Black woman tells dogs to attack white news reporter

Welcome to a black persons life less than 100 years can even add fire hoses too
Notice when she comes out with the baseball bat, there is a cut in the film. I wonder why? Because they were hounding her after she told them to leave, but they wanted to make it seem like she just flipped out for no reason. I don't care what the reporter said. I can see from the video that they overstayed their welcome and tried to cut it to make her look crazy.

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man NTers have no problem with racism till a topic effects their type. i see threads going the other way and comments too.
the lady was black and she did make a prejudice remark.
She went way to far when she brought the dogs out. Nobody should ever use their pet as an offensive weapon

And lol @ people changing the subject by saying it was funny.

NikeTalk is full of hypocrites.
Not sure how to feel..

On one hand, this lady's daughter was just murdered, and there was definitely a cut in the film. I might have lost it also.

But on the other hand, the reporter's actions really didn't justify violence, and the women could have just went inside to avoid all this.
For me it's not about race
It's about a person grieving and in this day and age of multiple media you just can't tell a reporter or journalist to go away because every news channel wants that exclusive and wants to be the first.
What part for some people on here don't understand this woman's child was shot,
Let me propose this hypothetical:
If someone significant in your life went to a party and you loved them dearly, and they were shot and killed and the next day a lame *** reporter comes in your face talmbout, " How do you feel about the situation, they caught the shooter", now to the rationale of a person that hasn't experienced this, you would say respect my privacy, please leave me alone
Now personally for me if my mom is murdered, I am going to go bat **** and the reporter would be dead and I am in prison....
You can't say what you would do in that situation because people process pain, grief, death in different ways...
Some people cry and want to communicate, others get angry at the world( this woman is the latter)
At the end of the day the reporter should have said to her producer" I know we are trying to get the exclusive but she has dogs around her and she seems pretty damn angry"
It's called context clues and knowing your surroundings ie Common damn sense and some kind of ethical code in your heart
The lady was nice to use rocks as warning shots instead of them hollow points...
For people to sit and judge this womans pain is complete ignorance and the ever so popular throwing stones and living in glass houses( pun intended)
Until you go through something like this, don't sit here talmbout this woman should be in jail, blah, blah
Kill that noise and pray you are never in that situation

Yeah .. no I'm not attacking a reporter that has nothing to do with what happened. Judging her pain? Can't be serious, the judgement is on her actions which she willingly displayed

The women's daughter didn't get murdered btw so there's a difference between a bullet grazing your child pain and planning your kids funeral pain
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Not sure how to feel..

On one hand, this lady's daughter was just murdered, and there was definitely a cut in the film. I might have lost it also.

But on the other hand, the reporter's actions really didn't justify violence, and the women could have just went inside to avoid all this.

White lady had that rump doe...

Both were wrong.
Her face when she sees the cameraman :rofl:
Her face when she sees the cameraman :rofl:
The media aka whatever name you want to call em are up to their dirty ways again.Playing up two four misleading stereotypes,1.angry black person,2.violent black person,3.violent black person with aggressive pitbulls and 4.a helpless white woman in distress that's being victimized by all three.

They crazy comments online,offline are probably beyond lynching because one things is certain,never harm a white woman because no matter what she does or says she's still the jewel in manys eyes in this society,sadly.

Go away means go away,you get warnings but if you don't listen,release the hounds on becky,sue,jan or tom.the end.
And throwing rocks at the camera guy could be considered assault. End of the day what do you think the end result of her irrational actions is going to be. There's proof of her on camera acting irrational and if charges were to be pressed shes going to jail.

Someone can knock on my door on a Saturday morning talking about religion or trying to sell candy. If I tell them to leave regardless if they take their time obliging and I throw a rock at them and release my dogs on them charges would be pressed against me. Regardless of the races here that lady deserves whatever repercussions come from her behavior.
yea but the sitaution is diffrent fam ur daughter wsant assaulted or murdered so u dont mind. But imagine u had a daughter who got raped or killed and the news crew persistently invaded ur space. im sure you would be pissed so dont give me that crap.this women need time to herself and they ddint care. you keep missing the connection fam ur not related to the reporter are u. if so i understand
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She prolly don't even realize she played right into the media's hands by doing that ****.

Journalistic exploitation at its finest.
Yeah .. no I'm not attacking a reporter that has nothing to do with what happened. Judging her pain? Can't be serious, the judgement is on her actions which she willingly displayed

The women's daughter didn't get murdered btw so there's a difference between a bullet grazing your child pain and planning your kids funeral pain
Once again until you are in that situation, you don't know what you would do.....
And stop with the race ish, op did that dumb ish to grab your attention to come to this thread
It's not a black or white issue for me( I am black and live in one of the most racist cities ever but people think the " diversity" here doesn't reflect that)
The media likes to conjure up stories or edit like my man jchambers said, we have no idea how this confrontation started, all we have are the end results..
I grew up in some bad neighborhoods both in the bay and in houston, I don't know if you can call it "spidey sense" lol, but if I see dogs+plus highly emotional character= I know to stay my a*s off that block, once again it's called common sense/aware of your surroundings
The reporter should have asked herself these questions before approaching
Doesn't matter if her daughter was/is murdered or injured... If you come asking ME dumb question about my loved one being hurt( my wifey or my mom) and I am still angry about the situation, you will not like the outcome...
Like I said people respond to grief/death/shootings all in different ways, I am not saying what the lady did was rational or smart and violence doesn't solve anything but I understand
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How would you feel with some ucking reporter was in your face asking dumb a*s questions about a loved one being hurt/killed???

I would be pissed. Then I would walk inside my house. They can not see you through the walls :lol:

As for the dogs, looked to me like they were playing. The supposed "bite" was probably one of the pups trying to snatch her microphone. I have a choco lab and he's always trying to grab foreign objects out of my hands and occasionally nips me by accident when I'm giving him treats. When pitbulls attack, it looks nothing like what was seen in this video.

Reminds me of that other pitbull "attack" in the Providence barber shop. Pretty sure that was just another pit rough-housing but the dudes in the shop got shook.
I can't speak for all of us, but

I'd venture to say that most black people that don't like white people, don't like them because they think black people are inferior.

It's not racist to dislike racists.

White people think black people are inferior?
What are we the 3rd Reich now? :rofl:
For the record, I'm not white.

She said "white", so she brought race into the equation. Are you telling me you wouldn't think I was racist if you heard me shouting from my doorstep "get away from my car, you Asian piece of ****"? The phrase piece of **** isn't racist, and I just said "Asian"... 

And you're right, it's not racist to dislike racists, but you straight up just said most black people don't like white people. That's not disliking racists, that's disliking white people.

You're trying too hard to justify a select type of racism and defend this woman.

I'm black and I agree with you. If it was a black reporter and a white lady said black ***** would you people be defending the white lady? Or does my line of thinking makes me a self hating black person :lol:
that reporter is lucky those dogs didn't do work. Just oout of curiosity why didn't they attack her like commanded? I'm not a pet owner so I don't know.
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