Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

thanks for the prize roach

happy thanksgiving nt X lpcers.
Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Happy holiday hell day

for some reason that had me rollin.

thanks for the crystals roach and whoever donated to the raffle.
good to see thisthing poppin again, we gotta eligedly disrespect females more often. you guys all wanna change your names to IMACASSIE next week?
You guys know I never do this but.

Anyone in BPB BBC murk 3002 Advocate whenever you can and I'll love you all dearly
Anyone in BPB BBC murk 3002 Advocate whenever you can and I'll love you all dearly
If he keeps bombing you he won't quit. Roach had to talk to him for me cause guy is stubborn as hell and my bombings went from 1 week to only1 day. With that being said Happy Thanksgiving, yes Happy Thanksgiving to you dudes too who put e-vagina on a pedestal
65k total stats

slowly rising haha

i'll talk to you guys later gonna go have thanksgiving lunch and dinner

have a good one
Originally Posted by MJair

Should I go to KFC, Boston Market, or Hometown Buffet this year for Thanksgiving?
At least you have some decent choices. I get to pick mexican or pizza.

I'd go w/ Hometown Buffet.
^ I'll add 10 shakes, 20 ebars, & 150 crystals to the pot.

****I'm not gonna enter the contest, but I'll post something****

I donated to LPC for a few NT members so they could join in the thrill of bombing someone's property.

I know it ain't much, but it's something.
just wanted to run in and say happy thanksgiving guys

also i recently bashed NT forum (the actual forum), saying it was hard to navigate and such ... i didnt realize it was redone, and this is actually muchbetter.

Now i can even hit refresh!

anyway, i hope you all enjoyed your time with your family

see ya out there.

- RS
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