Bout to quit a job after shift # 1...

Originally Posted by StillIn729

American's at their finest and people get mad when illegals take jobs because they are just happy to work and do it extremely well 

This statement is partially true. 
Most of the illegals and foreigners I know who work in kitchens (which is about 70% of the hot kitchen staff) say that American's are slaves. They take the jobs because they make more money than in their own country, and either stack it up for when they move back or the send some of that back to their families/children. Yes, they do work extremely well. But working extremely well is a two way street, with most of the responsibility on the management to provide a work space that can be worked extremely well.

Not everyone wants to be a slave. Especially if work ethic/work space is not up to par.
Jobs come and go. I wouldn't worry about it unless you can't make rent. Good luck.
get out and find a job in a different kitchen. 

i don't get why illegal immigrants got brought into this.  dude hates the job and wants to leave.
  not all restaurants hire illegal immigrants and pay them 3 dollars an hour either.  yeah the prep cooks make less than me on the line but that's life.
If you can survive without the paycheck and reference, then yeah, just call in and thanked them for the opportunity.
Originally Posted by buggz05

In the restaurant business, if it's not ran right it's not worth the headache. Get out of there, because in the restaurant business you get stuck in the restaurant business before you know it.

I stuck around a restaurant for 3 or 4 months thinking things would tighten up, or I could make a difference. Nope. They were all living in their fantasy world. Waste of time. That was time I could have spent bettering my life.
i totally thought the title of this was, "bout to quit a job after s h - t #1". i was about to say whoa what
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Anyone ever do this? I have a lot of restaurant experience...I just moved a few towns away with some friends and got a job in the area.
Worst shift i've ever worked, place was a disorganized dump. Probably not going back tomorrow lol.

Anyone ever do this or does my stupidity prevail once again?
Yeah, got hired at Macy's 2 years ago selling women's shoes.  Job was commission based.  The training program for new employees was non-existent and you had to figure out where everything was in the stock room after ONE day.  No training on how to use the register, either...  manager just cared about making her daily quota and didn't give a %!%# about anything else.  Not to mention, it's women's shoes... bunch of demanding window-shopping women asking you to bring out like 10 pairs of shoes (u have no idea where they're located, coworkers too busy to help since they're focused on their quota), and they end up not buying ANY...  I was one of two heterosexual guys in the department, the rest of my coworkers were shady as hell, stealing my sales when I'm in the back of the stock room locating the shoes.  I ended up getting into a fight with the top salesman and walked out on the fourth day of the job.  WORsT JOB EVER. 

moral of story: do not work at Macy's or for women's shoes!!
definitely don't show up. I think its chillin, but maybe givem a call or smthin..
If its not worth tha hassle then don't bother with it I quit my wendys job and its like nothing's changed.

You have to have the mentality to quit a job you don't like, don't try to stick it out just because money is blinding your judgement.

Thats how you end up being stuck somewhere you hate for an extended period of time.
lol, hope you have another source of income in the meanwhile.
I did this once during a mall job I had at high school

a buddy of mine set me up with a job at lindt chocolate and I was dead broke so took it.

first shift, they made me stand outside with a tray of chocolates to attract custys.

never went back.
from my perspective id say stick it out but look for a new job.
i was in your shoes 3 months ago...quit my job...with nothing lined up and now im still looking...
Originally Posted by Vinod869

lol, hope you have another source of income in the meanwhile.
I did this once during a mall job I had at high school

a buddy of mine set me up with a job at lindt chocolate and I was dead broke so took it.

first shift, they made me stand outside with a tray of chocolates to attract custys.

never went back.

Just stay at the your current job and keep looking for a new one, so you will not become on those NT "Looking for job topic" dudes..!
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by 2o6

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

I did it once, but I was younge and the job market was much more accessible

Working graveyard at Safeway


Yall were slipping at 18yo that 6pm - 12pm shift was BUTTER

You worked 18 hour shifts.. 
Did this too...

1. "Marketing" job - Came an hr late with a buddy. What did we have to do? Sell Credit Cards. I hated myself for those 5 hours because I was one of those dude's who irritate me trying to sell credit cards. I was one of them.
It was during a Festival too filled with different types of food trucks.
Right After the shift, went to go down a pulled pork sandwich....
Never went back for my shift the day after.

2. Worked for a major telecommunications company here in Toronto. What did we have to do? Cold call house to house and try to make homeowners change their telephone/cable plans at a town that's 2 hours away. This was supposed to be my training shift so I wasn't paid.
I was there to shadow someone.
Cold Calling doesn't seem bad... except when it's March and 0 degree Celsius. After that 8 hour shift, we all go back to the office (2 hr drive back)... and meet the manager.
She says "I hope you enjoyed the shift. We'd like to welcome you to the team..."
I hit her with that.... "uhh, I don't think this is for me".
* she gave me that blank stare.
you have to realize, that the first day at any job is always going to be the hardest, cause they're wanna see how far they can push you

and i've worked from 9am to 2am brunch, dinner and late night
Originally Posted by buggz05

In the restaurant business, if it's not ran right it's not worth the headache. Get out of there, because in the restaurant business you get stuck in the restaurant business before you know it.

I stuck around a restaurant for 3 or 4 months thinking things would tighten up, or I could make a difference. Nope. They were all living in their fantasy world. Waste of time. That was time I could have spent bettering my life.
Yeah this is so accurate.

I've been working at a local restaurant for 1.5 years now and it blows chunks. Lazy, inconsiderate, unprofessional co workers.

Thank God I landed another job and only work part time at the restaurant now.

Hang in there OP. Maybe you can help change things or wait it out until something else comes along.
Did it at Bath Fitter. Me an my wife (gf at the time) just didn't go back. Wasn't for me. Can't do the cold calling and rebuttles for 8hrs st8. I had another job, that was just a second one.
Freshman year of college. Worked at a raggedy !@% department store. I worked there for MAYBE 3 weeks. Minimum wage + no hours = gone
i got hired at fry's in the summer. @#%##$# hated that job on my first day by myself (cashier). left on my break and never came back. felt really good.
there are a lot of people without jobs and it seems to be harder to find a job these days, even entry level. stick with it
least you could do is be a man and call someone, you know so someone else isnt stuck taking up your slack and making their work day that much ****tier...
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