Bomani Interviews Creator of All White Basketball League

Nov 11, 2004

Dude was trying to say his fans wouldn't be racist by him not allowing and racist signs or overt chants of racism in the stadium and the host hit him with"Why would you need racist signs when you got nothing but white dudes out there?"

Too funny.
I can't even argue with this guy, because our people made Black.Entertainment.Television. But I know he's racist.
when was the interview cause I listen to the "morning jones" every morning on hardcore sports
Originally Posted by FunnyBizness

I can't even argue with this guy, because our people made Black.Entertainment.Television. But I know he's racist.

yea cause 95% of the other channels are dedicated to white folks....hell latino channels have "latino" incorporated in its name and idc...people killme w/ that "yall got BET" #+@$
Originally Posted by Black Jesus

Originally Posted by FunnyBizness

I can't even argue with this guy, because our people made Black.Entertainment.Television. But I know he's racist.

yea cause 95% of the other channels are dedicated to white folks....hell latino channels have "latino" incorporated in its name and idc...people kill me w/ that "yall got BET" #+@$
They think that just because they scarcely put "white" in the title of things that that makes it different. It's not like BET is notallowing white people to watch, or be on, BET. Hell, it's controlled by VIACOM who is... wait for it... white people.
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