Mark my words, the killer will go to prison for murder. Idk if it will be first or second degree but he will go to prison for murder. Probably first . Minimum 25 years. I 100% guarantee this.

First degree murder, minimum 50 years in prison. And I'm confident on both of those numbers.

What makes you so confident? I hope you're right but the citizens arrest statute gives me pause.
I really just want you all to realize how ignorant you sound when you make statements like black people cannot be racist in America when we have racism going on in this very forum on the regular. I feel like you are doing the opposite of what was fought for during the civil rights movement. Believe it or not some white people have died for black freedom here and the type of **** that usually slides on here is insultto those people and their families just as much as the life of the man that this thread is supposed to be about. I hope you have to work next MLK day.
Probably the most compelling and excellent post in here.
Used to wonder how the Irish in America got their tickets to whitedom and never looked back, because they were treated like ****, but all I had to do is observe how some blacks and other minorities act right now. Give them a little bit, life gets a bit more comfortable, give them some imaginery group they think lesser to look down on like "racist blacks" and that system keeps rolling like it always did without ever having to lift a finger to defend itself or change. Because of course the victims are the problem.

These killings of unarmed brothers and some personal ish Ive been going through at my job makes me really not like certain white people. Not all of course,but it makes me ask where are all the good white people at?My job has been hell because I’m the only black dude, so they create all kinds of new rules that only apply to me. I’m actually in the middle of working on suing my job for discrimination, but the **** really makes you want to hurt people.
Jason Whitlock is such an Uncle Tom.

If you are black and you're preaching this "equality" nonsense when the biggest offenders are the people hunting us down, while a pandemic that "doesn't see color" is literally taking of black people at a much higher rate, police brutality is ramping up from "violating" social distancing and the only thing you can say is "not all white people" you lack self respect and you don't respect the people of color who've died over this BS.

If reading this offends you you are part of the problem.
Jason Whitlock is such an Uncle Tom.

If you are black and you're preaching this "equality" nonsense when the biggest offenders are the people hunting us down, while a pandemic that "doesn't see color" is literally taking of black people at a much higher rate, police brutality is ramping up from "violating" social distancing and the only thing you can say is "not all white people" you lack self respect and you don't respect the people of color who've died over this BS.

If reading this offends you you are part of the problem.
Hypocritical christian, which is not even hitting the core of his issues.
I’ll say this as someone who was ignorant to things in the past.

This **** is an absolute outrage. Black ppl are well within reason to be outraged, pissed off, furious, and anyone trying to downplay that outrage is lame. To see incidents like this happen multiple times a year with no justice or in the cases a verdict is rendered, a slap on the wrist is the result. I don’t blame any black person for looking at whites as a whole collectively funny, being hesitant to trust them and having no faith whatsoever in this joke of a justice system in this country.

I’m ashamed to say I would get annoyed in the past when people would get pissed at all whites off these idiots just off how selfish and fragile that way of thinking is.

I really hope this man gets justice, be it through the legal system or the vigilante route.
People definitely have a right to be outraged and pissed off about this other events like this that have happened... but it still doesn't give you the right to **** on everyone else that is white and claim that they are as a whole like that. If you can't see the ignorance in that and not acknowledge it as racism then I don't know what else to say. It just continues the cycle, but whatever.
People definitely have a right to be outraged and pissed off about this other events like this that have happened... but it still doesn't give you the right to **** on everyone else that is white and claim that they are as a whole like that. If you can't see the ignorance in that and not acknowledge it as racism then I don't know what else to say. It just continues the cycle, but whatever.
Bro do you understand that the cycle isn't dependent on how WE feel. It's dependent on how white people feel about us. This cycle will keep on going even if black people sit down singing church hymns holding hands. This is not on people of color, it is on the people who keep committing these offenses. Its not on black people to end racism, our anger is in response to how we've been treated since stepping foot in America...ignorance is putting some blame on people who've done nothing to warrant this type of treatment.
I'm not putting the blame on anyone other than the 2 men that committed the murder, along with the police department and DA that tried to cover it up, and the guy recording it if he was along with it too.

But what is your solution to this, how do you think we as a people can defeat this broken *** system? Are you instantly going to start attacking (not necessarily physically) any white person that is sympathetic to the cause, are they not good enough?
If in a thread about a innocent black man being executed by two white men, the hill you chose to die on is the "you guys are too mean to white people" one, then maybe you are the one that needs to reassess some things.

If you think a post is racist, then report it. Let the mods deal with it

But right now you are whining about other people conduct, while completely lacking any self awareness.
I know how I feel about the situation, it's ****** up, but it still doesn't justify racism as a whole... I'll call it out when I see it.
I'm not putting the blame on anyone other than the 2 men that committed the murder, along with the police department and DA that tried to cover it up, and the guy recording it if he was along with it too.

But what is your solution to this, how do you think we as a people can defeat this broken *** system? Are you instantly going to start attacking (not necessarily physically) any white person that is sympathetic to the cause, are they not good enough?
You have surface level solutions, as in treating people of color like PEOPLE and not animals. The law actually doing what it's supposed to do and prosecuting those who commit these type of crimes. But the root of that problem is the feeling of hatred they project towards us. And that's not something we can fix or we should fix. That's on them. They should be coming up with solutions.
what am I being hypocritical about exactly?
You are *****ing and complaining about people voicing their opinions on NT in regards to things they don't like regarding this situation.

Yet you are doing the exact same thing

You beat your chest and say you are calling it how I see it, while insulting others for calling it how they see it.

Some of your post have contained **** many would consider ignorant as well. Yet if someone calls that out, you flying out the window.
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