Ben "Brolic" Baller vol. the brolic jeweler

Originally Posted by youngflykidchris

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by killaotaku

NT's BB on BB
And NT on BBB's

i heard ben pipped lindz lohan and sam rosen, a 3 some at that.

ben.. that dude.. even tho he got mierda maddddd storys.
How he go from gettin his ++! whooped in a club by four mutants, to mingling with Kim Kardashian?
as much as we clown/roast KTown, deep down, he's the epitome of what your everyday NTer dreams of being: somebody that gets paid to kick it and mingle withrich folks, with no defined job description, just an all around hustler.

i emulate Ben to an extent, as I share this "good at everything, great at nothing" paradox, but have yet to figure out how to channel it.

i dig the come up, "asked Denzel Washington for a job, he said yeah." goes to show you that closed mouths don't get fed, and you have to take theshot to score the point.

i aspire to get to that level in the near future, albeit not in the jewelry game, but in something that i am passionate about, and something that would belucrative as well.

Ben, let's make a deal: i'll start writing "cc" instead of "ck" if you can get me in the door at somebody's company in LA. ineed to get the hell outta here.
it's all love y'all..... the pictures sorta make me laugh, but you know me, I can bag on myself waaaaaaaaay harder than any of y'all can. it'sthat almost curl ain't so right type of close... not dead on.
here's a good one, one of you NTer's did a while ago.... this made me laugh

and here's something I dug up from the archives when I was dating Meagan.....she was drunk as %#$%
(from L to R Charles Woodson, Meagan Good, yours truly, Nicole Lyn, Essence Atkins, Gabrielle Union, Chris Howard) and that was my crew deep in 2001


anyways... is a huge site.... they're ranked very high on the internet traffic rankings.... and with that said, in the last 3 years I havenot turned down any major press ever. my manager booked this and I did it. some guy on there who runs the site is a fan of my jewelry and seen I had lost alot of weight and now building muscle..... (they have also given me supplements for free too i.e. protein, glutamine, etc) when I used to run withMethamphibian, I would turn down a lot of press weekly, that was dumb. now I don't at all and I got a lotta things coming up... I've learned how toget paid for some major corps for my marketing skills.

Taco, you dumb for not coming to the summit fam, I had an extra seat for sale too.

Taco, you dumb for not coming to the summit fam, I had an extra seat for sale too.
I've been depressed, real talk, this whole year. state got a dude worrying if he gonna get a pink slip in may. Taking care of my cousins whodidn't pull out and now have seeds. I've been a hermit since January...I dont do much but go to work and come home. Add that to mothers' daycoming up....I should be more social though.

P.S. You think you can PM me your diet or post it along with the exercise routine..I need to drop like 20-30 pds.
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