Black Woman Walking vol. black woman walking

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i had a feeling you'd be all up in this post


Like I said, this was biased, IMO. She obviously didn't talk to any skeeo's (Although I suspect ol girl with the akademiks hoodie on was fronting), freaks or whatever. That would have been very telling if she had, because those types LIKE that sort of attention, and are probably bollocksing it up for everyone else...

at an Akademiks hoody making you a skeez... but i aint arguing. atfirst, i thought the chick in the orange was in prison.
I can't believe the audacity of those broads not wanting the small amount of attention that they can get.
Nah it had nothing to do with the hoodie, it was about how she spoke moreso than the other women. Like three of them were obvious career women. I just got thefeeling ol girl was either a) in school, so really only had minimal experience and nothing really good to share, or b) frontin and goin along with thequestions and what not. She just didn't seem very authentic to me. Maybe I need to watch it again... Sometimes you just get vibes based on how people moveand speak...
Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by GrandaddyPurp415

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i had a feeling you'd be all up in this post


you obviously havent seen her in the PYPs clown

that's my cuzzo #*@+ face!

Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

Nah it had nothing to do with the hoodie, it was about how she spoke moreso than the other women. Like three of them were obvious career women. I just got the feeling ol girl was either a) in school, so really only had minimal experience and nothing really good to share, or b) frontin and goin along with the questions and what not. She just didn't seem very authentic to me. Maybe I need to watch it again... Sometimes you just get vibes based on how people move and speak...

like i said, i aint arguing. if the vibes is strong they're strong.. i kinda was feeling it too, it was just funny how you mentioned the hoody.
Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

Well... My point was that people are slightly more disrespectful toward women that are not quote-unquote beautiful. Why that is, I don't know. But it is across the board, all races, colors, creeds, religions, genders, etc. Everyone in America is already slightly more hostile to a larger or less attractive person.

Now, in regards to the film, all the women were average, IMO. I'm not hating, I'm just stating my opinion. As such, the things said to them would already be less respectful, if only for the fact that the men saying these things don't really care if the women respond or not. Like, if a dime walked past, the men would probably try to use their A-game to approach. However, being that these women were at best 6's, the men felt they had nothing to lose by trying something ridiculous... If the woman comes off as saditty, as some of these women spoke, then the man would go EXTRA hard at making them fell inferior. It's like being bested at an academic question by a known idiot... you'd be furious.

Now, as it goes with the sizing up, I think the women are very naive if they don't think they are getting sized up every opportunity a man gets. I size up a freakin room the SECOND I walk in. Now, I may not be as obvious as some of my contemporaries, but I still do it. That's human nature. The one woman said something about a white guy not turning around to see the white womans behind... Hell, most of the guys I know look at breasts first. I suppose that just illustrates the differences in priorities in terms of sex appeal...

Like I said, this was biased, IMO. She obviously didn't talk to any skeeo's (Although I suspect ol girl with the akademiks hoodie on was fronting), freaks or whatever. That would have been very telling if she had, because those types LIKE that sort of attention, and are probably bollocksing it up for everyone else...

how did they come off as saditty? i understand what you're saying about sizing up people or women...thats to be expect from other women...its thedisrespect that comes after...if she would have used girls that liked the attention then wouldn't that have made the whole thing pointless?
This post is much appreciated.

For those who commented on the looks of the girls

Anyway it is an issue, and I am embarrassed that black males act this way. To be fair, girls are just as mean.
how did they come off as saditty? i understand what you're saying about sizing up people or women...thats to be expect from other women...its the disrespect that comes after...if she would have used girls that liked the attention then wouldn't that have made the whole thing pointless?
Well, I was really only referring to the one woman who alluded to her "having a 9-5 that she works well over 8 hours for and doesn't havetime to talk to you" statement.

Understandable as her frustration may be, I didn't get the impression that was all frustration coming out insomuch as it was her general attitude. She iswoman, hear her roar, sort of thing. Not that there is anything wrong with that per se, just that I don't think disrespect should be hit with disrespect.If anybody comes at you, I was always taught to respectfully decline. I believe one of the women even said that, also. Her point was that people may get pissedand hit you with a brick, and my point is that politeness is always better than negativity. However, I DO see what their point was.

if she would have used girls that liked the attention then wouldn't that have made the whole thing pointless?
Yes, and that's my point. Those women are messing it up for everyone else. The men have no idea who is who from looking, so they test. If youlook like a 6 who might like the attention, they feel they have nothing to lose by trying something direspectful. Is that right? Hell no. It messes up furtherthe male-female dynamic, especially among us black folk. However, the same can be said for the high-saditty broad and the trickin-off-hundreds-a-night fool whoplacates to that sort of thing. All of that messes things up for the normal folk...
Thats the same thing i siad earlier. Why pick average mainly unattractive chicks for this documentary. They are suppose to get the most fine chicks with the biggest breast and boobs. It would have made more sense
where are the hot chicks....

all those chicks are busted

So based on some of the responses I'm reading, I think I can confidently say that a few of you are greatly misunderstanding the whole point ofthe "documentary". In fact, most of you are exuding the very tendencies these women are complaining about-which is that men (emphasis on black menwith respect to the video) are unfairly critiquing and admonishing them based solely on their superficial characteristics…

Now granted, I could be wrong in my assessment so if such is the case-my sincerest apologies.

