Black Culture Discussion Thread

You’re right, lack of education doesn’t mean you’re a complete dunce, however, I’m gonna keep it real with you bro, a good portion of Black women have at minimum a bachelor’s degree. With the exception of one person, every woman I’ve met over their mid twenties without a bachelor’s has been an idiot :lol:

it’s funny because i believe this is generally the case across ethnicities in western societies, women tending to be more schooled than the men is not just specific to black folk but it’s only in the public discourse as being an issue for black women…that is changing tho because the zeitgeist now is that boys & men across the board are falling behind & all the while women are still having kids (albeit less of them) but not linking with these men either because the women don’t really rock the guys in terms of seeing him as a viable mate or vice versa
it’s funny because i believe this is generally the case across ethnicities in western societies, women tending to be more schooled than the men is not just specific to black folk but it’s only in the public discourse as being an issue for black women…that is changing tho because the zeitgeist now is that boys & men across the board are falling behind & all the while women are still having kids (albeit less of them) but not linking with these men either because the women don’t really rock the guys in terms of seeing him as a viable mate or vice versa

Forefathers didn’t want women to be anything other than homemakers because they wanted to CONTROL and manipulate them. Times have changed.

People don’t understand that you can still be masculine, still be an alpha male and have a smart, well-to-do, smart and assertive woman. It’s a BONUS.

We still can exist in world where men can be masculine and still exhibit their innate, primal traits AS WELL as women being empowered. They can exist in unison. People don’t realize that
Good Lord.

Open a window.

All this over...Amanda Seales? Word?

Sounding like an episode of "The View" in here.

Some of ya'll sound like the type of dudes to start acting weird when the women come around.

You was the same dude that go to church every Sunday (and bible study on Wednesday) but complained about not being able to find chics and complaining about their code of conduct.

….Catch the sideline bro

I ain’t forget you “Oh… oh.. oh Mo’Nique let’s her husband be a man and call the shots… whyyyyy can’t I find a woman who who will acquiesce to my wants and needs?”

….. said by a sanctified man who goes to church :lol: :lol: You better go to one of them church convections and scout
Exactly. Bro, even some of the hood girls I went to school with, cared about their education and maintained GREAT grades.

I had a cousin who was a straight A student but her mom and dad didn’t really care about education so, she struggled at FAMU. Fast forward now, she works for Spirit airlines and travels across the country to train. She’s 32 and just bought a house 2 years ago.

I have cousins who graduated from Texas Southern, North Texas, Nova Southeastern, FSU.

My mom has held the same job at Broward General medical center since 1993. My Grandmother has been at her job since 1971.

I just come from a line of educated women so, can’t let them get slighted but, my “pimp hand” can still be strong.

My cousin in Texas owns two homes, literally would fly to audit banks WHILE pregnant. I have another cousin with an autistic son, she’s got degrees from FSU and NSU and she owns 3 homes.

Some of these women are GETTING IT!

My 23 year old cousin just got her pharmacy degree from FAMU.

6 females in my family all under 40 are KILLING the game.

I’m just saying, don’t know about some families out here but the women I grew with and around all had major hustle game.

My family is predominately women and it’s shameful but, they’re outpacing the me n.

Im one of the few males in my family who hasn’t done prison or jail time. I’m probably the only one without a criminal record :lol:

No disrespect to you and your family champ…….and only because you didn’t mention it but if all 6 of those women in your family under 40 ain’t married then they ain’t killing NOTHING. Especially the ones with kids. Continue on though.
You was the same dude that go to church every Sunday (and bible study on Wednesday) but complained about not being able to find chics and complaining about their code of conduct.

….Catch the sideline bro

I ain’t forget you “Oh… oh.. oh Mo’Nique let’s her husband be a man and call the shots… whyyyyy can’t I find a woman who who will acquiesce to my wants and needs?”

….. said by a sanctified man who goes to church :lol: :lol: You better go to one of them church convections and scout
Forefathers didn’t want women to be anything other than homemakers because they wanted to CONTROL and manipulate them. Times have changed.

People don’t understand that you can still be masculine, still be an alpha male and have a smart, well-to-do, smart and assertive woman. It’s a BONUS.

