buy a macbook NOW or later?

Later, new ones are coming out. Then again, there are new ones coming out ever 4 months...
I'm in the same boat.

I got a new HD for my '04 HP in December and it's run fine since, but just recently I've been having odd problems (no porn).

I don't need a MacBook Pro because I don't do editing, plus this new promotion for students is nice, student discount + iPod = few hundred dollars off.I've got an external HD so I don't need a ton of space.

Does anyone have a basic MacBook on here? Would it be good for me going to grad school for Int'l Business?
Wait, they are having student deals where if you buy a Mac you can get a free Ipod Touch or Ipod Nano after rebates. I think its sometime later this month.check out
Don't wait if you are gonna get one, get one now....upgrades are inevitable.....
Macs are the best computer available if you are a general user
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