Bulls offseason Thread

we definitely need to get together for a game this season and a playoff game too. When are most of you available? I'm open for the most part, just need to plan.
we definitely need to get together for a game this season and a playoff game too. When are most of you available? I'm open for the most part, just need to plan.

yeah we def need to link up for a game or 2

what about the heat game coming up :nerd: :nerd:
Derrick Rose: 'I'm not coming back until I'm 110%'
Jeff Zillgitt, USA TODAY Sports2:48p.m. EST February 12, 2013

DEERFIELD, Ill. – As Chicago Bulls point guard Derrick Rose nears his return from a torn anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee, the non-timetable timetable remains in place.

Even though Rose is practicing and traveling with the team, there is no specific target date, and the 2010-11 MVP and three-time All-Star is comfortable with that.

After all, he's been patient since the devastating April 28 injury. Rose maintains he won't play until he's ready and not a second sooner.

POWER RANKINGS: Tie at the top?

"I don't have a set date," Rose told USA TODAY Sports on Monday in his first extensive interview since the 2012-13 NBA season began. "I'm not coming back until I'm 110%. Who knows when that can be? It can be within a couple of weeks. It could be next year. It could be any day. It could be any time. It's just that I'm not coming back until I'm ready."

How close is Rose to 110%?

"Right now, probably in the high 80s," he said. "Far away. Far away."

The ambiguity is by design but not with duplicity intended. The Bulls have no reason to target a date. Rose, the humble star, is the face of the franchise and worth the patience.

"Every injury's different. People want to pigeonhole exactly when he returns, and I understand that," Bulls general manager Gar Forman said. "Everybody would like to know. We would like to know the exact date.

"But what we really tried to do was stay true to the process and not skip steps as he went along his rehabilitation. … We wanted to make sure we did what was right for Derrick."

The Bulls, with the exception of Monday's 103-89 loss to the San Antonio Spurs, who were playing without Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker, have been good this season. They are fourth in the Eastern Conference and a 1/2-game behind Indiana in the Central Division.

In the meantime, Rose continues to work and contemplates the kind of player he will be when he returns.

"I know it's going to be something good. With all this hard work I've been putting into my game, I'm doing stuff I never did before. I gained 10, 11 pounds of muscle. I don't know what type of player I'm going to be. I just know that I'm going to be very good."

During a wide-ranging discussion, Rose opened up on many topics, including his injury and the impact it had, fatherhood, the bold adidas ad campaign centered on his return and the overwhelming support he has received from Bulls fans.

Check back later today at usatoday.com for more from the Rose interview.

I have two differing viewpoints of Rose's statements:

1. He's essentially saying to the Org, get it together roster-wise. Booz for Bargs is not an enticement to come back early.


2. He is echoing the Org's ultra-cautious approach in his rehab and eventual return. Reinsdorf also used similar wording in his prior statement regarding Rose and his comeback. Plus, the Org's been slyly selling the so-called 2014 / 2015 "Plan". He could be speaking based on their promises.

Personally, I wouldn't really mind if he came back next season.
i think its a mix of both... personally i wouldnt care if we didnt see him suited up until start for the 2014 season
Im not sure how i feel about it. If he's doing everything in practice like they say he is, i would like to see him back at some point, if hes healthy, even if its on a minutes limit.

But at the same time time i dont want to rush it. I read on a writers twitter today, cant remember who, "that it sounds like a superstar player, who doesnt want to cone back until he can dominate again." Which probably is true also
Now sports talk radio is starting to turn on Pooh.

I called this ****.
I want no parts of Pooh coming back too early, but if he were 80% of the MVP year this team could challenge for the #1 seed in the east as constructed right now. Thats why people arent having patience.
Watching Eric Maynor, Ricky Rubio and Iman Shumpert struggle this season after ACL tears, I don't blame Rose or the Bulls organization for taking every precaution possible.
I was hoping he didn't come back this season. Playing pretty good without him and it's not like we can beat Miami in a 7 game series.

Kinda wish we would've tanked the season so we can get a decent draft pick.
Now sports talk radio is starting to turn on Pooh.

I called this ****. :smh:

Yeah I seen that. Pathetic.

Too be honest, when I read that "high 80s", I was like you're kidding me...

Still think he'll be back this season though.
Watching Eric Maynor, Ricky Rubio and Iman Shumpert struggle this season after ACL tears, I don't blame Rose or the Bulls organization for taking every precaution possible.

Good point. The local media is spinning the hell out of this story :smh:
Now sports talk radio is starting to turn on Pooh.

I called this ****. :smh:

Yeah I seen that. Pathetic.

Too be honest, when I read that "high 80s", I was like you're kidding me...

