Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

Well I've always had good credit and pay all my bills on time. I never missed a payment. Well I came home from work yesterday and got a weird voicemail from my bank asking me to call them because of some important matter...So me being all cautious about that sort of thing, I checked the number (googled it) and Its a collecting agency???? WTF?

Smart looking the number up. I'd contact my bank first.
yo, there's me at the top of the list for that suicide bomb lol.

someone send a .9 mm my way or a nice weapon please

24477 sangalang

and some med packs, i got caught in the stupid suicide bomb
Originally Posted by sangalang

yo, there's me at the top of the list for that suicide bomb lol.

someone send a .9 mm my way or a nice weapon please

24477 sangalang

and some med packs, i got caught in the stupid suicide bomb

I got you.
well...too bad

I'm sorry, this user is not accepting items at this time
Originally Posted by disxbxvinh

lets make it to page 215 today

all it would take is a couple of contest. people tend to come out of nowhere when they have a chance to win something.
and also if you post this.
Rank: Elite

Fights Won: 3298
Fights Lost: 1113
Fights Quit: 4

now everyone has to post thiers.
I guess Ill do it to (yes hypebeast)

Rank: Ninja

Fights Won: 1527
Fights Lost: 487
Fights Quit: 4

Total Fights: 2018
Win Percentage: 75%

People Finished: 45
Chainsaw Kills: 345

Rank: Cyborg

Fights Won: 4543
Fights Lost: 552
Fights Quit: 1
Total Fights: 5096
Win Percentage: 89%
People Finished: 13
Chainsaw Kills: 0
Rank: Ninja Ninja
Fights Won: 1815
Fights Lost: 602
Fights Quit: 2
Total Fights: 2419
Win Percentage: 75%
People Finished: 6
Chainsaw Kills: 7

Rank: Elite

Fights Won: 2577
Fights Lost: 993
Fights Quit: 5

Total Fights: 3575
Win Percentage: 72%

People Finished: 231
Chainsaw Kills: 28
Races Won: 8
Races Lost: 2

Total Races: 10
Win Percentage: 80%

People Finished: 121
Chainsaw Kills: 846
when i get to 1k im going tostarrt working on finishes
hey can someone answer this, does the type of weapon you have when you attack make that much of a difference?

like brass knuckles, wrench or a paintball gun?

i always get beat by the guy with a paintball gun, maybe cause it's a better weapon or maybe cause he's got better stats.
Originally Posted by silverswoosh

i'm copping myself a chainsaw for christmas.
cop me one too for my christmas present (i need more chain saw kills) =) jking i want a swat armor for christmas so the rich please help the poor

like i said how to get ur rank pic to display
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