biggest reality check life gave you.

When the condom broke for the first time in my life with my girl at the time. Pulled out after finishing and saw my pipe poking through that joint like a pig in a blanket. My heart almost stopped. For 1, we never got tested together (been wanting to together but she never did). I've got tested before but I've also never had unprotected sex at that point either. That also made me realize that I don't like that chick. Not to mention she was the baby crazy type and I was the only thing good in her life. Luckily I got her on the plan B, broke up with her as soon as her next period hit.(just to make sure I was in the clear :lol )

Got tested frequently after that and I was good, thank God. And from then on, made sure I picked the truest type
The biggest reality check life gave me is the realization that no one but myself is responsible for the world around me. For a very long time, I always thought friends/family are what is important, but at some point it hit me that unless you can first take care of yourself you are in no position to be a "good person" in the current capital driven world we live in. Being nice, altruistic, and considerate are only positive traits if you combine them with confidence, foresight, an unerring work ethic, and the ability to secure your own future.

At the end of the day, nothing matters. However, until you get to that day, everything matters. Every day you wake up and decide to do what you are doing you establish it as a habit for your life. It is our own responsibility to either pick habits that end us feeling helpless or feeling in control. As Mike Tyson so eloquently puts it, "my world changed when I went from victim to executioner."
Tellin a man not cry robs him of the most basic primal way of dealing with pain

My parents love the kids they HAVE to take care of not WANT to care off

No one listen anymore until you get you irrational
May be common sense to some but never get too comfortable in your professional life. Always have an alternate game plan. I landed one of my dream jobs last year, a year later the company got shut down and I was left with nothing. Had to start from scratch. Not a good feeling.
--Don't waste your time chasing pros/JOs/****.
--The woman you're blowing off because you're "not ready" will take a bullet for you, keep you fed and wipe your *** if you can't do it yourself. Those other **** will bounce at the first sign of struggle.
--Being known isn't important if you're not known for the right things.
--Your reputation is your credit score with regard to person business. If you're solid, you'll be given the benefit of the doubt every time.
--Lying *** ****** lie. They lie about you, about them, about every thing.
--Everything in moderation.
Be comfortable with yourself. If you aren't, then learn how to be. Whether that be changing your style, getting in shape, or even just embracing how you already look and think. Life is too short to be self conscious about yourself. Most people don't even notice the "flaws" you might notice.
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"It's never too late to be what you might have been."

I slacked off a lot early on in my life, but over time, I've come to realize a lot of what I could become. Everyone has unrealized potential that they can tap into if they choose to do so.
The one about not telling anyone your plan or where your going is so true. I feel that I will accomplish something if I just keep it to myself and don't tell anyone.
Yes +9000. Don't tell anyone anything (yes, sometimes even your own family).

@Antidope can attest to this, but homie gonna floss soon enough.
"It's never too late to be what you might have been."

I slacked off a lot early on in my life, but over time, I've come to realize a lot of what I could become. Everyone has unrealized potential that they can tap into if they choose to do so.
That master's or bust statement is hilarious. It's quite the opposite if you have 0 experience. You end up overqualified for entry level jobs and don't have enough experience for mid level jobs.
If you're a nice guy, you will get used & taken advantage of repeatedly. For the most part it's true, "Nice guys finish last".
There's a big difference between being "nice" and being a simp/doormat.

The sooner you realize that being "nice" and being assertive aren't mutually exclusive, the sooner you'll find happiness.
girls are ugly as **** with out make up never put da p on a petal stew

not da biggest reality check but just one thats on my mind rn :lol
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