Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

I'm calling it now.. That scene of Walt dropping the meth and saying "you're damn right" will be a top 5 moment of the show
i'm calling it now...

:wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: I swear this was one of THE best episodes in the entire series. The last 6 minutes were nerve racking! It got to the point I was straight up thinking this is the ep where Mike dies. I was waiting for Walt to just sneak up behind him when he came back and kill him or have Todd show up and do it.

I was also thinking Walt was way too cocky with the preview from last week when he said he was in the empire business but it came off real sincere as it happened in that scene. The little reveal of what went down with his friends and holding back on why he left the business put things in perspective.

:lol: @ Todd thinking it was all roses with Jesse.

Such a great ep and the preview looks great for next week. Probably gonna watch again come 12.
Oh yeah the whole Jesse at dinner thing was HILARIOUS :rofl:

Mad AWKWARD. I was just laughing throughout. The way she was filling that wine glass. Jesse's annoying small talk :lol: Then Walt ends the whole scene was some depressing *** talk about the only thing left to him and blaming it on Jesse.

It's clear he'll have him back as his right hand, especially after what he said in the preview.
A standout excerpt from Donna Bowman's article over at the AV Club,83798/

Why doesn’t Walt take the easy money? We already know a lot of the reasons: an insatiable lust for power, the hubris of believing he’s smart enough to be untouchable, a disdain for anyone presuming to dictate the terms of his life. But thanks to its unusually candid dialogue, “Buyout” gives us a new reason. Walter believes what he has—not just the physical resources of supplies and equipment he possesses, but more fundamentally, his native resources of intelligence and invention—is of infinite and absolute worth. And he’s not going to stop until he’s been fairly compensated for them. Which means he’s never going to stop.

That’s the point of the Gray Matter story, an electric moment when a long-dormant thread of the series gets picked back up and woven into a thrilling, revealing tapestry. Walt tells Jesse about the company he and his two friends started, their big dreams, their understanding of the unlimited potential of ideas that hadn’t yet germinated. Then, he says, “something happened… I’m not going to go into detail… for personal reasons” he took a buyout of his third of the business for $5,000. Now the company is worth $2.16 billion. He checks the valuation every week, torturing himself about how cheaply he sold his “potential” and his “kids’ birthright.”

Will there ever be enough money to make up for that ancient mistake? The stock price, in the long term, keeps climbing, and that $5,000 payout looks smaller and smaller by comparison. And of course, Walt’s only gotten smarter and more inventive over the years, as proven by his many and varied triumphs as Heisenberg—why limit himself to the valuation of his grad-school self? There’s no reason to think that there will ever come a time when he has “made his money” and can do that long-delayed soul-searching. The position of emperor, after all, is only relinquished upon death. Or exile. Perhaps to New Hampshire. But that possibility doesn’t appear on Walt’s radar.
I got an hour and a half wait :/

What are you in the meth business or the money business. Neither, I'm in the empire business"

That is one of the best lines of the show to me
My notes on the episode..

- Todd is eager to a fault.. he sounded quite desperate when he mentioned his connections and value to the group
- Mike threatening to shove the gun up Todd's ***
- Todd keeping the tarantula looked to me like he wanted a trophy of his kill
- Jesse noticing Walt whistling and being so carefree at work definitely rubbed him the wrong way.
- I love Mike's subtle sarcasm when he told Walt he would never come to their illegal meth headquarters with a bunch of cops :rofl:
- I'm glad they gave us an idea of how much money they could make.. 300 million from that much of the stuff? Damn. Jesse made the argument for Walt that he made more than he ever could have imagined.. but as that article mentioned, he can't let go of the past mistake he made with Grey Matter. If this business wasn't so dangerous, I would be more inclined to side with Walt and say keep going, but at some point he'll have to pay the price

I know people want to see more and more episodes, but I've been more than satisfied the way this has played out. We saw them regroup after Gus, struggle to get off the ground, the DEA is closing in, they have the opportunity to make hundreds of millions.. and we'll probably see Walt be on top by season's end. Yeah.. maybe play all that out with a few more episodes, but I haven't seen the need just yet. I could see the argument that we want to see Walt be THE MAN for several episodes (or maybe a whole season), but I think we'll see enough to satisfy most. Maybe we're missing out on Walt being the king and living the life.. but I think that gets old.

Great episode. From the solemn opening as they disposed of the evidence.. to the final scenes of Walt taking control.. great TV.
What was the deal? I didn't catch the whole thing.

The deal that Walt has for MIke where everyone wins? We don't know yet, the episode faded to black and it was over.

The article I posted had this idea..
Stuff Hank talks about at work, as picked up by the bug Mike is monitoring: screwups in HR, case numbers being wrong, the difference between Miracle Whip and mayonnaise.
There’s a recurring hint in this episode about ersatz equivalents: Miracle Whip, as mentioned above, and the TV report on fake caviar (made of kelp) in the tented house. Maybe Walt’s “everybody wins” plan involves a blue-meth knockoff.
Walt is gonna LOVE Todd! That speech he gave was nearly word-for-word of Walt pleading for his life to Gus in the lab after Gail's murder. Jesse continues to be loyal to Walt and it's finally gonna lead to the end of Jesse IMO. Jesse still has true compassion for Walt while Walt's feelings towards Jesse have declined to more of a business partner instead of a son/protege.

Plus Mike is a goner too. The DEA talking about how he'll slip up can count him slipping up as him not being more careful of Walt and leaving him alone, even tied up. If Walt's plan fails now, it's over!
Walt is definitely going to give that cigarette to someone or skylar will find it and smoke it herself.
The ricin isn't in a cigarette anymore and even when it was it was in a small glass vile do it couldn't be inhaled by smoking the cigarette.

This dude Walt is going full Scarface. Pushing it to the limit (;)). Things will blow up in his face.
What was the deal? I didn't catch the whole thing.

The deal that Walt has for MIke where everyone wins? We don't know yet, the episode faded to black and it was over.

What did Jesse say? Mike gets 5 mil, that's all I made out.

He said something like "We still get our $5 million and Mr. White still can cook, everybody wins, YO!"

Man this episode was great..seriously this is going to be the longest week ever. I loved the dinner scene :lol:
Skyler is season 1-2 skinny again :lol: Seems like the actress must have weight issues or something because I wonder if they told her to drop weight after S4 and wrote in the part for her character to get depressed for the first 4 episodes of this season. Zombie Skyler is depressed, doesn't eat = skinny again :lol:
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