Bordeaux Spizike 2012

i will have to agree these are TRASH!!!!!!!!!!! and i like the spzikes.... but these are a def. NO COP for me
Spikes are cool. But only the original & simple cw's, i like the black winterized pair, im still waitin for a Pure $ version of Spikes. These... are stupid. How many peeps will rock these? Probly the fools that dont know crap about Jordans: "I got them new J's" "Which ones?" "Hightops with buncha colors, they cost a lot so i know they worth a lot" hahahaha
when JB keeps putting out crap like this its no wonder so many old school heads, including me, are rolling their eyes and complaining..  this shoe is horrible and really begs the question of who is doing the designing of this stuff..  but they won't stop making this crap until people stop buying them, so I don't really see any kind of end in sight.. 
JB, please just keep the bordeaux colorway on the VII. Thank you.
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