Black Culture Discussion Thread

I personally don’t take advice, solicit or give advice. At some point, you have to answer your own questions. Not to mention, fools taking advice from any and everyone. People need to go out and experience life. Internet/social media can’t live your life for you :lol:

A better term should be to give your “opinion”. If you’re over 25 still seeking relationship advice, that’s quite embarrassing.

The best experience, is experience itself. Keep living life taking advice from others, you’ll end up being 40+ and bitter, if that advice was proven to be wrong. You’ll probably resent the people who you took advice from.
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I personally don’t take advice, solicit or give advice. At some point, you have to answer your own questions. Not to mention, fools taking advice from any and everyone. People need to go out and experience life. Internet/social media can’t live your life for you :lol:

A better term should be to give your “opinion”. If you’re over 25 still seeking relationship advice, that’s quite embarrassing.

The best experience, is experience itself. Keep living life taking advice from others, you’ll end up being 40+ and bitter, if that advice was proven to be wrong. You’ll probably resent the people who you took advice from.

the tik toks are rife w/the womenfolk in particular talking/venting about any & everything that frustrates them some of it is kinda satire/not meant to be serious but that doesn’t stop folks from putting their observational 2 cents in 😂😮‍💨

that said it is often the case that others see more clearly/starkly an individual’s circumstance(s) than said individual, as such it is an interesting to see when someone voluntarily opens themselves to critique is not only simultaneously completely disregarding of these opinions but also surprised by the criticism

i’d also disagree pretty vehemently that there are age requirements for some things like relationship because everyone will have their own experiences (which can be counterproductive to the whole endeavor of giving/taking advice, this is where discernment comes in); learning doesn’t stop because of an arbitrary age
Women like her constantly over think. They constantly want to tailor their life into perfection, so they question everything before they Come up with a decision, cause obviously they don’t want to be judged for their decisions if it blows up in their face.
Im not too proud to consider advice. If it checks out, why not have a slight edge in any given situation? Sometimes just a piece of info could get you a long way. I mean if you take some bad and crash out or you don’t and crash out, whats the difference? Its still on you. Crashing out is crashing out. Your mindset at the time or “terms” in which you got there doesn’t matter. One could argue that crashing out on your own is worse than going out sad behind bad advice.
Women like her constantly over think. They constantly want to tailor their life into perfection, so they question everything before they Come up with a decision, cause obviously they don’t want to be judged for their decisions if it blows up in their face.

are you familiar with her outside of this video? women tend to be overthinkers in general & are more neurotic naturally (which makes sense giving their evolutionary role)…this is mostly unrelated to the point of her video tho?? is there some context missing to make this conclusion???

aren’t we all constantly trying to tailor our lives to the best possible outcomes? aren’t we all questioning things before we make decisions??

i don’t think it is the case that anyone wants to be judged, it does seem that men are more cool with/realistic about the judgements associated with their decisions whereas women seem not to be, maybe because often men can gain/improve from being judged where comparatively the types judgement women get aren’t seen the same way…

i do think it is the case that women generally aren’t necessarily told their decisions have pros & cons/tradeoffs as plainly as men are, as such women’s cognitive dissonance tends not to be confronted as openly, hence these videos where women are essentially asking why they aren’t getting the desired/expected results are so pervasive
are you familiar with her outside of this video? women tend to be overthinkers in general & are more neurotic naturally (which makes sense giving their evolutionary role)…this is mostly unrelated to the point of her video tho?? is there some context missing to make this conclusion???

aren’t we all constantly trying to tailor our lives to the best possible outcomes? aren’t we all questioning things before we make decisions??

i don’t think it is the case that anyone wants to be judged, it does seem that men are more cool with/realistic about the judgements associated with their decisions whereas women seem not to be, maybe because often men can gain/improve from being judged where comparatively the types judgement women get aren’t seen the same way…

i do think it is the case that women generally aren’t necessarily told their decisions have pros & cons/tradeoffs as plainly as men are, as such women’s cognitive dissonance tends not to be confronted as openly, hence these videos where women are essentially asking why they aren’t getting the desired/expected results are so pervasive

They’re not getting the desired results because they think everything is supposed to just come to them. Instead of putting themselves out there. People will literally sit around, not approach their issues head on, and ponder.

They need to stop believing that just because they’re women, that they’re entitled to whatever mate they desire. Either start asking dudes out, or continue to sit around and waste away.

The world doesn’t owe us anything. Everyone has problems. We live in a society where people act like their the only ones with problems. They don’t know how to handle adversity.

I want a 2024 corvette stingray, HOWEVER it’s out of my price range. I have to settle for something a bit cheaper. And it’s a OKAY. I’m not going to always get what I want. Some women want men to approach them just because they’re women, it doesn’t work that way all the time.
Not sure what is happening with how kids are raised now because the level of entitlement shown by both young men/women is through the roof but TRADITIONALLY men aren't sold dreams since birth.

