Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol.9

*hears echo*


Umm...anyone wanna support hbws getting to the top 10?

I have lots of time to train.

All I need is 1000 shakes, 400k mixes,
And a mars.

And ill be top 10 in 2 days
damn I must've been doing it wrong.
Originally Posted by Vivrantchino21

lmao @ wally being drunk in the chat

we'll drink next week walle.

serious talk, the rest of my lpc play is dedicated to you jules...

lol.... For those of you who were around last night, I made it through today.... barely.

Jules.... stop by chat when you can.
I signed up for this %%@+ game and checked it once before today and I get there to see this

You are in the hospital for 255 minute(s).
Reason: Dismembered by (9943) Jannisarie's Suicide Bomb!

Yea, I rather not spend my life like a bunch of World of Warcraft freaks. This game sucks
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I signed up for this %%@+ game and checked it once before today and I get there to see this

You are in the hospital for 255 minute(s).
Reason: Dismembered by (9943) Jannisarie's Suicide Bomb!

Yea, I rather not spend my life like a bunch of World of Warcraft freaks. This game sucks

Ha, if you don't like it, get the hell out then. We could care less.
[table][tr][td](10221) KINGLUCIFER[/td] [td]666[/td] [td]156[/td] [/tr][tr][td](21650) Oscar[/td] [td]1004[/td] [td]119[/td] [/tr][tr][td](10612) Midnight Toker[/td] [td]857[/td] [td]98[/td] [/tr][tr][td](3101) AngryPark[/td] [td]638[/td] [td]88[/td] [/tr][tr][td](13692) AsTheRushComes[/td] [td]729[/td] [td]80[/td] [/tr][tr][td](8047) HappyChew[/td] [td]639[/td] [td]12[/td] [/tr][tr][td](6929) Angryman[/td] [td]798[/td] [td]2[/td] [/tr][tr][td](2895) mrangry[emoji]8482[/emoji][/td] [td]411[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][tr][td](16969) TheChamp[/td] [td]703[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][tr][td](9943) Jannisarie[/td] [td]518[/td] [td]1[/td] [/tr][/table]
I'm in tears.
[table][tr][td]callaghan89[/td] [td] [table][tr][td]
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Joined: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:20 pm
Posts: 2165 [/td] [td] [table][tr][td]
1.9bil on average, give or take a few bucks. 28611 has a good pay.
[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table]

eek.gif much for staying on the low.
Originally Posted by Vivrantchino21

smh @ bomb prices going up to $250mil each now.

Yo..something TOLD me to cop 2 days ago but I told myself "nah chill and collect interest."

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

[table][tr][td]callaghan89[/td] [td] [table][tr][td]
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Joined: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:20 pm
Posts: 2165 [/td] [td] [table][tr][td]
1.9bil on average, give or take a few bucks. 28611 has a good pay.
[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table]

eek.gif much for staying on the low.

Lies... or he hacks friends. Either way, I'm going to find out.


$35 mil in 88 searches...

Spoiler [+]
[h4]Searching the streets of Hell...[/h4]Something smells like fish over here.

You have 87 turns left.

You found a homeless couple having sex. You decide to throw a rock at them. You laugh and run off.

You have 86 turns left.

Someone is following you.

You have 85 turns left.

You found an empty bottle of brandy.

You have 84 turns left.

Looks like you found some trash. Awesome!

You have 83 turns left.

You found a wrapper from an Energy Bar. :frown:

You have 82 turns left.

You find a bag of weed on a park bench. You smoke a little bit and sell the rest to a friend for $5568050!

You have 81 turns left.

You found a wrapper from an Energy Bar. :frown:

You have 80 turns left.

You found a stale piece of bread. :frown:

You have 79 turns left.

You found a Ham Sammich that someone left on their porch!

You have 78 turns left.

You see a kid walking out of McKing's Burgers with a bag of food.
You run up and snatch the bag from him and keep running.
You get a couple blocks away and open the bag to find 2 Quadruple Cheeseburgers!

You have 77 turns left.

You decide to head down a dark alley. A homeless person walks up and asks you for $33389.
You tell him to %@!$ off and you keep walking.
Suddenly you hear someone running up behind you. As you turn around he hits you in the head with a big rock.
While you lay on the ground stunned, he takes your wallet and takes the $33389 he wanted out of it and nothing more. You're happy to be alive.

You have 76 turns left.

It's a rock.

You have 75 turns left.

You found a homeless couple having sex. You decide to throw a rock at them. You laugh and run off.

You have 74 turns left.

You found a stale piece of bread. :frown:

You have 73 turns left.

You see a kid walking out of McKing's Burgers with a bag of food.
You run up and snatch the bag from him and keep running.
You get a couple blocks away and open the bag to find 2 Quadruple Cheeseburgers!

