Boy, that Barack Obama is one classy dude.

TBONE95860 wrote:
B Smooth 202 wrote:
The only reason why Obama and Emanuel had to recognize Limbaugh is because that's what he wants, and that's what he got. Thanks to the stupid media and angry republicans who are hyping a shock jock. He really needs to be put in his place, he is crossing the line between entertainment and politics. The last time I checked journalism was supposed to be objective.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

They HAD to recognize him???
Crossing the line???

What are you talking about?
And journalism has to be objective???
Yeah & I'm sure you watch NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, & MSNBC..... while reading the New York Times.......
Plus Rush isn't a JOURNALIST........ he does a talk radio show

NikeTalker23 wrote:
DVDs? Seriously? That's what you guys are complaining about now?DVDs?Word?



Fede and TBone are a joke..
HarlemToTheBronx wrote:

Y'all are going to latch onto whatever you can for four years, huh?
Another two DUMMIES.
It was a JOKE....... SARCASM........


The intelligence of people on NT amazes me.

What people don't give Limbaugh is the fact that he is an intelligent guy. In fact one of the most intelligent commentators I know of. Where I don'tagree with his stances, and I honestly believe that he doesn't even agree with half the stuff he says. People who write him off as an idiot are prejudiced.
Now, what exactly did you accomplish by calling me a dummy.

The thing is, I wouldn't put it past you to seriously gripe about this.
it crazy how any thing about obama can go for 7+ and it always get off topic and starts into a fight between everyone and the 3 republicans on thisboard.
I am the biggest eagles fan in the world too

I meant politics, I have no idea why he was even on ESPN. Sure he said racist comments, but atleast he said what half of the whites on the country probablythought of McNabb and blacks in general anyways. That is what I always liked about him, whether you agree with what he is saying or not, there is some truth toit. A lot of people think he embeds conservative with ideals, I tend to think he just reflects what they believe already.

Again IMO I think he is a bright dude.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rush has over 20 MILLION listeners per week

for clarification, not new listeners, his listening audience is estimated at 20 mil...(btw, it's more like 14.25 mil)

in comparison, Obama had 66,882,230 votes.....

so rush is still a small fry...
I agree that Rush and Hannity are a bunch of idiots however do not undervalue the Republican base. McCain received over 58 million votes. Thosevotes by itself should be a scary thought considering he ran a joke of a campaign. Obama and Rahm made a huge mistake picking on Rush because the media willmake this bigger than what it really is. I just don't understand why they want to energize the Republican base with silly stupid arguments? Get to workon the economy, get to work on bringing our troops home, get to work on fixing our foreign relations and stop bickering with the losers that are the Republicanparty.

Plus I don't see anything wrong with giving a Head of State a bunch of DVDs. Its the thought that counts.
McCain received over 58 million votes. Those votes by itself should be a scary thought considering he ran a joke of a campaign.
It's scary because they are voting based on supporting their favorite team as opposed to objectively doing what's right for the country.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

McCain received over 58 million votes. Those votes by itself should be a scary thought considering he ran a joke of a campaign.
It's scary because they are voting based on supporting their favorite team as opposed to objectively doing what's right for the country.

Well couldn't you say the same thing about the people that voted for Obama? How many people voted for Obama because they hated Bush or causehe's black or cause Lebron/Jay Z supported him? How many voters really knew Obama or McCain's agenda?

I campaigned for the Democrats, contributed time and money to the Obama campaign, including spending several weekends in Nevada registering people to vote. The people I met well, lets just say a lot of people's on both sides were voting for reasons other than being as you said objectively doing what'sright for the country. It goes both ways.
Yea, I could've said that, But we were talking about Republicans in that particular instance.

I don't know why everybody on here so obsessed with one-upping everything instead of acknowledging the original statement...On some devil's advocatetype steez.

