Best Friend or Girlfriend?

Apr 29, 2005
My Girlfriend is spazzing out right now, she tells me how i am the only one in her life.. how i am all she needs... but she cant get over the fact that mybestfriend is a girl.. i mean i have guy best friends, but im really close to my girl bestfriend, but the funny thing is, is that she is dating my otherbestfriend..but still my girlfriend feels that me and her are feeling each other.. My girlfriend has no friends, cause im all she needs.. she isnt nice to anyguys only me.. most guys would kill for someone this faithful. and i love her and respect her. But if she loved me. then why would she put me in a posistion tochoose between her and my bestfriend? She feels as if i put her 2nd. when my best friend goes to school 2 1/2 hrs away from were i live. and lives in myhometown which is 1 30min away.. i see her 3 times a year and talk once or twice a month...

NT what would you do? and sorry no pics yet.. im posting this from my phone. i will have them up tomorrow..
Best friend for the sheer fact your girlfriend is making you choose. I can't be with a girl that's not cool with my friends like that. Too manyproblems.
If she loves you the way she means to then she'll reconcile whatever negative feelings she has towards your best friend for the sake of everyone involved.

That's what she needs to do.

If she can't do that, then someone is going to get cut out, and that will not be a pleasant experience.
to answer your question the best friend...
but to be honest, in a couple years you probably wont be talking to either
As one of maybe 2 1/2 mature NTers up this late at night (mouse?), I'll tell you off the bat that pics ain't gonna solve this problem. Look bro, realtalk... this is gonna come down to how confident you are in your lady's trust in you. IF....I said IF... you really aren't into your BF (which youprobably are and just don't know it) then tell your girl to chill and hold your ground. BE FAITHFUL and don't change $#%% in your friendship withshorty. You're only forced into choosing IF you acknowledge the pressure to do so. Take control over the situation. Don't let her "bully" youwith attachment. SHOW your girl that you are who you say you are. Continue to do everything you normally would with her and with your friend andeventually, if your lady has any wisdom and patience, she'll change her tune and realize yours is perfectly fine. She just needs to grow up andbecome more secure in your relationship and that takes time and consistency on your part. Good luck. PM me if you want to continue this topic personally.I'd love to help.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Best friend for the sheer fact your girlfriend is making you choose. I can't be with a girl that's not cool with my friends like that. Too many problems.
I have a best friend that's a girl as well.... and I can't go out with a girl that doesn't accept that fact.
I guesss I'm the only one that thinks the problem will dissolve with time and that he doesn't even HAVE to choose..
Btw my best friend is a girl, who also happens to be an ex of mine. Current gf and alll future gf's if any HAS to be cool with it, lol.
if she's the one for you, then she'd understand that theres nothing between you two.... unless you have had a past. and you havent right?

i unerstand why she'd be jealous and what not but she has to understand. if i said that my best friend was a girl to my girl right now... she'd trip sohard she'd break her nose.
I'm pretty sure that it's a proven fact that all girls hate and/or are jealous of every other girl no matter what. That's the problem. If shecan't deal with the fact that you are best friends with another girl, then that's her fault. Don't even hesitate to worry about it.
Originally Posted by Darko for MVP

I'm pretty sure that it's a proven fact that all girls hate and/or are jealous of every other girl no matter what. That's the problem.
No doubt!
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I guesss I'm the only one that thinks the problem will dissolve with time and that he doesn't even HAVE to choose..
With the way he's describing her, I don't see it dissolving. His girlfriend doesn't seem very social, if it's not a problem withhis best friend, it's gonna be a problem with another friend, and another, etc.
Then as I see it, the real problem is that his foot ain't down all the way
. I'm NOT gonna tolerate jealousy personally. I feel like since I know inmy heart of hearts I'd NEVER cheat on my girl, she better not EVER try to assume a damn thing. My current girl went there a few times, but I silenced that+#@# in a hurry. It's an insult to an honest man, real talk.
Originally Posted by derryj3

to answer your question the best friend...
but to be honest, in a couple years you probably wont be talking to either
GFT. Go with your gut.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Then as I see it, the real problem is that his foot ain't down all the way
. I'm NOT gonna tolerate jealousy personally. I feel like since I know in my heart of hearts I'd NEVER cheat on my girl, she better not EVER try to assume a damn thing. My current girl went there a few times, but I silenced that +#@# in a hurry. It's an insult to an honest man, real talk.
thank you. i been trying 2 explain this 2 my girl, she could never understand why it gets me so heated when she even gets the idea in her headthat i might be doin that. She had a bad dude in the past, & i just think she expect me to do the same things that he did to her. Even though she hasadmitted that i dont do none of the things that he does, she still has that thought in the backof her mind that i might.
Man up, tell her if she trust you shouldnt matter your best friend is a girl. If she doesnt trust you then the relationship needs to be over.
If theres no trust there is no relationship. Your a fool if you fall for that and stop talking to your Best friend.
This kinda happen to when I was with my ex 2-3 yrs ago. She was hella tripping out that one of my best friend was my close homegirl. After awhile she lets itgo and, but she is history now. lol All I could say is really love you, and those girl are really hard to find.
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