Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Kinda reminded me of what they said about Toy Story 4, 3 told you what happened to Andy, now let's wrap up Woody's story.
Vince is so consistent with the quality. As always EVERYONE uses their time to shine regardless of how little a role they have
Badger and Skinny Pete were :pimp::pimp::pimp:
Man Plemons could really win an Oscar playing a psychopath, dude plays that role too well. I didn't mind the weight stuff since dude was eating soup and then talked about picking up pizza and beer later

BCS can't come soon enough
Loved it. Felt like...."home", so to speak.

^Strange way to put it but I felt the same lol. I hear what y’all are saying that it was unnecessary but selfishly I still want more. I wish it was another season. Agree that Todd getting so fat was annoying - unprofessional imo. I would’ve been cool if they brought back some other favorites via flashbacks like Huell, Saul, or the B skylar.
just watched, it was something to watch, but don't go into it thinking it's a must-see. you could easily read a summary and it would suffice.
todd looks the most different, sheesh, son was eatin good. Crazy to me how much of a sociopath he is. so polite and sees murder as business, almost like firing someone. :pimp: at the scene when he was singing in the car :lol: didn't know he had it in him.

how is walt still alive? i guess he left his wallet next to a burnt cadaver or something bc the news pronounced him dead.
Also, bad guys being bad at aiming/shooting in movies is like people bring clumsy in infomercials. It's just gonna happen.
just watched, it was something to watch, but don't go into it thinking it's a must-see. you could easily read a summary and it would suffice.
todd looks the most different, sheesh, son was eatin good. Crazy to me how much of a sociopath he is. so polite and sees murder as business, almost like firing someone. :pimp: at the scene when he was singing in the car :lol: didn't know he had it in him.

how is walt still alive? i guess he left his wallet next to a burnt cadaver or something bc the news pronounced him dead.

On your spoiler, I’m confused- did you really not realize that scene was a flashback?

(Spoiler if u haven’t seen the movie)
I knew coming in this was a Jesse story and he greq to become one of the most hated characters by me so i wasnt super excited for this and wasnt expecrong pure BB greatness. Its 2 hours of Jesse and answering what happened to him after the finale.

I did expext Vince to do his thing though. Gotta give him credit off bat for the cinematography. Looked like a film. Not some made for tv movie. Quality was better than the show.

Todd :pimp: :smh: Such a sick ****. The way he was patting Jesse's head like he was some dog or his slave. I forgot how nonchantly cruel he was. This movie confirmed he is a borserline psychopath. Son kept that kid's spider :lol:. Told Jesse look at that view :rofl:

Movie was cool for what it was. It did leave me wanting more. Maybe a Skinny Pete & Badger half hr show, :lol: Maybe get Huell back in the picture with Bill Burr.


Bad guys not being able to aim was ok especially after stripper sesh(where they prob was drunk/drugged) plus another drug session.

Him not killing Todd earlier for pizza is peak Pinkman thats his personality ever since remember when he was crying when he killed Gale and was left with no option.

Todd is w/e he acted well. Forgot he was thin in the series because of how good he was.

Only thing not realistic is on how low the price to dissappear which is basically NBA minimum monthly salary for a new life. But whatever it was not a new concept.
That was a flashback and you can tell because Walt looked like early Walt, with the thicker mustache (pause) but no goatee. Plus Jesse was full on *****. Jesse over time became more emo than *****.

As far as the terrible shooting, Jesse had a ****** little old .22 (at first) and the other dude was high (and possibly not as experienced at shooting people). The shooting was going to be horrible. But considering the whole Western vibe of that scene, it reminds me of certain scenes in Unforgiven. Shooting fast doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to hit your target. What matters more is how you handle your nerves. Jesse was ready for that moment, those other guys snorting coke and smashing hookers were not prepared for that.

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The flashback when scumbag Walt forgot Jesse graduated even though they both were on stage happened in the show. Lmao.
Im not mad at the movie. I mean what can you really expect with no Walt. One of the few times we actually get closure on a show.
Jesse was winning that shootout regardless.

He had the upper hand with the misdirect. Re inds me of Once Upon A Time in Mexico with Depp's character and the fake hand.
Was the movie necessary? Nah probably not. Now we just wanna know what Jesse’s new life is like :lol:

But it was still spectacular and really well put together. The shootout scene was amazing.
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