That's Tbone's favorite tactic.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Rush has over 20 MILLION listeners per week

for clarification, not new listeners, his listening audience is estimated at 20 mil...(btw, it's more like 14.25 mil)

in comparison, Obama had 66,882,230 votes.....

so rush is still a small fry...

and a hypocritical pill-popping prejudiced P.O.S. ignoramus, but that's beside the point....


btw, it's cute that Hannity has the 2nd highest-rated "hosted" radio show...

goes to show how many technology-deprived, backwards, old, shut-in rednecks we have in this grand country of ours...

i honestly haven't listened to the radio in years.
give me my own radio show and let me spew one sided garbage and whatever agendas i have while making contraversial statments to gain viewers andget attention and i would have rush limbaugh type numbers also. like i said before a good amount of his listeners are only listening to hear what idiotic thinghe'll say next, sure he has his little cult followings but a good amount of his viewers are listening to hear what rediculous things he'll say.
the reason Obama and Rahm did it was to put Rush as the face of the Republican Party, and it worked, and worked beautifully.. It's politics and Republicansmade a big mistake going along with it. This "base" of the Republicans (conservatives) is only like 25-30% of the whole party. So you can alienatethe majority of your party to please the base. That's the difference of the democrats are base is democrats not liberals..Rush has a 28% favorability bythe way (good idea to put your hat on that)...
republicans and democrats are all the same. i don't get why we are always arguing with each other. Its us vs them.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

republicans and democrats are all the same. i don't get why we are always arguing with each other. Its us vs them.

Things are becoming real clear these days especially to me. We all thought CHANGE was coming but Obama is no different. Just look at him making a big dealabout ending torture yet leaves a loophole that still allows the policy of rendition. It's not OK for us to torture but its OK for us to hand over foreigndetainees to another country so they can "question" them. We are now outsourcing torture.

the reason Obama and Rahm did it was to put Rush as the face of the Republican Party, and it worked, and worked beautifully.
Yes it worked so beautifully. Rush now has free publicity with his face all over mainstream media. Who wants to bet Rush's show ratings wentup this week? Probably the best week ever for fat boy Rush.

Common sense tells me the REAL REASON why the Obama camp decided to attack Rush was to sway attention away from the economy. A case of Wag the dog?
Common sense tells me the REAL REASON why the Obama camp decided to attack Rush was to sway attention away from the economy. A case of Wag the dog?

Patience champ, ya gotta have patience. This is chess not checkers, the Obama Administration knows actually what they are doing.
@ all the people still having faith in Obama

The first vote I ever cast in my life was for Obama, and every damn day since I've wished that ballot said Mitt Romney.
Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

@ all the people still having faith in Obama

The first vote I ever cast in my life was for Obama, and every damn day since I've wished that ballot said Mitt Romney.
guess what, even if it had been mitt romney, it wouldnt have made a difference in your life not 1% so what are you really saying?
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Common sense tells me the REAL REASON why the Obama camp decided to attack Rush was to sway attention away from the economy. A case of Wag the dog?

Patience champ, ya gotta have patience. This is chess not checkers, the Obama Administration knows actually what they are doing.
Of course they do haha, "we have a plan... but we're not sure what it is yet."
It doesn't matter if it gives Rush publicity have you heard of minimal consequence to success. They don't give a damn if Rush is going to have 30million viewers this week because he will still have 20 million it doesn't matter. He is now looked at as the head of the republican party or the majorvoice of the republican party even though in reality he is voice for the minority of the party.

Risk reward factor sir. The reward outweighs the risk.

You sir are an idiot.
who cares what gifts were given, its kind of hard to shop for people who have everything anyway, sometimes you have to go simple.

those people should be happy for what the obamas gave them, ingrates
@ all the people still having faith in Obama

The first vote I ever cast in my life was for Obama, and every damn day since I've wished that ballot said Mitt Romney.

Even if that's the case for you, even if Mitt Romey were the President at some point in time within his 4 years of presidency I guarantee you that youwould have been disappointed with something Romney would have done, it's only natural. That's the thing I don't think voters or the averageAmerican realize, every person has been let down or disappointed by a person even so close to them as a family member, what on earth makes you think your notgoing to be disappointed in a candidate that you voted for?? Nobody's perfect, but for all you people out there ready to abandon ship after not even 2months of Obama being in office makes me think that ever you are/were naive to begin with or are frauds deep down. The presidency is a marathon, not aweekly sprint race, it's time for everybody to start having REAL expectations.

Of course they do haha, "we have a plan... but we're not sure what it is yet."

He (Obama) made it this far, I think he'll be fine from this point on.
man this is a stupid thread.. but i think General Gordon probably asked for this or something. they probably had a convo on american history or something &Obama was like i'ma getchu the chronology or thought it to his self. yu don't know what it really means..
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