Now, I am strong supporter of black women but why they pick the most random, fairly average, woman. I might have an eye sex quickie with them but nothing like they're describing. Granted, they dont show their bodies so who know.
Well these women are an accurate representation of the "population of interest".

Think about: the great majority of time, in the great majority of states, in the great majority of urban "black" city/towns, you'll find"fairly average women". Using mostly "fine chicks with the biggest breast and boobs" would be a very inaccurate and misleading because itwould give the impression that only these "types" of black women are harassed. This just goes to show all black women are harassed. Just because someof you find these women to be unattractive doesn't mean they are.

There is truth in the saying that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and honestly, some of you are setting your standards in the stratosphere dueto NT's superlative standards…y'all aiming to get real depressed of real rejected when y'all start interacting with real-life females.
I wouldn't holla at any of them chicks in the documentary, but "apparently" somebody has... Personally, they all gave me the "Afrocentric, i am woman hear me roar vibe" I mean how do you do a whole documentary with the majority of girls having dreadlocks... The way they through in the interracial couple, kinda had me like whatev... because in this day and age, black woman need to come up off of "the history of black oppression" and let black dudes be happy with a white woman without facing reticule.

And from what I gathered, the all had some type of high and mighty attitude, I'd like to see what the types of dudes there are hollering at these girls. cuz they've got to be some low down dudes since only THESE black girls are getting harassed and no females of other races

What the hell are you talking about cuzzo...

Afrocentric...dreadlocks...attitudes...hear me roar...way to stereotype my dude.
Originally Posted by JoeBonnano

how did they come off as saditty? i understand what you're saying about sizing up people or women...thats to be expect from other women...its the disrespect that comes after...if she would have used girls that liked the attention then wouldn't that have made the whole thing pointless?
Well, I was really only referring to the one woman who alluded to her "having a 9-5 that she works well over 8 hours for and doesn't have time to talk to you" statement.

Understandable as her frustration may be, I didn't get the impression that was all frustration coming out insomuch as it was her general attitude. She is woman, hear her roar, sort of thing. Not that there is anything wrong with that per se, just that I don't think disrespect should be hit with disrespect. If anybody comes at you, I was always taught to respectfully decline. I believe one of the women even said that, also. Her point was that people may get pissed and hit you with a brick, and my point is that politeness is always better than negativity. However, I DO see what their point was.

if she would have used girls that liked the attention then wouldn't that have made the whole thing pointless?
Yes, and that's my point. Those women are messing it up for everyone else. The men have no idea who is who from looking, so they test. If you look like a 6 who might like the attention, they feel they have nothing to lose by trying something direspectful. Is that right? Hell no. It messes up further the male-female dynamic, especially among us black folk. However, the same can be said for the high-saditty broad and the trickin-off-hundreds-a-night fool who placates to that sort of thing. All of that messes things up for the normal folk...

And just to add to that, if she feels like the majority of dudes is chatting at them cuz of their bodies.Who's to say they didn't see them from theback and when they turned around had the
face on...

But regardless, the look of the females was appreciated, their supreme black woman outlooks at the world were not.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I wouldn't holla at any of them chicks in the documentary, but "apparently" somebody has... Personally, they all gave me the "Afrocentric, i am woman hear me roar vibe" I mean how do you do a whole documentary with the majority of girls having dreadlocks... The way they through in the interracial couple, kinda had me like whatev... because in this day and age, black woman need to come up off of "the history of black oppression" and let black dudes be happy with a white woman without facing reticule.

And from what I gathered, the all had some type of high and mighty attitude, I'd like to see what the types of dudes there are hollering at these girls. cuz they've got to be some low down dudes since only THESE black girls are getting harassed and no females of other races
What the hell are you talking about cuzzo...

Afrocentric...dreadlocks...attitudes...hear me roar...way to stereotype my dude.

Am I really stereotyping though? I mean, look at the females who had dreadlocks, they did have a very Afrocentric woman feel to them.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I wouldn't holla at any of them chicks in the documentary, but "apparently" somebody has... Personally, they all gave me the "Afrocentric, i am woman hear me roar vibe" I mean how do you do a whole documentary with the majority of girls having dreadlocks... The way they through in the interracial couple, kinda had me like whatev... because in this day and age, black woman need to come up off of "the history of black oppression" and let black dudes be happy with a white woman without facing reticule.

And from what I gathered, the all had some type of high and mighty attitude, I'd like to see what the types of dudes there are hollering at these girls. cuz they've got to be some low down dudes since only THESE black girls are getting harassed and no females of other races
What the hell are you talking about cuzzo...

Afrocentric...dreadlocks...attitudes...hear me roar...way to stereotype my dude.
Am I really stereotyping though? I mean, look at the females who had dreadlocks, they did have a very Afrocentric woman feel to them.

