BEST BUY Job Interview - any advice?

Mar 20, 2007
Knowing NT is big on video games and all the latest tech, I'm sure there are some former best buy employees on here that can help me out.  Any advice for the job interview?  Questions they may ask?  I just wanna be prepared.
If your not a people person now.....

Spoiler [+]
I applied there over the summer at a best buy here in VA. EVERY single question started with the phrase "remind me of a time when" and most of them entailed questions about a past job or problem you've had to overcome. They also want to know about leadership positions you might have had in the past. I didn't get the job...but hey maybe this can help you.
For job interviews in general, just show your interest in the position and be confident. No one wants to hire someone who seems unsure of himself and lacks confidence in what they do.
More general interview advice:

-Do research. Know what the position entails, what knowledge is to be expected of you, etc.

-Rehearse. Have a friend throw random potential interview questions your way and practice handling them. Sometimes you simply can't prepare for every question they may ask, so it's good to be used to thinking on your toes in case you get caught by surprise.

-Tie is a requirement, not an option.

-If they ask you what your weakness is, be honest (unless it's a complete dealkiller) and state directly what you are doing to address it. People see through all the BS answers for this question, but will respect that you acknowledge your own mistakes and have taken steps to correct them.

-Have your own questions ready at the end of the interview. Shows that you have true interest in the company and have actually been paying attention.
YES, be confident. And yes they do ask you alot of "tell me a time where...." about situations you've been in. They also ask if you were to see an associate stealing or anything like that, they ask what would you do so make sure you always answer that you would tell a manager. They'll also ask you to do a skit of trying to sell something so they see how you perform. So prepare for that haha I know I wasnt prepared. Smiling is a plus.
Become desperate as of right now cause that's how you'll have to look when your the interview. I work at Best Buy right now, the interview was fairly easy for me cause every job interview i was able to knock down each question with out a sweat and told them what they wanted to hear. I never lie, so don't they know when your lying.

Talk will ask about past job experiences talk about the positives and less about the negatives don't talk about how your manager is a *$#*%#@ cause the one you will work with will be *$#*%#@ to or the guy who interview will be your manager.

Tell them about your hobbies how your are a productive person who never sits down and is always trying to do something to better your life, school, work helping your family, and enjoying to be around people.

They will ask a scenario of a customer coming into the store wanting some kind of electronic products don't tell them you will sell them one that is affordable for the customer. Tell them you will TEACH the customer about the products how will it feel there lifestyle. You will help the customer as much as you can even if they aren't buying the product. They will talk about the negative customers who will yell and will verbally insult you, tell them things like that don't bother you and you will look across the customer attitude and still try to help them.

Don't talk negative about your old job, very important to know that, you work the customer not for yourself

you'll probably have 2 interviews 1st one will be with a manager 2nd one will be with GM he or she will determine if you get the job impress this person with good things you and why you deserve the job. They will pull out a drug test paper you got the job once he does that. He will ask how much you want ask for $10.00 nothing less than $9.75 don't budge at all tell him you need $10 to live.

When i did my interview i looked like a bum, didn't get my haircut, wore a regular button shirt with slacks and did me. Seen dudes all pimped out with nice clothes them dudes didn't get the job cause they thought there clothes will give them confidence nope it didn't you words will give you confidence.

Best departments to work at is either cellphones, geek squad, car electronics and cameras. I Work in computers is hectic lots of talking and headaches but i love it cause we get the best perks out of the whole store. Discounts are crazy black friday is everyday when you work there.

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

 I Work in computers is hectic lots of talking and headaches but i love it cause we get the best perks out of the whole store.
best perks? how so...

I work in Inventory, best dept. in my opinion. Laidback-%$#..get to have the radio on & what not, but maybe that's just my store.
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