I'm on mobile so bare with me:
That's a good article to start with. It's somewhat ambiguous in its core thoughts, but it shows there is a faction of people that believe there were people who lived in Egypt and migrated moved to West Africa.
This is a good documentary showing the connection between west African spirituality/quantum physics and Kemet. I'm pretty sure its been posted in here before.
As far as assessing the complexity of the world/universe, I believe the ancestors understood the nature of our infinity and used common symbols that people could gravitate towards and develop universal concepts.
It started with the Hydrogen atom. The "original man, woman, and child." +, -, neutral. Everything else is a string vibrating from that concept/universal mind. That's the nature of this universe and duality, we're so complex yet so simple.
With out getting super metaphysical, my point is that you and I are having a conversation about similar topics from different portions of the world. If we were to try and explain some of this to people in our immediate community, it may came out with differing strokes but we're trying to paint the canvas to the best of our understanding.
So say we have this on going dialogue for a million years and a new comer shows up on the scene and steals your narrative. As the person being robbed, you know this new comer is short darn near a million years of the convo and won't grasp the magnitude of what you're trying to convey, because like all sciences and math, the more complex you get, the more simple terms you use to express complex concepts.
So if a child who just learned the alphabet stole some notes off your desk saw e=mc^2 chances are they would have no idea what that equation or those letters really mean.
To keep this metaphor going, you have a child (the European) who stepped in on million plus year dialogue and taught the rest of the world how to think. Because his foundation is built on the contingent of an ignorant understanding, a lot of people are doomed on their journey for knowledge before it starts.
Egypt is championed because the metaphysics are relatively broken down so simple that it was the first reference point the European was able to start understanding the universe. Using this knowledge, they formed the contemporary collective mindset based on his understanding of history and the universe.
This is why I have no problem with people using Egypt as the reference point for trying to gain knowledge of one's self. It's a proven system. Not to say it's better then the Yoruba and the orisha's or anything because theyre all saying the same thing.
I say all that to say, you can pick any point on this planet and the indigenous people will be melanated. You can pick any indigenous peoples spirituality systems and they'll tell you we come from the stars with a lot of them saying Sirius B. (Forbidden Archaeology by Michael A Cremo is a good book to read.)
So it's almost a moot point to say I come from West Africa or Egypt or India etc. This planet isn't event the original home.
I'm sure that lacked some cohesion so let me know if it's something I need to elaborate on.