Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

Welp no call from FNL 0-2 so far. On to sunday FCFS

You and me both...

I wouldn't mind some simple word problems needed to be answered correctly in order to cart the shoes.  What ever it takes to beat the bots.

Wait, so they stopped the "click on the lamps, click on the pens..." stuff already? Everyone seemed so pleased with it when it was first introduced just a few mos. ago.
It's not over yet, ball around in you cities, some spots start raffles Sunday and last till Monday or tuesday
Wait, so they stopped the "click on the lamps, click on the pens..." stuff already? Everyone seemed so pleased with it when it was first introduced just a few mos. ago.
The picture captchas... yes it seems that they have stopped using them.  The last time I remember seeing them was when I was gunning for the Jeter 1s during the 1st release attempt in September.
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Anyone hear anything fron HOH Thousand Oaks, Champs in Thousand Oaks or Footlocker in Ventura??
Seeing the various pics of this shoe reminds me of a seinfeld episode when Jerry was dating a woman who was termed a "two-face". Based on the lighting she sometimes looked good and sometimes didn't. Same exact situation with these shoes...
I got an extra 10.5 and I let all my contacts kno but nobody replying trying to be nice but I'm on the verge of saying eff it and keep em both
I need Dallas Shiekh kodes

To be honest I don't think the DFW area Shiekh s do raffles, I asked over the DFW forum and somebody said they don't.

I wouldn't necessarily even go to Shiekhs to cop, so many malls in the area you'd have a better chance one of those.
Well I guess NoHo is out for me that's 2 tickets there. All I got left

Pan City

Pan City


Kids Foorlocker:

If I go 0/9 this the only pizza I'm eating

i ***** wit this pizza
12? Lol ok man you got it. If I'm 12 you must be 6 then because you clearly lack any sort of maturity coming at me all late, with your wack *** thumbs down, claiming I'm sympathizing with resellers? FOH. You also seem to lack basic comprehension/reading skills too. In my post I'm actually sympathizing with the buyer who wants to get their pair without jumping through ANY sort of hoops and don't mind paying a lil extra to get what they want. Some of my best pairs came from so called 'resellers' whom I was happy to give just $40-$50 over retail to secure mines. That's not to say there aren't bad resellers out there who jack up the price and try to rip people off either. My only point was that resellers, as bad as they are CAN be helpful in certain situations, for certain people. Obviously no one WANTS to pay over retail but I'm not going to act all high and mighty like I've never paid or wouldn't pay a reseller just to get "cool points" on NT from trolls like you. So you can miss me with your cliche NT "I hate resellers" response and kick rocks.

(And yes, you sir are what I consider to be a hater. I'd tell you that even if I was 12 and it would be true) FOH
Resellers are never good. NEVER. They prevent u from being able to buy the shoes on your own without having to do with some wannabe hustler. They buy shoes to sell u for more than they're worth. Eat up all the supply just to add their 20%-30% up charge or whatever they make on top of it and cause folks who want said shoe to have to buy from somebody who all they did was sabotage the game and basically cheated their way into making money. If nobody would shop with these lovers they'd find another scam somewhere else which is what I what i wish would happen.

dhtowng noble kane is one of the better ones on this site, hes been around for a min, no years....again i commend kane and ryan for this reseller trashing.

my view is its ok if you wanna re sell something from YEARS ago, what 3,4 years? If anyone cant cop something they want from release day (day 1) in 3-4 years aint nobody to blame. re sellers can do that. BUT these streetwalkers buying up fsr before and on day 1? cmon let everybody eat if they hungry for a pair. any leftovers yall reseller scavengers can pick up and enjoy.
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