Best Friend or Girlfriend?

hmmm my best guy friend has this girlfriend and a best friend that's a girl. i'm close with all 3 of them. the 2 chicks hated each other lol....but allit means is your girlfriend is immature. she will get over it sooner or later. oh and btw if it does come down to choosing...choose the best friend. she willbe there for you no matter what...who knows what could happen with the girlfriend. never ever ever choose a significant other over a close friend. i promise inthe end you will regret it. btw that advice was free i don't need or want pics haha
Best Friend>Girlfriend.

Unfortunately, my best friend would probably pick Girlfriend.

does she want you to end the relationship all together, or just tone it down? it seems like you want to make your relationship with your "best friend'sound very important (or atleast more important than it is).

if your girlfriend really loves you, and you love her, she doesn't wanna feel second to no girl (mothers are the exception).

do you and your best friend have any romantic/sexual history?

in the end, i think your girlfriend just doesn't wanna get hurt, commit long term to you, then you or your friend get down and dirty in a time of weaknessby you/her.

but if it is a power trip or jealousy issue (which you should be able to figure out by her attitude towards the situation), then tell her off. you didn'tcommit to her to replace people in your life, she was the missing part.
You never choose a girlfriend over ANY friend. You could only possibly do that with your wife. Maybe wifey, if you really think she's that important. Noneed to tolerate a controling girlfriend, especially when nothing is out of control.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

if she was giving you her all this wouldnt be an issue.

insecure chix ftl

Yup. It's messed up that she's actually tryin' to make you choose between her and your best friend...not to mention your best friend talks to oneof your boys, that's just insecurity and jealousy. You shouldn't have to choose fam.
Originally Posted by youngwill500

My Girlfriend is spazzing out right now, she tells me how i am the only one in her life.. how i am all she needs... but she cant get over the fact that my bestfriend is a girl.. i mean i have guy best friends, but im really close to my girl bestfriend, but the funny thing is, is that she is dating my other bestfriend..but still my girlfriend feels that me and her are feeling each other.. My girlfriend has no friends, cause im all she needs.. she isnt nice to any guys only me.. most guys would kill for someone this faithful. and i love her and respect her. But if she loved me. then why would she put me in a posistion to choose between her and my bestfriend? She feels as if i put her 2nd. when my best friend goes to school 2 1/2 hrs away from were i live. and lives in my hometown which is 1 30min away.. i see her 3 times a year and talk once or twice a month...

NT what would you do? and sorry no pics yet.. im posting this from my phone. i will have them up tomorrow..
this is where you failed.
Please post pictures to help us decide what direction of advice to give you.
Smash your best friend and see which is better.
The rest is obvious.
I find this interesting. A lot of people are saying Best Friend and I agree with them, but typically on Niketalk if it were a different situation and the opwas a female and the best friend was a guy, the responses would NOT be even close to this. Gotta love double standards!
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

As one of maybe 2 1/2 mature NTers up this late at night (mouse?), I'll tell you off the bat that pics ain't gonna solve this problem. Look bro, real talk... this is gonna come down to how confident you are in your lady's trust in you. IF....I said IF... you really aren't into your BF (which you probably are and just don't know it) then tell your girl to chill and hold your ground. BE FAITHFUL and don't change $#%% in your friendship with shorty. You're only forced into choosing IF you acknowledge the pressure to do so. Take control over the situation. Don't let her "bully" you with attachment. SHOW your girl that you are who you say you are. Continue to do everything you normally would with her and with your friend and eventually, if your lady has any wisdom and patience, she'll change her tune and realize yours is perfectly fine. She just needs to grow up and become more secure in your relationship and that takes time and consistency on your part. Good luck. PM me if you want to continue this topic personally. I'd love to help.

says the guy who cant keep a girl and cries about his relationship problems all the time on NT ... ... ...
your girl sounds overpossessive...i dont even know if thats a word lol...but yea...shorty need to ease up. she trying to isolate you from your world. do youwant to be as lonely as her when your not around her? i think not

me personally...i cant stand to be with a chick who is the way you described your girl. why? i think you'll see sooner or later...this little problem yougot is only the beginning
I thought guys had ulterior motives when it comes to friends who are girls.

right? I mean thats what guys complain about when they ++@@# about their girl having "guy friends". They go on about how the guy friend is up to nogood, yada yada yada.
Anytime someone tries to force you to choose between them and someone else, you almost always choose the person who isn't making you choose. It's notright for her to ask you to change but at the same time you should understand where she's coming from too. The thing is, she shouldn't HAVE to ask.Let's face it, most of the time a male and a female become best friends because they had feelings for each other one point or another. Or maybe still doand just know it would never work. A lot of guys settle for the "best friend" role because they could never get the girl, and your girl probablyknows this. If I were in your shoes I probably would've already fell back with my female best friend in the first place because when you're really inlove you sometimes lose the urge to have any other females in your life that aren't kin.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

I find this interesting. A lot of people are saying Best Friend and I agree with them, but typically on Niketalk if it were a different situation and the op was a female and the best friend was a guy, the responses would NOT be even close to this. Gotta love double standards!
Spot on. Cats here are all saying bestfriend, but if their girlfriends have guys for bestfriends, I'm not sure they'll still sing the sametune especially if their chick has had a history with the bestfriend.
shes ur best friend and u only see her 3 times a a couple times a month? whats that about?
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