Proposition 8.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Nope as I stated man, It is a religious word
people don't get married just to be "religiously" bonded.
matter of fact, more than often, people get married with no religious blessing at all.

forreal though, what does the origin of the word have to do with its modern meaning?

imbecile comes from the French word imbécile,which means weak. does that mean
i'm saying "you're weak" if i say you're an imbecile, which really what i'm trying to say
is that "you're an idiot" in my perspective? ( not calling names out, just simple analogy.)

your logic is void then.

i don't and never will understand homosexuality because i don't get how you can't
get an erection if you visit every page of the big booty / boobs thread or what have you,
but they're humans just like everybody else and they shouldn't be deprived of what they feel.

which is why i don't know what's getting your panties in a bunch about it
( panties originally meant a child's undergarment. that's not what i meant though. )
If you are not of religious belief, no reason to get married.

This discussion we're having is specific to Prop 8 which concerns marriage in the state of California. Marriage in the state of California doesn'trequire that you be religious in any way nor does the state require any religious official be present to get married. So, I don't believe that religiousbeliefs should have any relevance in this discussion of civil marriage.

I have yet to see clearly supported claims of how banning gay marriage protects the institution of marriage or society as a whole. Thus, I'm voting no onProp 8.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by cquan05

Gays have every right to be as miserable as straight people.

I agree you should let them be together. But If my religion says that something is not validated, than why would you need to call it marriage?

As long as they have the SAME rights, tax breaks, visiting rights, will ect....I don't see the big deal, but like I stated I don't really care what they call it, so I guess in a way I'm for it.
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

If you are not of religious belief, no reason to get married.

This discussion we're having is specific to Prop 8 which concerns marriage in the state of California. Marriage in the state of California doesn't require that you be religious in any way nor does the state require any religious official be present to get married. So, I don't believe that religious beliefs should have any relevance in this discussion of civil marriage.

I have yet to see clearly supported claims of how banning gay marriage protects the institution of marriage or society as a whole. Thus, I'm voting no on Prop 8.

My response was to a statement saying that non-religious people getting married is the same as gays.

Marriage should not come with tax breaks ect ect. or, recognition by the Government because it is a RELIGIOUS TERM.

That is the main issue I have, not gay marriage itself. The constitution is SUPPOSED to not have religious pretenses, however, this is not the case, and Itstime to address that.

That is my argument
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