We still can exist in world where men can be masculine and still exhibit their innate, primal traits AS WELL as women being empowered. They can exist in unison. People don’t realize that

we will see, because i believe at this point almost half of kids are born out of wedlock & almost a third without fathers in the home…where & from whom will these young chirren see as the example of masculinity, when most grade school teachers are women, there aren’t many invested men in these neighborhoods & even if there were there is a stigma around men & children…add in that the breed of masculinity that is acceptable & championed now is what is convenient to women’s sensibilities (even as the women folk reward the ‘toxic’ traits in their personal lives)

and no no doubt some men wanted to control their women, but not sure how broadly applicable that trope is…i don’t think any man has a problem w/intelligent women or even assertive women (given some caveats) but my guess is

1) it just isn’t a priority for most guys
2) those traits come with a suite other traits that make those type of women harder to deal with/less desirable
3) women that actually put these skills to use and become successful aren’t usually cool/satisfied with doing what men in their position tend to do, which is be the breadwinner that supports their partner indefinitely without the expectation that the spouse should eventually level up to exceed or at least meet them

for sure there are women that value men beyond their ability to earn, but as marriage rates are continually declining, not sure that most women agree with you
Attractiveness and personality are always going to be the first things you look for in a partner. I include how they think into their personality.

Everything else just adds to being relatable and compatible with them and their social spaces.
we will see, because i believe at this point almost half of kids are born out of wedlock & almost a third without fathers in the home…where & from whom will these young chirren see as the example of masculinity, when most grade school teachers are women, there aren’t many invested men in these neighborhoods & even if there were there is a stigma around men & children…add in that the breed of masculinity that is acceptable & championed now is what is convenient to women’s sensibilities (even as the women folk reward the ‘toxic’ traits in their personal lives)

and no no doubt some men wanted to control their women, but not sure how broadly applicable that trope is…i don’t think any man has a problem w/intelligent women or even assertive women (given some caveats) but my guess is

1) it just isn’t a priority for most guys
2) those traits come with a suite other traits that make those type of women harder to deal with/less desirable
3) women that actually put these skills to use and become successful aren’t usually cool/satisfied with doing what men in their position tend to do, which is be the breadwinner that supports their partner indefinitely without the expectation that the spouse should eventually level up to exceed or at least meet them

for sure there are women that value men beyond their ability to earn, but as marriage rates are continually declining, not sure that most women agree with you

Welcome back champ!! Glad you finally took the cape off. Now you’re preaching and spitting from the Survivor Scrolls. That’s good game right there. You just might have gotten the last ticket to the Players Ball. Your invite is still under review. Keep up the good work.
EYE don't think people are saying they don't want an educated wife. It's more so that they have an issue with someone belittles others based on their academic achievements and is combative because they perceive themselves as being smarter than others simply because they have a degree. This is particularly evident in the dating world, where some women use their education to make others feel inferior. For example, a building manager made a pass to a female colleague. Another female colleague and her were talking and they brought it up and she responded by saying, "What do I look like dating someone who works in a building?" and they both laughed. Hombre manages a portfolio of buildings and has a side business for HVAC and plumbing. Most of the time he's in trades man clothes, but every now and then you'll see him more polished. Women who operate like this tend to always end up single or quickly shacking up with someone just to say they have someone cause time is running out on them.
EYE don't think people are saying they don't want an educated wife. It's more so that they have an issue with someone belittles others based on their academic achievements and is combative because they perceive themselves as being smarter than others simply because they have a degree.
This is actually my biggest gripe with participating in society as a whole, no exaggeration.

Everyone judges everyone. And it's USUALLY based on some feeling of superiority they think they have over the person they're judging. And it doesn't matter if they spend legitimate time with these folks to obtain a decent understanding of them or if they heard this person say two sentences, as is your example. Everyone's so ******* superior than the next.

I don't need it. Yall can keep it.
Black Men… need to be grateful and graceful… when it comes to all types of relationships… because by default… collectively… we all control the culture.

Broken down… the word culture… can be heard as… “cult-chore.”

As we all know… the word cult… means “hidden.”

So that means: culture = cult chore = hidden chore.

In 2024… the hidden chore… is not so hidden anymore.

The cult chore… in 2024… is creation.

We are all products of creation.

Creation… as the “cult-chore”… or not so hidden chore… in 2024… and since creation… is… and has always been… sex.

As Black men… collectively… we all have to understand… that both men and women… of all races… have to fulfill the needs… of the “cult-chore.”

As Black men… collectively… we all have to understand… that within the supply and demand dynamic the “cult-chore” creates… we are always… on the positive side… of the demand.

In 2024… population wise… there are more men than women.

