Black Red Air Jordan XX3 Premier - Pic/Info

^^I'm not hating..I've been on NT since the park days. I'm just can't judge screen names as being mature or's aforum..People use this as a tool to be something else to get away from their everyday you go to work and tell people about how you collect shoes andspend time on NT?

whoops i forgot a comma in dont,
OMG you're like the dumbest individual on earth. It's an apostrophe not a comma you missed.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

^^I'm not hating..I've been on NT since the park days. I'm just can't judge screen names as being mature or's a forum..People use this as a tool to be something else to get away from their everyday you go to work and tell people about how you collect shoes and spend time on NT?

whoops i forgot a comma in dont,
OMG you're like the dumbest individual on earth. It's an apostrophe not a comma you missed.

u sure did get me there. ill admit it, and ya man i do talk to people at work about the interesting events that occur during these releases and my aint nothing to hide away from the real life, this is life, it reality and shoes are a part of my life. its what make me, me.
Man...Some of you individuals are furious!

I got all the way to last portion of checkout within seconds, but the site timed out and crashed right when i tried to finalize the order.
What is really surprising is only one NT'er got through, i wonder who the other lucky individuals were.

By the time i refreshed, my cart was empty and the shoes were gone.

Oh well.

The raffle idea is pretty sick and twisted. It should always be first come first served, and the people first in line (in other words the ones who have campedout for 2+ days) should be allowed to get first pickings.. the raffle gives everyone, including the person who shows up at the end of the line hrs before therelease the same chance as the guy at the front.. pretty diabolical if you ask me.

I do have a question though.. I keep hearing that many stores did the raffle.. Did ANY store do the first come first served approach? just really sucks. I got to the CC portion of the order and while I was waiting it said something about an error. I finally was able to try and get alimited shoe without me being on duty, overseas or anything crazy. I came out empty handed. No Eminem II's, no XX3 Premiers, no Motorsports. 3 shoes that Iwanted and so far haven't been able to get my hands on a pair. I have 1 person that is "suppose" to be selling me his Motorsports, but i'munsure at the moment if the deal will even go through. Still waiting on his reply...
Originally Posted by nystatenisland

People that got them show the confirmation please
I don't know why anybody should have to show anybody anything, but I will since I have nothing to hide.The only thing that I do have to his ismy account information (Last Name, Address & Order Number). Yeah, I had to grab one of those Flight Club T-Shirts while I was at it. It was an easy coppfor me! Yippy!

Here's my email confirmation:

Here's my account/order status:

Here's some pictures of my XX3 Collection and yes, all of them are size 13 like the "Premier/Finale" ones that I just purchased.:

So there it is...I don't have to lie.

I'm sorry but your confirmation is different from an actual confirmation (see image below from ISS)

You can see that the confirmation is dated on the 24th and not the 23rd. And if you check the length of the color above your size exceeds the Black/Varsity Red length (should end above EACH, yours end above the price) Also the shoe name should go on top of the Grand Total price but your "blocked" section doesn't exceed the price, so it means it's a different item

So I say DUCK TALES until you post a correct Confirmation Email or the shoes itself....

I'm sorry but your confirmation is different from an actual confirmation (see image below from ISS)

You can see that the confirmation is dated on the 24th and not the 23rd. And if you check the length of the color above your size exceeds the Black/Varsity Red length (should end above EACH, yours end above the price) Also the shoe name should go on top of the Grand Total price but your "blocked" section doesn't exceed the price, so it means it's a different item

So I say DUCK TALES until you post a correct Confirmation Email or the shoes itself....

Nice collection, sincere...wish I had the opportunity to get all of those. Size 13 is my size too, must be nice...
ugh who cares.. you are making too much out of such a little issue. If he got em.. great for him.. but either way, what does it matter to you?
Originally Posted by HoopsTV2000 just really sucks. I got to the CC portion of the order and while I was waiting it said something about an error. I finally was able to try and get a limited shoe without me being on duty, overseas or anything crazy. I came out empty handed. No Eminem II's, no XX3 Premiers, no Motorsports. 3 shoes that I wanted and so far haven't been able to get my hands on a pair. I have 1 person that is "suppose" to be selling me his Motorsports, but i'm unsure at the moment if the deal will even go through. Still waiting on his reply...
Bud, you need to come to Toronto if you want Motorsports.. we still have TONS of them all over the place. They came out here in October, and wehad them for months since then.. I got mine at the end of November with no issues.. and honestly I am SHOCKED that these were the strongest sellers in the wouldn't see that in Canada as it seems like consumers here didn't care as much for these.. perhaps that is why we shafted on the BRED Premiers.
wow sincere, both the titaniums and the premiers..howd u grab the titaniums by the way, raffle, or waiting in line?
Originally Posted by ABallin23

thats pretty sick sincere congrats man
r u gonna wear any of them?

I wear all of them except for the Titaniums and now the Premeirs/Finales. I wear all of them only because I have doubles of all of them except the Titaniumsand now the Premiers/Finales.
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