breKFAST!! what ya eating this morning?

pops made chilaquiles
I had a bowl of Trix with whole milk and a little halal bread with apple juice. Not Jewish or Muslim though that stuff is just good.
I have a bagel waiting for me in my kitchen. I'll probably just toast it with some creamcheese. Tall glass of OJ and there yah' go.
I'm craving some meat right now. Pause. But seriously, all I've had is a banana before my test at 9:30 AM 2 hours ago.
some colombian eggs
a blt
chocolate milk
having my girlfriend make it for me while i nt= priceless/appreciated
y'all on some breakfast ishhh....
im going to bed right now....
egg whites, a slice of wheat bread...and water. i gotta start eatin right again im startin to look like grand puba
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