Still think he'll be back this season though.

My initial stance was that he should sit and rehab it all year bc he is the franchise... That's me being extra cautious. I respect if his team wants him to be as ready as can possibly be both mentally & physically.

Watching Eric Maynor, Ricky Rubio and Iman Shumpert struggle this season after ACL tears, I don't blame Rose or the Bulls organization for taking every precaution possible.

Good point. The local media is spinning the hell out of this story :smh:

Listening to a caller call him a Diva now and question whether or not he can lead a team to a championship period now.

******g disgusting. I said this was going to happen. Saw it as soon as he tore it. Called this back in May. :smh: |I
If Rosé doesn't return this season, it is not a physical issue but a mental issue. Beyond ten months, he has no more of a chance of tearing his acl than before he tore it last April. Ten months is more than a conservative time frame for an acl recovery given adequate rehab so I will reserve judgment until March.
Derrick Rose's return reaches the point of hysteria
By Ricky O'Donnell on Feb 13, 10:50a

The mania surrounding Derrick Rose's return reached a high point this week.

The narrative surrounding the return of Derrick Rose has officially gone off the deep end. On Tuesday afternoon, the first snippets of Rose's exclusive interview with USA Today made the rounds with some confusing, if not downright contradictory, quotes regarding his return. Rose said that he won't come back until he's 110 percent healthy, that he's probably in the 'high 80s' right now and that a timetable for his return remains very much undefined.

"It can be within a couple of weeks. It could be next year. It could be any day. It could be any time. It's just that I'm not coming back until I'm ready."

The first report sparked speculation in the media that perhaps Rose isn't coming back. After all, he raised possibility himself. ESPN Chicago's Scott Powers followed up and had a source (within the organization, presumably) tell him that Rose's return this season is '50/50'.

The full USA Today profile dropped late Tuesday night, and it's a doozy. This is certainly the most revealing look into Rose's life and rehabilitation since he tore his ACL, and it's possibly the most insightful interview he's given in his career. Will Leitch's GQ interview with Rose last season comes to mind, but Leitch didn't get Rose to talk about his (nonexistent) father.

The USA Today profile is a must-read, covering everything from the pain Rose went through after surgery to his new dietary habits to the birth of his first son. On his recovery from surgery, when doctors 'drilled holes in his tibia and femur, and replaced the torn ACL with a piece of the patellar tendon', Rose said:

"My health was terrible, where I wasn't eating," Rose said. "They put me on medication. And when you're not eating and taking the kind of medication they gave me, it can mess up your body. It messed me up for like a week where I was throwing up consistently every day.

"I couldn't walk. I was in pain. My hamstrings were on fire. They had to block the nerve in my leg, so when that nerve block wore off, the pain came. It felt like someone was hitting my hamstrings with a sledgehammer."

Rose's return has been a calculated endeavor since he tore his ACL, and this interview is no different. USA Today and likely reporter Jeff Zillgitt were handpicked by Rose's agency, Wasserman Media Group, and supposedly there's two other interviews with national outlets that will soon hit the public.

While there isn't inherently anything wrong with this, it rubbed some in the local media the wrong way. Rose has given the local press the silent treatment throughout the process, which sparked an angry and sort of insane column from the Tribune's David Haugh on Wednesday morning. After the USA Today profile, Haugh wonders: who has more control over Rose, the Bulls or adidas?

Haugh, in a true Troll Tuesday-level effort, writes:

Rose oddly broached that possibility himself in a USA Today exclusive Tuesday that demanded everybody's attention because it raised questions that go beyond the stability of his knee — questions perhaps not even the Bulls can answer.

Questions about whether the humble hometown hero from Englewood has gotten lost somewhere amid a corporate marketing campaign packaging him. Questions about how much control the Bulls really have over a player they have invested $95 million in — or $165 million less than Adidas invested. Questions about who ultimately will decide when or if Rose plays this season: Team Rose or his NBA team?

Haugh continues:

The broader issue involves how much influence Armstrong and others at Wasserman will wield in determining whether Rose returns in late February or March or waits to re-launch his career next fall. If you accept the premise that Rose raising the possibility that he might miss the entire season represents an choreographed move by his agency, then it's not hard to imagine Rose's handlers having input into when he returns. And if people who have Rose's financial interests (as well as millions of their own) in mind start meddling into what's best for the Bulls' basketball interests, that poses a problem.

Haugh certainly isn't the only person wondering how much power adidas holds here, it's been raised to me by several different people in the last 24 hours. To me, though, Haugh mostly comes off as salty because Rose shut out the local media. If this interview is given to the Tribune, does he write this column? Does he raise the same questions about Rose's motivations? I find that very hard to believe.

