Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

whats good with the "other" forum you dudes stay talking about?

Check your PM.
Did everyone just go to the other forum expecting to see the pics. I looked at the recently visited box and saw a few names more names that usually notthere unless something happens.
thanks for all the help borat aka not!

i'll get back up on this game

and yo fizzy, i haven't been on the other in a long time, but i checked it and i'm banned now - looking to regain membership
Did everyone just go to the other forum expecting to see the pics. I looked at the recently visited box and saw a few names more names that usually not there unless something happens.
I saw someone who looked better than that 16 y.o.
Originally Posted by Balla96

Did everyone just go to the other forum expecting to see the pics. I looked at the recently visited box and saw a few names more names that usually not there unless something happens.
I saw someone who looked better than that 16 y.o.
So did I.......
oh word, where do i do that at, all it says when i click the link in my favorites to the older one (dunno if it changed), it jsut says i'm banned from it,

or are you talking bout via LPC

and now your post just says
wally, but i see no edit. was i jsut seeing +!!#?
lol, osem, it should say "edit."

Anyway, try going to the other place again. Let me know if it doesn't work.
solid, its workin - thanks to you sir

go broncos

this place is hilarious - i thought i got redirected back to NT when i first clicked in haha
Originally Posted by osem87

solid, its workin - thanks to you sir

go broncos

this place is hilarious - i thought i got redirected back to NT when i first clicked in haha

Broncos =

Nuggets tonight =

After the depressing World Series, sports have picked up a little again for Denver.

And, yes, the site is like NT down to every detail save for the quick reply box and the
. Glad you like it.
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