Black Guys in Movies always die first...sooo there's an Algorithm for that?! vol. math proves racism

Feb 23, 2008
I was watching a movie on the tube (Skinwalkers) while washing dishes and saw a black guy. I thought to myself, he'll prolly die in the next 5-10 min. Weknow that's an open secret in movies; the black guy won't make it to the end (unless he's Denzel or Will).

I googled to find out if anyone had put together a nice list of movies where the black guy bit the dust early and found this:

Sorting Algorithm of Mortality

[table][tr][td]Likelihood of death[/td] [td]So dead[/td] [td] [/td] [td]Average life expectancy[/td] [td] [/td] [td]Die? Me? Ha![/td] [/tr][tr][td]Scream Score![/td] [td]5[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]3[/td] [td]2[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Age[/td] [td]Older And Wiser[/td] [td]Parent, Clueless teens[/td] [td]Single adult[/td] [td]Protagonist teens[/td] [td]Child[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Sexual Orientation[/td] [td]%##@, Bisexual, Innocent Virgin[/td] [td]Gay[/td] [td]Straight[/td] [td]Reluctant[/td] [td]Celibate[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Love Interests by Genre[/td] [td]Rich %@%%@, Horror Genre[/td] [td]*@*!** With A Heart Of Gold, Temporary[/td] [td]Shallow, Romance show[/td] [td]Shrinking Violet[/td] [td]Distressed Damsel, Action Series[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Role[/td] [td]Villain, Faceless Goons, Red Shirt, The Obi Wan[/td] [td]Loners, Plucky Comic Relief, Mauve Shirt[/td] [td]The Lancer, Hero Of Another Story[/td] [td]The Jor El[/td] [td]Hero, The Scrappy[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Race[/td] [td]Black, Twofer's[/td] [td]Mexican[/td] [td]Asian[/td] [td]Indian/Native American[/td] [td]Caucasian or The Same As The Writer[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Aesthetics[/td] [td]Ugly[/td] [td]Fat[/td] [td]"Average"[/td] [td]Fashionably Scarred[/td] [td]The Cutie[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Personality[/td] [td]Nihilist, Crazy Survivalist, Innocent[/td] [td]Jerk Jock, The Ditz[/td] [td]Nerd, Jerk With A Heart Of Gold[/td] [td]The Captain[/td] [td]The Messiah, Friend To All Living Things[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Flaws[/td] [td]Too Dumb To Live, Skeptical, Genre Blind, Dirty Coward, Greedy[/td] [td]Fell astray, The Stoner, Butt Monkey (gritty), Smartass[/td] [td]Wears Glasses[/td] [td]Crippling Phobia[/td] [td]Mentally Handicapped[/td] [/tr][tr][td]"Virtues"[/td] [td]Holier Than Thou, Curious, Pragmatic[/td] [td]Quiet Girls and Quiet Guys[/td] [td]Smart, Genre Savvy[/td] [td]Action Girl[/td] [td]The Pollyanna[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Species[/td] [td]Robots (non-living), Undead, Snakes[/td] [td]Cats, Clones, Mechanical Lifeforms[/td] [td]Human, Human Aliens[/td] [td]Pretty Aliens[/td] [td]Dogs (except in literature) (or Disney)[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Occupation[/td] [td]Retiring Law Enforcement Officer, Villain By Default, Happy Family Man, Competent secondary female[/td] [td]Military Commander, Anyone Serving Under Him, Hero's friend[/td] [td]Scientist With Questionable Ethics, Innocent Bystander[/td] [td]Adventurer Archaeologist[/td] [td]Super Hero[/td] [/tr][/table]
movies (not all inclusive) where black guys die (unusually) early:

enter the dragon
transformers (yes jazz is supposed to represent a black guy)
saving private ryan
united 93
damnation alley
mars attacks
resident evil
the shining
apocalypse now
robo cop
the edge
the crow
3000 miles to graceland

feel free to add your own
in the never die species: Dogs (except in literature) (or Disney)

, now that I think about it....
Jamie Foxx in Stealth. When he died it immediately became the wackest movie I'd ever seen. Total disbelief
But it's "uncool" to say ANYTHING is racist these days without the N word being involved because people are "too sensitive"
Ive heard of this.Heres another one, I JUST NOTICED IT RIGHT NOW!(IM WATCHING I, ROBOT) why is it a lot of movies with black people in it, have grandmas asparental figures, but no moms or pops....NO HATE OR PUN INTENDED FOR REAL..
Originally Posted by j671

Ive heard of this.Heres another one, I JUST NOTICED IT RIGHT NOW!(IM WATCHING I, ROBOT) why is it a lot of movies with black people in it, have grandmas as parental figures, but no moms or pops....NO HATE OR PUN INTENDED FOR REAL..
I agree, but at the same time that kind of is the harsh reality. Hollywood stereotypically overdoes it but there is reasonable grounds to makethat assumption.
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