White people are upset that their freedoms are being trampled upon, due to the restrictions of the corona virus. State capitols have been at the center of major protests featuring armed militia, in the face of law enforcement no less, and you actually think that these people would want to side with Black people, who have been under oppression since 1619? Really? The people you are looking to help you to gain freedom, are the very same people who shot the Black man that inspired this thread. So you wanna go hat in hand, then asking for their support? This country has NEVER been about the survival of Black people. They have even created a system where a so called model minority is encouraged to look down upon all people who identify with the Black experience in america. The hard work ethos, in order to get ahead. Who worked harder than our ancestors, those enslaved Africans that we are the descendants of, and for FREE?! Lest we forget...Black people, conscious Black people, have every right to distrust white people and their agenda. That agenda isn’t hidden, never has been. So if you personally want to connect your plight for freedom with those who already live with privilege, at your expense no less? You go right ahead. Just don’t expect smart Black people to run into that fire to save your ***, once you get burned.
Could not have said it better myself.
When will we, as a group, begin to fight again like we used to?
Without the threat of a Malcolm X, my personal belief is that a MLK Jr. would be FAR less effective.
I'm not talking race wars, killing cops, or genocide of an entire race.
I mean simply self defense.
There is NO WAY we shouldn't be well trained and well armed to protect ourselves and our communities from police brutality and bigots...it certainly doesn't seem like we have a weapons problem by the images and videos presented to us day in and day out, and there are more black lawyers today than at any time in this nation's history.
We are depicted and depict ourselves as "savage" and "about that life" - going around live streaming our own crimes and being our own star witnesses but when it comes to self defense against racists and bigots - crickets.
We are depicted and depict ourselves as "Black Excellence" get nice houses and cars when we graduate from law school but go off and never spend a second supporting outfits like "The Bail Project".
I just don't understand it and stories like these embolden the racist and bigot - what kind of message does it send when Benjamin Crump / NAACP shows up with that same old two step from 1965.
Everytime we go running back to the same so called justice system that feeds off our very lives.
We have the same 2nd amendment rights as everyone else.
For once I would LOVE to see / read a story where these folks messed with the right one and got dealt with by someone who was defending themselves.
How is it that the cops are the ones "fearing for their lives" but we are the ones dying?
The game is all twisted and I got people looking at me sideways when I ask where that same "bout it bout it" energy at for the racists and bigots?
Aint no help coming, we gotta do for self, as individuals and a group.
But, like the Last Poets said...