You care nothing about that family or their situation man. You are in here to say things you would never say in the real world. Now coward out and ask for more to join. You good at that. For some reason. This site allows you to pull your **** and get away with it, over and over again. Who has privilege? Now give me your best attempt at twisting my words around to feel like your saying something important. Because I know just as well as you do, you stand for yourself. And nothing else. You are completely see through. Your words are as hollow as your integrity.
You care nothing about that family or their situation man. You are in here to say things you would never say in the real world. Now coward out and ask for more to join. You good at that. For some reason. This site allows you to pull your **** and get away with it, over and over again. Who has privilege? Now give me your best attempt at twisting my words around to feel like your saying something important. Because I know just as well as you do, you stand for yourself. And nothing else. You are completely see through. Your words are as hollow as your integrity.
Again, yet another white person attempting to tell someone Black, how they should act and feel in a thread about a Black man being killed by two white racists.

No mention about the victim, nope. KHUFU is the problem.
Nah, A Black man was killed by two white racists, and your anger, your white rage, is being directed at me.

No, my annoyance is you saying the same thing over and over again. Nothing you say has meaning more than it just makes you believe you stand for something. That only benifits you.
just cause a person doesnt donate doesnt mean a thing
and just cause a person does
that dont mean **** either
You’re right, I’m not trying to have a **** measuring contest with him. I’m asking him for a legit method on how I can financially help the Arbery family and he’s refusing to help. That speaks volumes
No, my annoyance is you saying the same thing over and over again. Nothing you say has meaning more than it just makes you believe you stand for something. That only benifits you.
lol, do you speak to your white friends in this manner? When you see how white privilege works, do you get just as angry? Do you speak out against their racist acts? When events like this occur, which proves that White people still think that the laws do not apply to them, how do you feel about it?
You care nothing about that family or their situation man. You are in here to say things you would never say in the real world. Now coward out and ask for more to join. You good at that. For some reason. This site allows you to pull your **** and get away with it, over and over again. Who has privilege? Now give me your best attempt at twisting my words around to feel like your saying something important. Because I know just as well as you do, you stand for yourself. And nothing else. You are completely see through. Your words are as hollow as your integrity.
u claiming he has some sort of privilege
on a damn message board
while u have privilege in the game of LIFE
in america
so cut it out
with the comparisons
i thought u were having good faith arguments
but now all ur doing is tryna justify how u FEEL
while ****ting on a black man
in a thread
about a black man getting killed
UNJUSTIFIABLY by some white men
knock the dumb **** off man
cause now im getting mad
I know it's long but please bare with me or skip down to the recap...

North Wins Civil War on Slavery.

Emancipation Proclamation now applies to Southern enslaved folks

5 days later - Lincoln Assassinated

Presidency falls to a Southern Racist.

Mind you up until 1864 Hannibal Hamlin was Lincoln's VP and would have been made President but for the 1864 election, Hamlin was replaced as Vice Presidential nominee by Andrew Johnson, a Southern Democrat chosen for his appeal to Southern Unionists.

Andrew Johnson, the former senator from and current military governor of Tennessee, was named as Lincoln's vice presidential running-mate. The choice of Andrew Johnson as Lincoln's running mate was a politically calculated move by the Republican Party to ensure the electoral votes of the border states.

Hamlin was no abolitionist but was certainly "left" of Lincoln.

Lincoln and the Democratic party chose to put a Southern Racist in office over Hamlin.

In 1865 President Andrew Johnson implemented a plan of Reconstruction that gave the white South a free hand in regulating the transition from slavery to freedom and offered no role to blacks in the politics of the South.

The end of the Civil War found the nation without a settled Reconstruction policy.

In May 1865, President Andrew Johnson offered a pardon to all white Southerners except Confederate leaders and wealthy planters (although most of these later received individual pardons), and authorized them to create new governments.

Blacks were denied any role in the process. Johnson also ordered nearly all the land in the hands of the government returned to its prewar owners -- dashing black hope for economic autonomy.


After the Civil War broke out, abolitionists such as Frederick Douglass argued that the enlistment of black soldiers would help the North win the war and would be a huge step in the fight for equal rights: “Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letters, U.S.; let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pocket,” Douglass said, “and there is no power on earth which can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship.” However, this is just what President Lincoln was afraid of: He worried that arming African Americans, particularly former or escaped slaves, would push the loyal border states to secede. This, in turn, would make it almost impossible for the Union to win the war.

However, after two grueling years of war, President Lincoln began to reconsider his position on black soldiers. The war did not appear to be anywhere near an end, and the Union Army badly needed soldiers. White volunteers were dwindling in number, and African-Americans were more eager to fight than ever.

The Second Confiscation and Militia Act of July 17, 1862, was the first step toward the enlistment of African Americans in the Union Army. It did not explicitly invite blacks to join the fight, but it did authorize the president “to employ as many persons of African descent as he may deem necessary and proper for the suppression of this rebellion…in such manner as he may judge best for the public welfare.”

Some blacks took this as their cue to begin forming infantry units of their own. African Americans from New Orleans formed three National Guard units: the First, Second and Third Louisiana Native Guard. (These became the 73rd, 74th and 75th United States Colored Infantry.) The First Kansas Colored Infantry (later the 79th United States Colored Infantry) fought in the October 1862 skirmish at Island Mound, Missouri. And the First South Carolina Infantry, African Descent (later the 33rd United States Colored Infantry) went on its first expedition in November 1862. These unofficial regiments were officially mustered into service in January 1863.

So to recap...

Blacks were essential in winning the War for the North only to be betrayed in the end.

Lincoln and the Democrats / North made no final plans for Reconstruction...but Hello 40 Acres and a Mule!

Lincoln and the Democrats / North elect a Southern Racist as Vice President, for political gains in the South.

Exactly 5 days after the war ends, Lincoln is assassinated and a Southern Racist is the President of the United States of America....and Goodbye 40 Acres and a Mule!

The Southern Racist IMMEDIATELY paves the way for Jim Crow.

Racists have been in power ever since.

Who won the war on Slavery again?

After enduring HUNDREDS of years of being ENSLAVED and even more years volunteering to FIGHT AND DIE to help win the Civil War for the North, Black People went from 40 Acres and a Mule and Black Veterans having the right to vote to Jim Crow....


So here we are in 2020,

Confederate Flags are still flying over 7 State capitals,

a Racist President is in office,

Racist White people / Police still hunting and murdering Black people in the street, with impunity -

and all this after a Black Man drags this country out of The Great Recession and brings us Healthcare.

Poetic aint it?

...but please tell me more about this Black Privilege and Black Racism I hear so much about.

Sounds Fascinating!

u claiming he has some sort of privilege
on a dasmn message board
while u have privleg in the game of LIFE
in america
so cut it out
with the comparisons
i thought u were having good faith arguments
bu now all ur doing is tryna justify how u FEEL
while ****ting on a black man
in a thread
about a black man getting killed
UNJUSTIFIABLY by some white men
knock the dumb **** off man
cause now im getting mad
You sir and your words, mean nothing to me.
lol, do you speak to your white friends in this manner? When you see how white privilege works, do you get just as angry? Do you speak out against their racist acts? When events like this occur, which proves that White people still think that the laws do not apply to them, how do you feel about it?
Again white privilege. You got nothing else do you?
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