We are taught/trained that if something is wrong we need to do something about it to fix it. We aren't lied to while being told, "It's OK. It's their loss. It's nothing more you could have done."

Yes I am speaking in general here but the whole idea of, "Women hate to be held accountable " comes from how we raise them. The same way we condition boys to be INTROSPECTIVE problem solvers that need to look SELF first and foremost if there is an issue, we need to raise Women the same way.

TLDR: They have never been taught that their problems are because of them so of course they won't be able to see that as they get older. Also their are taught their p**** can get them out of anything so of course many won't be prepared to offer anything else.
Not sure what is happening with how kids are raised now because the level of entitlement shown by both young men/women is through the roof but TRADITIONALLY men aren't sold dreams since birth.

We are taught/trained that if something is wrong we need to do something about it to fix it. We aren't lied to while being told, "It's OK. It's their loss. It's nothing more you could have done."

Yes I am speaking in general here but the whole idea of, "Women hate to be held accountable " comes from how we raise them. The same way we condition boys to be INTROSPECTIVE problem solvers that need to look SELF first and foremost if there is an issue, we need to raise Women the same way.

TLDR: They have never been taught that their problems are because of them so of course they won't be able to see that as they get older. Also their are taught their p**** can get them out of anything so of course many won't be prepared to offer anything else.

Very well said broski
They’re not getting the desired results because they think everything is supposed to just come to them. Instead of putting themselves out there. People will literally sit around, not approach their issues head on, and ponder.

They need to stop believing that just because they’re women, that they’re entitled to whatever mate they desire. Either start asking dudes out, or continue to sit around and waste away.

The world doesn’t owe us anything. Everyone has problems. We live in a society where people act like their the only ones with problems. They don’t know how to handle adversity.

I want a 2024 corvette stingray, HOWEVER it’s out of my price range. I have to settle for something a bit cheaper. And it’s a OKAY. I’m not going to always get what I want. Some women want men to approach them just because they’re women, it doesn’t work that way all the time.

🤔 i mean this isn’t likely to change inasmuch society seems to be trying to remove the distinction(s) between men & women…it’s pretty much engrained that men do the pursuing, and women who do the pursuing are kinda judged negatively…and women don’t really put themselves in position to be approached & aren’t really given examples/taught how to make themselves available beyond being physically attractive; compounded by the general distrust women in these times seem to have for men to the point wild bears are seen as less dangerous 😮‍💨

in my mind, to put your car analogy a bit more aptly, it is one thing to know something is out of your price range and another to actually legitimately believe you merit a certain range because you have certain qualifications…many men & women alike are of the mind that they do qualify for certain outcomes because they can look a certain way, have achievements, inhabit a higher tax bracket, unbeknownst to them they are being judged by a different criteria altogether
🤔 i mean this isn’t likely to change inasmuch society seems to be trying to remove the distinction(s) between men & women…it’s pretty much engrained that men do the pursuing, and women who do the pursuing are kinda judged negatively…and women don’t really put themselves in position to be approached & aren’t really given examples/taught how to make themselves available beyond being physically attractive; compounded by the general distrust women in these times seem to have for men to the point wild bears are seen as less dangerous 😮‍💨

in my mind, to put your car analogy a bit more aptly, it is one thing to know something is out of your price range and another to actually legitimately believe you merit a certain range because you have certain qualifications…many men & women alike are of the mind that they do qualify for certain outcomes because they can look a certain way, have achievements, inhabit a higher tax bracket, unbeknownst to them they are being judged by a different criteria altogether

… and those ideologies will always lead to their detriment. It’s 2024, not 1954. It’s just funny how a lot of people desire old tropes, old chivalry, yet will tell others to adopt new age customs.

“Remove gender distinctions between men and women”… yet want old school courtship and family aspects. Negative, you cannot have both. People cannot desire what their grandparents had in the past, yet want all the evolutionary changes of today.

It will never add up
… and those ideologies will always lead to their detriment. It’s 2024, not 1954. It’s just funny how a lot of people desire old tropes, old chivalry, yet will tell others to adopt new age customs.

“Remove gender distinctions between men and women”… yet want old school courtship and family aspects. Negative, you cannot have both. People cannot desire what their grandparents had in the past, yet want all the evolutionary changes of today.

It will never add up

while it is somewhat obvious that certain ideas directly work in opposition, broadening the scope to culture in general, the struggle is in deciding what discard/keep from the past & what to embrace/shun from the current circumstance…because people can absolutely want what whatever but are they willing to do & endure what comes with it

to take an even broader perspective, how much of what folk desire is baked into us from thousands of years of human experience; culture is just an overlay
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