BUY MY BEATS ... or just crit them, or complain about them, or rip them before you actually listen..

oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh burn


btw i should mention the price tag. these aren't really the best i have to offer, and they're only for lease. check my myspace for better, more priceystuff
ehhh... theres plenty of better producers to cop beats cop off of on nt... u kinda weak...
ehhh... theres plenty of better producers to cop beats cop off of on nt... u kinda weak...

I used to see you on the NT Beat Thread, and I never listened to your music, I always just figured that you were talented because you always had an opinion.

There may be better producers than me on NT, (if so, not many), but YOU, my friend, are DEFINITELY NOT one of them.
Originally Posted by THEBIGJUICE


I used to see you on the NT Beat Thread, and I never listened to your music, I always just figured that you were talented because you always had an opinion.

There may be better producers than me on NT, (if so, not many), but YOU, my friend, are DEFINITELY NOT one of them.

this sort of implies that i had never listened to it until now, but thank you for that interjection logic police
I have a suggestion

If you're going to make ^^^ that symbol, or say something negative, at least say why. That way, it's constructive.

Also, don't tell me not to be arrogant-- it's a warranted response when someone younger and less talented comes at you and says "ehhh u kindaweak" without any statement as to why.

Your beats suck, and I'll tell you why.

When I listened to the first one it was wack, so I went to the next one. I didn't like that one, or the next one, etc. All your beats are garbage. WhileI'm typing this, my computer is on mute because I couldn't find the mute button in your widget.
NT is ridiculous sometimes.

Okay, haha, my beats suck, *$%* haha, come into this thread, read the rest of the posts, and then listen to my beats thinking they're gonna suck, and thenagree with what everyone else says because you're expecting them to suck anyway, then make a smart @+# post like that one^.

I'm not looking for jokes from 16 year-olds.

you make a post with a title like that and you are asking for criticism. Beats aren't that bad though. Problem is, there are some ill producers on here.

Also raise your prices up and your product up, the whole cheap lease beat thing is destroying the business of making music.
you gotta understand though-- it's TOUGH to get anything other than a $20-$30 lease. Even my BEST beats, that I don't put on sites like the one here,are only getting offered for small leases.

There are thousands of people offering beats for way too cheap, I agree. But you gotta make your money somehow, because selling a $300 beat once or twice ayear just won't cut it for most.
also, the best part about this is that I'm tracking the number of plays from the website.... half of you aren't even listening to my beats before youknock them.....
Originally Posted by THEBIGJUICE

Even my BEST beats, that I don't put on sites like the one here, are only getting offered for small leases.

You're not even offering your best product to the people you're trying to work with.

The !%!* you expect...?
Plan, come on man, don't judge my character. If you wanna judge character, jump on all the people posting punk %%@ comments allllll over this board. Justlisten to the music and tell me what you think and if you don't like it, move on, or give me some criticism.

And Pusha, it can still be good even if it's not the best i have.

everyone tries to pick out little inconsistencies in what people post... just give it a rest and listen.
i didnt listen to em...but all i can say is jus perfect ur craft b4 u put em out on the market real talk...if u think they can only go for a 20-30 dollar leasethen dont even put em out because alot of producers have put mad time into production and mad money into equipment tho i do kno some people dats super tuffwith fruity loops lol...but i purchase beats for 500 to 3000 dollars so all i can say is keep grindin and keep workin to get ur beats rite b4 u put em out tothe public

your shhh is hot garbaaaaje

Also, don't tell me not to be arrogant-- it's a warranted response when someone younger and less talented comes at you and says "ehhh u kinda weak" without any statement as to why.
ummm, time and plan are !*#!#%# all over your beats. have you even sold one beat? i feel bad for anyone who would spend $30 on that

no offense
Originally Posted by THEBIGJUICE

you gotta understand though-- it's TOUGH to get anything other than a $20-$30 lease. Even my BEST beats, that I don't put on sites like the one here, are only getting offered for small leases.

There are thousands of people offering beats for way too cheap, I agree. But you gotta make your money somehow, because selling a $300 beat once or twice a year just won't cut it for most.
Maybe so, but there is no way to even come close to breaking even on 20-30 tracks. No mcees are gonna be willing to pay for tracks if there are so manyterrible beats being sold for so cheap (not saying yours are terrible, but they ARE cheap...) Its a lot of dudes on here who have the skill to pull of a postlike this, and have a few pages of 'that track is sick' type replies. you would have gotten a much more constructive response with a post asking forsome feedback. Confidence is important, but its not the only important thing, and there is something to be said for being confident in your work enough to letit speak for itself, without having to tell people how hot your beats are. good luck dude
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