You have 72 turns left.

You see a guy getting mugged, but you decide to keep walking. %@!$ him, it's none of your business.

You have 71 turns left.

You found an empty bottle of brandy.

You have 70 turns left.

You see a guy getting mugged, but you decide to keep walking. %@!$ him, it's none of your business.

You have 69 turns left.

Someone is following you.

You have 68 turns left.

You look next to a garbage bin and you see something sparkle...As you get closer you notice it's a crystal!. You quickly grab it.

You have 67 turns left.

You found a Ham Sammich that someone left on their porch!

You have 66 turns left.

You see a kid walking out of McKing's Burgers with a bag of food.
You run up and snatch the bag from him and keep running.
You get a couple blocks away and open the bag to find 2 Quadruple Cheeseburgers!

You have 65 turns left.

You looked here already.

You have 64 turns left.

Something smells like fish over here.

You have 63 turns left.

You found an old rusty nail.

You have 62 turns left.

You decide to head down a dark alley. A homeless person walks up and asks you for $38986.
You tell him to %@!$ off and you keep walking.
Suddenly you hear someone running up behind you. As you turn around he hits you in the head with a big rock.
While you lay on the ground stunned, he takes your wallet and takes the $38986 he wanted out of it and nothing more. You're happy to be alive.

You have 61 turns left.

You find a bag of weed on a park bench. You smoke a little bit and sell the rest to a friend for $4899884!

You have 60 turns left.

What's that!?! Oh, nothing. :frown:

You have 59 turns left.

You look down and see what looks like a wad of cash. After picking it up, you realize it's just wad of used toilet paper. You decide to go wash your hands.

You have 58 turns left.

You look down and see what looks like a wad of cash. After picking it up, you realize it's just wad of used toilet paper. You decide to go wash your hands.

You have 57 turns left.

You found a stale piece of bread. :frown:

You have 56 turns left.

Something smells like fish over here.

You have 55 turns left.

You see a guy getting mugged, but you decide to keep walking. %@!$ him, it's none of your business.

You have 54 turns left.

Something smells like fish over here.

You have 53 turns left.

You find a bag of weed on a park bench. You smoke a little bit and sell the rest to a friend for $3786274!

You have 52 turns left.

What's that!?! Oh, nothing. :frown:

You have 51 turns left.

You find a bag of weed on a park bench. You smoke a little bit and sell the rest to a friend for $3897635!

You have 50 turns left.

You decide to head down a dark alley. A homeless person walks up and asks you for $61181.
You tell him to %@!$ off and you keep walking.
Suddenly you hear someone running up behind you. As you turn around he hits you in the head with a big rock.
While you lay on the ground stunned, he takes your wallet and takes the $61181 he wanted out of it and nothing more. You're happy to be alive.

You have 49 turns left.

You found a stale piece of bread. :frown:

You have 48 turns left.

You found a stale piece of bread. :frown:

You have 47 turns left.

Something smells like fish over here.

You have 46 turns left.

You didn't find anything over here. This place sucks.

You have 45 turns left.

You walk up to the store and look around on the ground but there's nothing to be found anywhere.

You have 44 turns left.

You look next to a garbage bin and you see something sparkle...As you get closer you notice it's a crystal!. You quickly grab it.

You have 43 turns left.

You found an empty bottle of brandy.

You have 42 turns left.

You didn't find anything over here. This place sucks.

You have 41 turns left.

You found an empty bottle of brandy.

You have 40 turns left.

You found an empty bottle of brandy.

You have 39 turns left.

You found a wrapper from an Energy Bar. :frown:

You have 38 turns left.

You see a kid walking out of McKing's Burgers with a bag of food.
You run up and snatch the bag from him and keep running.
You get a couple blocks away and open the bag to find 2 Quadruple Cheeseburgers!

You have 37 turns left.

You found a wrapper from an Energy Bar. :frown:

You have 36 turns left.

You find a bag of weed on a park bench. You smoke a little bit and sell the rest to a friend for $4343079!

You have 35 turns left.

Nothing found here.

You have 34 turns left.

Something smells like fish over here.

You have 33 turns left.

You found an empty bottle of brandy.

You have 32 turns left.

You found a Ham Sammich that someone left on their porch!

You have 31 turns left.

You didn't find anything over here. This place sucks.

You have 30 turns left.

You found a wrapper from an Energy Bar. :frown:

You have 29 turns left.

You hear something coming from the alley. You walk down there and see a lady getting mugged.
You reach and pull out your wallet and pretend you have a badge. You yell, 'STOP, POLICE!'. The muggers fire a couple shots at you but miss, and then they run off.
The lady is greatful and gives you a reward of $35512.

You have 28 turns left.

You look next to a garbage bin and you see something sparkle...As you get closer you notice it's a crystal!. You quickly grab it.