In 2024… for women of all races… when it comes to “cult-chore” demand fulfillment… Black men are not only at the top of the pyramid when it comes to demand fulfillment… we are also simultaneously the least populated race within the male fulfillment selection population of women.

All men are the prize.

All men matter.

In 2024… as Black men though… when it comes to the “cult-chore” of the world… we all need to be especially grateful and graceful… in understanding that the past has proven… that we are all… the grand prize.

With that being said… with our power and demand… we could all either take the Iceberg Slim route… the single The Life of Pablo Kanye route… or the married The Life of Pablo Kanye Route.

I honestly believe that in 2024… that if all men understood… that ALL MEN OF ALL races… mathematically… are outnumbered… by all women of all races… men would stop war, racism… and all other male on male conflict.

If every man on this earth had one woman… mathematically… there would be A LOT of women… that would be without a man.

I believe that if every man was fulfilled by one woman… of any race… all war, racism, and all other conflict… between men… would end.

Sexually fulfilled men would not want to fight any other man in any way… no matter the race, religion, county of origin, etc. etc etc… of the other man… because every man of every race… would be sexually fulfilled.

With that being said… in 2024… I believe all men… need to all inform each other… mathematically… of our power and our position… when it comes to the supply and demand dynamic… of the “cult-chore.”

Women who do not have men in 2024… literally might begin going to war with other women… for the right to be fulfilled… emotionally and physically… by any man… due to the negative mathematical position of women… when it comes to the supply and demand dynamic… of the “cult chore.”

All men… mathematically… could either be Iceberg Slim… the single The Life of Pablo Kanye… or the married The Life of Pablo Kanye… because of math.

With that being said… whatever choice any man makes when it comes to relationships… mathematically… we should all… live and let live… when it comes to all other men.

If a man wants to be Iceberg Slim in 2024… respectfully… he should always be at the home his woman earned… always ignoring all other men.

If a man wants to be the single The Life of Pablo Kanye in 2024… respectfully… he should always be doing whatever he wants with whatever woman he wants… while always ignoring all other men.

If a man wants to be the married The Life of Pablo Kanye in 2024… respectfully… he should always be doing whatever he wants with his wife and children… while always ignoring all other men.

In closing… I believe that in 2024… all men should be grateful… that they should always be too busy… gracefully preparing to fulfill the needs… of the “cult-chore” of women… to ever fight… any other man… of any race… from any country… from any religion… in any way… for any reason.

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5 minutes into this interview and she seems figured out to me.
She says she's love that.

She also, clearly, doesn't take criticism at all. Let alone take it well. It is what it is. It's one thing for one person to tell you something about yourself that you don't agree with. Sure brush it off. But multiple people telling you the same thing? At least do some introspection and try to see how they came to such a conclusion.
I beginning to believe that Entrepeneur Culture is really just a plot to but a bunch for folks(us) in debt.

Good point. I've always felt it was a way to get many of us out of the workforce.

Check out the 36 minute mark in the video I just posted.
Women initiate divorce in America at a rate of 70%. Recent studys shows that the rate goes up to 90%, when the woman is educated with a college degree of some sort. When i read that information a few months back, i stepped back, and reexamined the married couples ive known throughout my life. The educated high earning women, that were married or in a relationship, had difficulty in them, or either eventually divorced.

The marriages that survived, those women somewhat controlled the relationship, and the husband or boyfriend was soft, or docile. So the man didn't really have power in the relationship, in comparison to the woman. This is why when a woman earns alot of money, it's hard for her to even find a man, that she will respect. That's when she out earns her man.

On the flipside, whenever these women try to find a man who out earn her, it doesn't work out the majority of the time. Because those specific types of men, don't want to be consistently challenged or ish tested alot. What's so cold about this topic, is that the educated women that ive grown up around, are either divorced, single, or with a man that she can run and control.

It's so crazy, i know a couple of highly educated chicks dating prisoners, or just straight up low lives. Then the men who are on their level, are dating or marrying women, who docile, not as educated, or from a different country, who haven't been westernized yet.

Ive seen two educated people who have had long successful marriages, but those couples were way older, and of different cultures and races. They were Caucasians, Indians, and asians. When it comes to our race/culture, it doesn't look good when it comes to the marriage rate going forward in the future.

Because at this point, it's all about power and control. It's also about competition and sizing each other up, once you first meet while dating. Also, marriage was built on a foundation that's similar to business, so alot of people are marrying for the wrong reasons nowadays.