The simple fact of the matter is that taking Derrick Rose's words at the surface level is a very slippery slope. He has grown more comfortable with the media in recent years and is certainly coached on what to say, but he remains less than the most eloquent speaker around.

It seems very likely to me that this interview was meant to build up hype for Rose's impending comeback, which is probably 2-3 weeks away. When Rose talks about the timetable, when Rose says "It could be any time", I don't believe he was attempting to say anything controversial. It was never his intention to drop a bomb in the middle of what's largely a fluff piece. When he says "it could be next year", I believe he was just trying to cover his bases. He isn't coming back tomorrow. Rose's version 'far, far away' could be anything longer than a week from now.

If Haugh truly wants to know who's behind everything, it isn't very hard to figure out. Rose has been sheltered from the media by his family to an extreme extent since he entered the national basketball consciousness when he was 15 years old. There are plenty of reasons for this. He was raised in a very poor, very violent neighborhood. He was raised without a father. He had to fly to Detroit to pass the SAT after failing it three times, so it's safe it say he isn't terribly book smart. Rose's family, led by his brother Reggie, has been at the reins all along. That extends to the present day, even as Derrick has an MVP award and a child. If Haugh thinks Rose is going to open up to just anyone, he obviously hasn't been paying attention to how the family does business.

The most likely scenario in my mind is that this profile is step one of Rose's comeback. They'll be more interviews, probably another commercial. Haugh's correct in that the whole thing is contrived and calculated, but why wouldn't it be? What's wrong with that? It's called "The Return", people. If Rose comes back next season, it isn't so much of a return. I believe adidas wants Rose back -- it's what's depicted in the commercial. It's true that there's very real concerns over his return from injury, and that it won't be the blown out, thematic scene depicted in the ad. They'll be minute limitations and nights off. They'll be times when he doesn't look good. It's all part of the process, which Rose has seemingly aced the entire time.

So back off the ledge. Stop questioning Rose's motivations. This has taken a bit of an ugly turn that was never supposed to happen. Rose is very likely to return this season, and he'll do it soon. If he isn't back in a month, it might be time to worry. But right now? As the Bulls and Rose have said all along, he's right on schedule.

Ricky O'Donnell is an NBA assignment editor at SB Nation. Email at [email protected] or follow on Twitter.

My initial stance was that he should sit and rehab it all year bc he is the franchise... That's me being extra cautious. I respect if his team wants him to be as ready as can possibly be both mentally & physically.
Listening to a caller call him a Diva now and question whether or not he can lead a team to a championship period now.

******g disgusting. I said this was going to happen. Saw it as soon as he tore it. Called this back in May. :smh: |I


There'll always be bad apples in every fanbase. No way the whole city turns on him....right?
If Rosé doesn't return this season, it is not a physical issue but a mental issue. Beyond ten months, he has no more of a chance of tearing his acl than before he tore it last April. Ten months is more than a conservative time frame for an acl recovery given adequate rehab so I will reserve judgment until March.

Wilbon made the comments concerning this hysteria that I felt were right on the money:

We don't know where he is physically, this is the first time Pooh has said anything to ANYONE and the organization has held the company line the entire way.

We don't know how he's looked at practice or how his knee has responded after them.

We don't know if he's had any setbacks.


There is a timeline as to when he will be back on the floor that we as fans have created by the fans based upon a suggested window and what AP did. That time table didn't come from the Organization, Doctors or Derrick it was generated by fans.
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Wilbon made the comments concerning this hysteria that I felt were right on the money:

We don't know where he is physically, this is the first time Pooh has said anything to ANYONE and the organization has held the company line the entire way.

We don't know how he's looked at practice or how his knee has responded after them.

We don't know if he's had any setbacks.


There is a timeline as to when he will be back on the floor that we as fans have created by the fans based upon a suggested window and what AP did. That time table didn't come from the Organization, Doctors or Derrick it was generated by fans.

Yes we don't know what has happened behind closed doors. Yes, there hasn't been an official time table set on the table. But I do know the general recovery time of a torn acl. That's not set by fans but by what we know from acl injury studies. There will come a point where rose will reach diminished returns and waiting longer to return will not benefit him. The acl itself is most likely 100 percent healed at this point. The lingering issue is if the atrophied muscles supporting the ligament has sufficiently rehabilitated and if he has achieved proper flexibility and full range of motion...and then there's the mental issue. That's it.
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Plus right now I am making my comments operating under the assumption that Rose has suffered no setbacks, which is what everyone is telling us. If he has suffered a setback, it would certainly change my stance but I don't subscribe to the popular opinion that he should forego this season if he didn't.
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