You have 27 turns left.

You look down and see what looks like a wad of cash. After picking it up, you realize it's just wad of used toilet paper. You decide to go wash your hands.

You have 26 turns left.

Someone is following you.

You have 25 turns left.

You look next to a garbage bin and you see something sparkle...As you get closer you notice it's a crystal!. You quickly grab it.

You have 24 turns left.

You looked here already.

You have 23 turns left.

What's that!?! Oh, nothing. :frown:

You have 22 turns left.

While searching an alley you find $16940.

You have 21 turns left.

You find a bag of weed on a park bench. You smoke a little bit and sell the rest to a friend for $3229469!

You have 20 turns left.

You didn't find anything over here. This place sucks.

You have 19 turns left.

You look next to a garbage bin and you see something sparkle...As you get closer you notice it's a crystal!. You quickly grab it.

You have 18 turns left.

You found an old rusty nail.

You have 17 turns left.

It's a rock.

You have 16 turns left.

You see a guy getting mugged, but you decide to keep walking. %@!$ him, it's none of your business.

You have 15 turns left.

You see a guy getting mugged, but you decide to keep walking. %@!$ him, it's none of your business.

You have 14 turns left.

What's that!?! Oh, nothing. :frown:

You have 13 turns left.

You hear something coming from the alley. You walk down there and see a lady getting mugged.
You reach and pull out your wallet and pretend you have a badge. You yell, 'STOP, POLICE!'. The muggers fire a couple shots at you but miss, and then they run off.
The lady is greatful and gives you a reward of $44969.

You have 12 turns left.

Nothing found here.

You have 11 turns left.

What's that!?! Oh, nothing. :frown:

You have 10 turns left.

You decide to head down a dark alley. A homeless person walks up and asks you for $19107.
You tell him to %@!$ off and you keep walking.
Suddenly you hear someone running up behind you. As you turn around he hits you in the head with a big rock.
While you lay on the ground stunned, he takes your wallet and takes the $19107 he wanted out of it and nothing more. You're happy to be alive.

You have 9 turns left.

You found a homeless couple having sex. You decide to throw a rock at them. You laugh and run off.

You have 8 turns left.

Nothing here. Just a few drunk bums.

You have 7 turns left.

You find a bag of weed on a park bench. You smoke a little bit and sell the rest to a friend for $4899884!

You have 6 turns left.

You find a bag of weed on a park bench. You smoke a little bit and sell the rest to a friend for $4677162!

You have 5 turns left.

You look next to a garbage bin and you see something sparkle...As you get closer you notice it's a crystal!. You quickly grab it.

You have 4 turns left.

You looked here already.

You have 3 turns left.

You decide to head down a dark alley. A homeless person walks up and asks you for $71989.
You tell him to %@!$ off and you keep walking.
Suddenly you hear someone running up behind you. As you turn around he hits you in the head with a big rock.
While you lay on the ground stunned, he takes your wallet and takes the $71989 he wanted out of it and nothing more. You're happy to be alive.

You have 2 turns left.

While searching the streets you find $25256.

You have 1 turns left.

Nothing here. Just a few drunk bums.

You have 0 turns left.

Sorry, all turns used!

@ Team Sensitive setting off hundreds of suicide bombs while most of us wereaway. Game is
[h3]Last 25 Alerts[/h3][table][tr][th=""]Time[/th] [th=""]Event[/th] [th=""]Links[/th] [/tr][tr][th=""]Delete All Events?[/th] [th=""]Delete ALL[/th] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:26:02 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers hacked your Bank One account and stole $0![/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:57 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers attempted to hack your Bank One account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:53 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers attempted to hack your Bank One account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:48 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers attempted to hack your Bank One account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:41 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers attempted to hack your Bank One account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:33 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:32 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers hacked your Lost Bank account and stole $1,763,897![/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:28 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:24 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:19 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:15 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:13 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers hacked your Lost Bank account and stole $3,119,788![/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:12 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers hacked your Lost Bank account and stole $1,841,769![/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:10 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers hacked your Lost Bank account and stole $1,629,107![/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]New! June 12 2008, 2:25:06 pm[/td] [td]Brian_Peppers attempted to hack your Lost Bank account, but they caught him.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][/table]

Total Stats: 10,931,000 [Ranked: 907]

ten millie ten millie ten millie ten millie ten millie ten millie ten millie ten millie ten millie ten millie ten millie

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

this game sucks now

That's what I was thinking. It's the first time that, not only do I have no interest in logging in, I am even repulsed by the game.

Originally Posted by Jokey III

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

this game sucks now

more like this thread and the OP

Agreed.... It just feels like everything is dead now. Like I said a couple days ago, we beat the game. What's left?
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