Just look at the stats on American marriages. 50% of all marriages will eventually end in divorce, which are initiated by 70% of all married women. Those rates go up to 90% if the woman is college educated. You would have to be out of your mind to get married in the States, if you have something to lose as a man.

That's like sticking your hand in a bowl of poisoned candy, with a 50% percent rate of you eating the poisoned candy in the bowl. I've seen couples in their 50,s and 60,s recently get divorced.

Alot of people are following an old construct, when it comes to marriages. The majority of married couples i know right now, aren't genuinely happy with each other.

They're just tolerating each other, because if the time and money that's been invested into it.
Women initiate divorce in America at a rate of 70%. Recent studys shows that the rate goes up to 90%, when the woman is educated with a college degree of some sort. When i read that information a few months back, i stepped back, and reexamined the married couples ive known throughout my life. The educated high earning women, that were married or in a relationship, had difficulty in them, or either eventually divorced.

The marriages that survived, those women somewhat controlled the relationship, and the husband or boyfriend was soft, or docile. So the man didn't really have power in the relationship, in comparison to the woman. This is why when a woman earns alot of money, it's hard for her to even find a man, that she will respect. That's when she out earns her man.

On the flipside, whenever these women try to find a man who out earn her, it doesn't work out the majority of the time. Because those specific types of men, don't want to be consistently challenged or ish tested alot. What's so cold about this topic, is that the educated women that ive grown up around, are either divorced, single, or with a man that she can run and control.

It's so crazy, i know a couple of highly educated chicks dating prisoners, or just straight up low lives. Then the men who are on their level, are dating or marrying women, who docile, not as educated, or from a different country, who haven't been westernized yet.

Ive seen two educated people who have had long successful marriages, but those couples were way older, and of different cultures and races. They were Caucasians, Indians, and asians. When it comes to our race/culture, it doesn't look good when it comes to the marriage rate going forward in the future.

Because at this point, it's all about power and control. It's also about competition and sizing each other up, once you first meet while dating. Also, marriage was built on a foundation that's similar to business, so alot of people are marrying for the wrong reasons nowadays.

Just look at the stats on American marriages. 50% of all marriages will eventually end in divorce, which are initiated by 70% of all married women. Those rates go up to 90% if the woman is college educated. You would have to be out of your mind to get married in the States, if you have something to lose as a man.

That's like sticking your hand in a bowl of poisoned candy, with a 50% percent rate of you eating the poisoned candy in the bowl. I've seen couples in their 50,s and 60,s recently get divorced.

Alot of people are following an old construct, when it comes to marriages. The majority of married couples i know right now, aren't genuinely happy with each other.

They're just tolerating each other, because if the time and money that's been invested into it.

Nothing new under the Sun.

It has been like this for over 50 years:

Things began to flip around 1965 after women entered the workforce (Civil Rights Act (1964), "War on Poverty" (1964), Affirmative Action (1965), and No-Fault Divorce (1969).

Supply and demand.

The more laborers in the workforce = the less labor is worth.

1971 - The US abandoned the Gold Standard (Federal Reserve can now print unlimited money).

Inflation goes higher.

1973 = Abortion is legalized.

Even more women enter the workforce.

Inflation goes higher.


In the backdrop - under the "War on Poverty" welfare began to serve as a substitute for a husband in the home, eroding marriages among lower-income folks.

Housing under these programs required that no adult male take residence meaning no husbands or fathers were allowed in the State-provided homes.

Add on the shift from industry (blue collar, factory, manufacturing, de-unionization, deregulation, etc.) to "the information age"/technology...

Who do these things affect the most?

Black Men

Today, over half of Black men in the United States are single and childless and the numbers are going up not down.

Globally, even w/o US Government intervention...

When nations ran on agriculture = extended families (grandmother, grandfather, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.)

When nations ran on industry = nuclear families (mother, father, children)

When nations run on technology = single-parent or no families at all

The average number of children born to a woman in her lifetime -- fell from 4.84 in 1950 to 2.23 in 2021 and will continue to drop to 1.59 by 2100

Almost 90% of the world's population now live in countries with falling marriage rates.

Nature is undefeated.

It will adjust to the environment, biology, and culture, that we create.

It is in a woman's DNA/Biology to prioritize her survival and men have created a world for her to do so without us.

Works for me because I'm getting more access to sex than I ever had in my younger days and I don't have to worry about divorce or child support.

The way these courts are set up, as soon as a modern woman asks me about marriage/kids:

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