Bulls offseason Thread

Let's let him keep working out and start cooking at the summer league. .

Rose is only practicing with the summer league team, he not actually going to play.

I really hope he decides to play for USA on restricted mintues, it would be a great way for him to get back into the flow of things.

You see that's the thing...
He's not guaranteed a spot he will have to compete and beat out the likes of

At this point in his rehab I would rather he not step into that kinda situation. I would rather he practice and play a lil in the summer league and build his confidence back up....let him work back into form in the season.
I'm not trying to put him out there now competing against a group of all stars regardless of the level of intensity, that just don't sound like a good recipe to me.
Another important factor is the mental psyche. Does he doubt his body? Does he read too much into the tabloids? Is he mentally in that space that he was before?

Prior to that second injury I believed he was starting to come around mentally and trusting his body more. I just don't know how this second injury has affected him mental wise.
I just say play it safe and let him find his own grove at his own pace and not try to rush him.
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CP3 & Deron aren't playing.

If he can prove himself against the best I think that would be a HUGE boost of confidence heading into season. Dominating against a bunch of rookies and no names in summer league play won't do much IMO.

But if he looks rusty, a step slower, and afraid of contact (which he most likely would) coming back and playing against the best might not be good for his psyche.
Then media will really have a field day and we'll see all types of articles if he gets beat out by Kyrie, Curry, Lillard, or Russell.....which in all reality can happen.
^At this point the FO should have multiple contingencies. Bosh is intriguing because I felt he sacrificed his game the most in Miami.
I like that Bosh idea.
He'll I thought in 2010 he would've been perfect for us.
I'm all in on that one.....Bosh>>Gasol by a landslide
I like that Bosh idea.
He'll I thought in 2010 he would've been perfect for us.
I'm all in on that one.....Bosh>>Gasol by a landslide

i like bosh as well

but when are the bulls going to address a wing player?? why isn't Lance on their radar, considering what other players are going for in the FA market he can probably be had at a bargain. 23 years old and he can get buckets against a team like miami. thats what we need.
I think there keeping lance idea in there back pocket.. Locker room problem I know but it's about that time to look past that...I think at 23 with hus abilities we would be foolish not to
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We REALLY need to address the wing. I like Lance but we're going to have to give him at least 11M per .. add in the fact he's had some locker room issues, not sure how good of a fit it will be. I hope he continues to improve and what we saw last year wasn't the product of a "contract year."
Anything to this???
We REALLY need to address the wing. I like Lance but we're going to have to give him at least 11M per .. add in the fact he's had some locker room issues, not sure how good of a fit it will be. I hope he continues to improve and what we saw last year wasn't the product of a "contract year."

that pacers locker room was a mess. you have idiots like hibbert and PG on the squad, a coach who doesnt know what the hell he's doing. goerge hill who is a SG running point. and CJ Watson ( i just hate cj watson since the sixers series :lol:)

i think with the bulls culture, coaching and veterans he would do well.

at the end of the day if we end up with ramon sessions and anthony morrow this offseason will be a huge fail. might as well not amnesty boozer.
We REALLY need to address the wing. I like Lance but we're going to have to give him at least 11M per .. add in the fact he's had some locker room issues, not sure how good of a fit it will be. I hope he continues to improve and what we saw last year wasn't the product of a "contract year."

that pacers locker room was a mess. you have idiots like hibbert and PG on the squad, a coach who doesnt know what the hell he's doing. goerge hill who is a SG running point. and CJ Watson ( i just hate cj watson since the sixers series :lol:)

i think with the bulls culture, coaching and veterans he would do well.

at the end of the day if we end up with ramon sessions and anthony morrow this offseason will be a huge fail. might as well not amnesty boozer.

Totally agree, I just believe that our locker room and team culture is strong enough to deal with and protect the team and him from himself.
@ESPNSteinLine: ESPN sources say reps from Cavs, Suns, Rockets and Mavs have all met with agent Rich Paul in Cleveland while LeBron has been on vacation

...if LJ takes Melo with him to PHX I'd be pissed.

Word is Melo talked to Pau about playing with him in NY but the Knicks can only offer him something like $3m. Reports now saying Thunder/Bulls are teams Pau is most intrigued with. Maybe Pau can help influence Melo? We could use the MLE of $5.3m on Pau after signing Melo if he's willing to take that kind of paycut....fingers crossed, man.
Don't understand this world where Pau influences who signs where. Those rumors can't be real.

Not surprised that LeBron is testing free agency.
Boozer should be gone period. Don't care if it's cut or traded

And if we miss out on melo it sucks but we still better be trying to make other moves
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