What's wrong with that?.....Are you doubting that there are historical reasons behind the topic?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I wouldn't holla at any of them chicks in the documentary, but "apparently" somebody has... Personally, they all gave me the "Afrocentric, i am woman hear me roar vibe" I mean how do you do a whole documentary with the majority of girls having dreadlocks... The way they through in the interracial couple, kinda had me like whatev... because in this day and age, black woman need to come up off of "the history of black oppression" and let black dudes be happy with a white woman without facing reticule.

And from what I gathered, the all had some type of high and mighty attitude, I'd like to see what the types of dudes there are hollering at these girls. cuz they've got to be some low down dudes since only THESE black girls are getting harassed and no females of other races
What the hell are you talking about cuzzo...

Afrocentric...dreadlocks...attitudes...hear me roar...way to stereotype my dude.
Am I really stereotyping though? I mean, look at the females who had dreadlocks, they did have a very Afrocentric woman feel to them.

What's wrong with that?.....Are you doubting that there are historical reasons behind the topic?

Not at all, but I am doubting that these girls have refused to be better than their historical reasons and venture outside of their comfort zone. if yourecognize the problems and continue to do so, who's hurting?
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I wouldn't holla at any of them chicks in the documentary, but "apparently" somebody has... Personally, they all gave me the "Afrocentric, i am woman hear me roar vibe" I mean how do you do a whole documentary with the majority of girls having dreadlocks... The way they through in the interracial couple, kinda had me like whatev... because in this day and age, black woman need to come up off of "the history of black oppression" and let black dudes be happy with a white woman without facing reticule.

And from what I gathered, the all had some type of high and mighty attitude, I'd like to see what the types of dudes there are hollering at these girls. cuz they've got to be some low down dudes since only THESE black girls are getting harassed and no females of other races
What the hell are you talking about cuzzo...

Afrocentric...dreadlocks...attitudes...hear me roar...way to stereotype my dude.
Am I really stereotyping though? I mean, look at the females who had dreadlocks, they did have a very Afrocentric woman feel to them.

What's wrong with that?.....Are you doubting that there are historical reasons behind the topic?

Not at all, but I am doubting that these girls have refused to be better than their historical reasons and venture outside of their comfort zone. if you recognize the problems and continue to do so, who's hurting?


So from what basis, watching the video, do you posite such a justification?
eh i dont know what to say. these women feel scared of black men who try to holla at them on the street and just wish they can walk down the street withoutbeing hit on because of the way they look. Not all black females are like this though.
So based on some of the responses I'm reading, I think I can confidently say that a few of you are greatly misunderstanding the whole point of the "documentary". In fact, most of you are exuding the very tendencies these women are complaining about-which is that men (emphasis on black men with respect to the video) are unfairly critiquing and admonishing them based solely on their superficial characteristics…
Yes and no.

Of course there will be a great number of dudes here in this post that will be of that mindset. However, my point in my original (I think it was my original)post was that men always unfairly critique and admonish, and that there is the same behavior exhibited among groups of men at any given time. The only thingthat changes may be the slang/language used. When I hang with my Italian, mexican, or Dominican boys, they CAN be JUST as disrespectful as any other group. Theonly set of people who I've never seen act in such a way are people directly from Europe or other countries in general. As Americans, we are loud,obnoxious and disrespectful. Now, again, we do not always act in such a way, but there are times when we get it in, shameful as that may be. Most times not,but sometimes,
when the moon is just right the fools and hounds come out to play.

Think about: the great majority of time, in the great majority of states, in the great majority of urban "black" city/towns, you'll find "fairly average women". Using mostly "fine chicks with the biggest breast and boobs" would be a very inaccurate and misleading because it would give the impression that only these "types" of black women are harassed. This just goes to show all black women are harassed. Just because some of you find these women to be unattractive doesn't mean they are.
Very true. However the dichotomy between the women who oppose such chauvanistic behavior and the women who support it is not discussed. Thatcomplex "chicken or egg" question should most certainly be spoken about to get a truer picture of what America is. When we get a 8-minute vid ofwomen who (wrongfully so, but stereotyping and prejudice is a human trait) look a certain way, and speak about things in a certain manner, we are not gettingthe whole picture, and therefore the results are biased.

How many women do you know that say "I hate when I get the cat calls and all that", until the right dude does it? Women are wrongfully objectifiedALL the time, and it doesn't start or end with black women. So to single out black men, ESPECIALLY when a white woman is the one directing the questions orproject, seems a bit off to me.

Now, I am in no way justifying the acts of my gender. Far from it. However the way these females look, I simply stated what could POSSIBLY be going through themind of the accused. However, I do not appreciate the crass generalization and implication that ALL groups of ONLY black men do this? C'mon...
i would have to say its the culture you grew up around ... cuz me and my folks (white, black, hispanic) stare at women all the time whatever color they are ...if you have a phatty you have a phatty ... so the only thing i can understand is the "hollerin" point they made ... even some of my homies sound dumb*$* +!$+ talkin to broads and we clown their dumb *$* for it when they come back ...
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