Braces as an adult

Bro it's really not that big of a deal.... Once u get them on it ain't ****. Plus no matter what

Better than getting teeth pulled man :frown:
I got a molar removed because 3/4ths of it was broken off. Dude shoved the needle in my tooth 4 times without prenumbing. Hurt like a *****. But after it got pulled I'd say it was a relief. Good to eat on both sides of my mouth :smile:
Anyway, braces shouldn't be bad as an adult. It's like awkwardness, it's only weird if you make it weird

:x I would have got out that chair as soon as he got the needle without numbing me. I dont know how you did it :lol:

I kicked my legs up each time he pushed it in. It Hurt bad. But once the numbing stuff from the needle kicked in I was fine. But I scared the crap out of the assistant when I almost kicked her in the face.
aftr 2.5 years of braces, i still need invalign as a retainer. I prfer the old braces? o_O
this girl in my hs literally had braces for 3 weeks and she removed it becasue she thot it made her look bad SMH
Im 26 and I want braces, I don't per se need them but there are small things I notice that I want to be fixed.
Having them for a few years > crooked teeth for the rest of your life.

Was talking to a chick at a bar the other day. She seemed cool but then she smiled at something i said and her teeth was a mess :x

This... I had them when I was 19 and I think I wore em for 2 and a half years. No regrets and the girl I dated for 1 1/2 years went out with me only cause I had braces :lol: go figure. But yeah, having braces can mean the difference between :pimp: and :x. I was volunteering for a class and this one girl was eyeing me. I walked up to her and we chatted for a bit. I saw the snaggle tooth and lost interest. Sorry to sound shallow but she was already like a 6 to begin with...shes not hot but just cute enough to give it a chance... kinda like Katie Holmes. Cue Alonzo Mourning gif.
I actually had braces put in in May of this year, and I'm 25 years old.

Like others, I got annoyed and irriatated of having them in - but adjusted real quick. I'm paying for half out of pocket ($2,500) and my insurance is paying for the other half. Going to need them for about 18 months - my teeth weren't that bad but I need a couple pulled out in the midst of having them as well - which is going to suck because I'll have a huge gap for about 3 months.

Question to those with them - My Ortho doctor INSISTS on me having the wires and bands changed every 2 months (8 weeks), but everyone else I ususally spoke to had them changed every month - is my Ortho doing something wrong here? Should I approach them and tell them I need it changed every 4 weeks or so?

I dont get why older people wear braces. When your older your teeth stop growing basically and forming

doctor said i needed it when i was 7 or 8, never got them and my teeth are just fine
I dont get why older people wear braces. When your older your teeth stop growing basically and forming

doctor said i needed it when i was 7 or 8, never got them and my teeth are just fine

because their teeth are crooked, spaced out, etc. what's hard to understand?
I had issues with my orthos choices as well. (she wouldn't replace back broken brackets because she insisted i didn't need them) but at the end of the day the ortho treats every patient differently. they know what they're doing. so in your case, by keeping it an extra month has it's purpose. it holds it tighter at the same place for an extra month and when you change it it gets even tighter for another 2. you should be straight.

Thanks bro, got the same advice from my cousin - who's had braces before. So I guess it makes sense than. Just made me nervous knowing I'm paying $2,500 out of pocket, and I'm seeing the Ortho every 2 months instead of the typical month.
I dont get why older people wear braces. When your older your teeth stop growing basically and forming
doctor said i needed it when i was 7 or 8, never got them and my teeth are just fine

Sometimes crooked teeth and/or misaligned jaws can cause problems in eating, breathing, and speaking. These problems can get worse as people age.
I should be graduating in April so should I get them then, or just F it and get them next week? My teeth aren't horrible but they definitely need a bit of work.
Do it dude. Everyone LOVED my gap but I still got em. I got clear ones. The first month I hated em. I was mad depressed. Got through it QUICK. Started getting light blue bands and then pink during breast cancer awareness. Girls called it cute and actually liked em. You're supposed to get your bands changed once a month but I kept saying I had an important event and would do it like twice a month. Sped up my process super quick. My teeth are looking niceee now. Gonna get em off right before my 23rd bday next month. She's then gonna trim em down to match each other and whiten em. :smokin
View media item 175226haters gonnn hate.

I was gonna say why did you choose pink bands but then realized you did it cause of breast cancer awareness. Props to you :pimp:
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I'm 24 (25 on Saturday
) and I've had my braces for about 8 months now. I was kind of hesitant at first about being an adult with braces. But it's only for a short time relatively speaking, and luckily I have a DGAF attitude so if anyone had something to say they could kick rocks as far as I was concerned. I decided to go with the Damon system clear up top, and metal on the bottom. I chose not to go with the Invisalign system because I would have to wear them longer, they'd cost more, there's that chance I could lose a tray (which I'd have to pay for a replacement), and if I didn't wear them all the time like I supposed to it would obviously extend the time I'd have to wear them. I still have a ways to go, but I've seen a huge improvement so far. Definitely happy with my choice. FYI though if you get the Damon system (or probably any type of braces) your teeth are going to hurt like a female Canis lupus familiaris whenever they initially put them on and every time they change out the wires & rubber bands. This is for obvious reasons, but figured I'd share.

Also, to my surprise the yamb train has yet to be halted
. I'd chalk this up to them probably seeing a potentially sexy smile in the making so they're willing to wait it out like the scheming creatures they are lol
I should be graduating in April so should I get them then, or just F it and get them next week? My teeth aren't horrible but they definitely need a bit of work.

you can barely see them. Course I don't smile much so that may be why but imo it doesnt make you less attractive
22 is it. just do it....confidence level should skyrocket
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compare it to being fat all your life

and if you dedicated a few years of your life to sculpting the perfect physique

the time would be worth it or you could just be fat all your life
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